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Muriel Green


更多 “ Muriel Green ” 相关考题
考题 In John Whitehead's opinion, which statement is true?A.Face recognition technology may interfere with people's privacy.B.Face recognition technology may enhance the country's constant surveillance.C.Face recognition technology can be used in the same way wiretaps are used.D.Face recognition technology can be used after its threat has been removed.

考题 What effect does excessive positive ions have on some people?A.They think they are mad.B.They feel very tired.C.They become violently sick.D.They are too tired to do anything.

考题 The way that the osmotic pump pill works is based on a process called______.A.synthesisB.pressureC.celluloseD.osmosis

考题 [A] conveniently[B] beneficially[C] advantageously[D] favorably

考题 [ A] application[ B] endurance[ C] expectancy[ D] extension

考题 [ A] interchangeably[ B ] immediately[ C ] intermittently[ D ] intensively

考题 [A] Although[B] Unless[C] As[D] If

考题 [A] get[B] take[C] work[D] try

考题 Lord Bacon's remarks on Machiavelli is quoted as[A] a support for the author's viewpoint.[B] one of the mainstream views on him.[C] a judgment in support of most critics.[D] a modification of the author's previous stand.

考题 Education for education's sake was probably opposed by[A] scholars in the Renaissance period.[B] Jill Ker Conway.[C] scholars in the Dark Ages.[D] Plato.