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销售费用(Selling expenses)


更多 “ 销售费用(Selling expenses) ” 相关考题
考题 He thought the painting was of little_________, so let me have it for only ten pounds.() A.costB.valueC.priceD.expenses

考题 在下列各项中,属于可以用来衡量销售费用效率的指标是()。 A.营业成本/销售费用B.销售费用/营业成本C.营业收入/销售费用D.销售费用/营业收入

考题 She thought the painting was of little(), so she let me have it for only ten pounds.A. costB. valueC. priceD. expenses

考题 Now able to pay his own____, he continued his schooling at the University of Zurich. A.costsB.paymentsC.pricesD.expenses

考题 Many reports have been received from our ()agents in Korea that there are very heavy demands () the devices.A、sales,ofB、selling,onC、selling,ofD、selling,for

考题 销售费用分析内容主要包括销售费用总体分析和销售费用构成分析。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 If the vessel does not arrive by the canceling date,and the Charterer ______ expenses,these expenses can be claimed by him from the Shipowner where they are in the reasonable contemplation of the parties.A.occursB.incursC.discusD.recurs

考题 Do you know what were the()books in America last year?Abest-soldBbest-sellCbest-saleDbest-selling

考题 32、销售费用结构分析主要分析以下指标()。A.销售费用变动率B.销售费用变动额C.销售费用构成率D.百元销售收入销售费用E.百元销售收入销售费用增长率

考题 17、下列各项中,属于销售费用分析主要内容的有A.销售费用变动率B.销售费用变动额C.销售费用构成率D.百元销售收入销售费用E.百元销售收入销售费用增长率