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[A] that

[B] much

[C] far

[D] so


更多 “ [A] that[B] much[C] far[D] so ” 相关考题
考题 Never before in China ________ for the farmers. A.has so much been doneB.have so much been doneC.has been done so muchD.so much have been done

考题 Sam would have got ________ results if he had listened to the workers. A. far more constructiveB. much productiveC. more portableD. far liable

考题 He was severely ill, _______ he had to lie in bed. A. as much as thatB. so many so thatC. so serious so thatD. so much so that

考题 In spite of your living so far away, we both hope very much _____. A.your comingB.that you comeC.you to comeD.that you have come

考题 Consumers should do( )than simply complain about the poor quality goods. A、much asB、some moreC、far lessD、far more

考题 "________everyone’s here, ” she said, “let’s begin to discuss it. ”A.As far asB.Now thatC.So farD.By far

考题 Had they not been working so hard,they______(not achieve)so much.

考题 He went so far as to cheat openly on test.

考题 You can go out,()you promise to be back before 12 o'clock.A. so far asB. as far asC. as long as

考题 He walked()south()the river and stopped for a rest. A、as far,asB、so much,asC、so,asD、such,as

考题 __________ the price is concerned, this car is a good bargain.A:As low asB:As soon asC:As much asD:As far as

考题 They both have _____ work to do, so they are _____ busy. A.much too,too muchB.too much,much tooC.so many, tooD.to, much

考题 ______ I know, he has been abroad.A: As far asB: As soon asC: As well asD: As much as

考题 _______writing a book, that too can be measured as a success.A: So far asB: As far asC: So as toD: In order to

考题 Lily can work out maths problems ________ than Liz. A.very quicklyB.far quicklyC.much quicklyD.much more quickly

考题 After going to school, little Susan is__ than ever before.A、excitedB、much excitedC、far much excitedD、far more excited

考题 ____ I?know,?there?isn’t?such?a?word?in?English.A、As much asB、So far asC、As long asD、As soon as

考题 __________ ,he can' t go out for a walk as usual.A、With so much work to doB、With so much work doingC、With so much work doneD、Without so much work to do

考题 46 A so far B neither C no longer D already

考题 Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. __________, their political influence should be very great.A.As a result B.As usual C.Even so D.So far

考题 Surprisingly, the nation's high rate Of unemployment has only affected __________stock prices in the technology market so far.A. a little B. a few C. most of D. much of

考题 __________,he is not a very bright pupil.A.As far as his intelligence is concerned B.As far his intelligence is concerned C.So his intelligence is concerned D.As far as his intelligence are concerned

考题 Can you follow the plot so far?A:change B:investigate C:write D:understand

考题 --Are you going to the basketball game? --No. The tickets are __________ expensivefor us. A.highly B.far too C.less D.so much

考题 Up to now ,the work has been easy.A: So B:.So long C:.So that D: So far

考题 Anybody will do,_______he is responsible for that.A.as far as B.so far as C.as long as D.as soon as

考题 单选题—Where does the old man live?—He lives in a small village, _____ the church.A nearby toB quite near fromC not much far fromD not far away from