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In your test database, you have created the ORDERS table as an index/x7forganized table (IOT). To facilitate faster querying, you have created a mapping table and a bitmap index on the ORDER_FILLED column. You observe that the query performance degrades when users perform a large volume of transactions.  While investigating the reason, you find that the mapping table segment is fragmented, leading to poor performance. Which option would you use to defragment the mapping table without affecting the original table data?()

  • A、export and import the mapping table
  • B、drop and re­create the mapping table
  • C、truncate the mapping table and reinsert the values
  • D、use the ALTER TABLE .. REBUILD command to defragment the mapping table


更多 “ In your test database, you have created the ORDERS table as an index/x7forganized table (IOT). To facilitate faster querying, you have created a mapping table and a bitmap index on the ORDER_FILLED column. You observe that the query performance degrades when users perform a large volume of transactions.  While investigating the reason, you find that the mapping table segment is fragmented, leading to poor performance. Which option would you use to defragment the mapping table without affecting the original table data?()A、export and import the mapping tableB、drop and re­create the mapping tableC、truncate the mapping table and reinsert the valuesD、use the ALTER TABLE .. REBUILD command to defragment the mapping table” 相关考题
考题 You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 database named Articles. A large city newspaper uses this database to store its archived newspaper articles. Journalists query the database as part of their research. You have created full-text indexes so that users can query the articles quickly.A hardware failure forces you to restore the entire database from backup. After you restore the database, the journalists report that they can no longer run queries without receiving errors.You want to ensure that the journalists can query the database. What should you do?A.Create a new full-text catalog for the Articles databaseB.Rebuild the full-text catalog for the Articles databaseC.Create a new full-text index on the table that holds the text for the articlesD.Repopulate the full-text index on the table that holds the text for the articles

考题 An index called ORD_CUSTNAME_IX has been created on the CUSTNAME column in the ORDERS table using the following command:SQLCREATE INDEX ord_custname_ix ON orders(custname);The ORDERS table is frequently queried using the CUSTNAME column in the WHERE clause.You want to check the impact on the performance of the queries if the index is not available. You do not want the index to be dropped or rebuilt to perform this test.Which is the most efficient method of performing this task?()A. disabling the indexB. making the index invisibleC. making the index unusableD. using the MONITORING USAGE clause for the index

考题 While designing your database, you have created the EMPLOYEES table as an index/x7forganized table (IOT). You want to create a bitmap index on the JOB_ID column to make queries faster. Which task must have been completed so that you are able to create the bitmap index?()A、A primary key must have been created.B、A mapping table must have been created.C、An overflow tablespace must have been specified.D、The PCTTHRESHOLD option must have been specified.

考题 While designing your database, you have created the EMPLOYEES table as an index-organized table (IOT). You want to create a bitmap index on the JOB_ID column to make queries faster. Which task must have been completed so that you are able to create the bitmap index?() A、A primary key must have been created.B、A mapping table must have been created.C、An overflow tablespace must have been specified.D、The PCTTHRESHOLD option must have been specified.

考题 You are a DBA of your company. You created a database named SALES on an Oracle 10g instance. You have defined an index named INDEX1 on the database table named INVENTORY. Users are complaining that queries accessing the INVENTORY table are running slow. Upon investigation you determine that the tablespace where the index is located is experiencing high I/O and you decide to relocate the index to another tablespace. Which of these will be the best way to accomplish this objective?()A、 Rebuild the index.B、 Coalesce the index.C、 Drop and re-create the index in the new tablespace.D、 Relocate the index using the ALTER INDEX...MOVE statement.

考题 An index called ORD_CUSTNAME_IX has been created on the CUSTNAME column in the ORDERS table using the following command:   SQLCREATE INDEX ord_custname_ix ON orders(custname);   The ORDERS table is frequently queried using the CUSTNAME column in the WHERE clause. You want to check the impact on the performance of the queries if the index is not available. You do not want the index to be dropped or rebuilt to perform this test.  Which is the most efficient method of performing this task?()A、 disabling the indexB、 making the index invisibleC、 making the index unusableD、 using the MONITORING USAGE clause for the index

考题 You have many users complaining about slow inserts into a large table. While investigating the reason, you find that the number of indexes on the table is high. You want to find out which indexes are not being used.  Which method would you follow to achieve this?()A、enable index monitoring and query the DBA_OBJECTS viewB、enable index monitoring and query the DBA_INDEXES viewC、enable index monitoring and query the V$OBJECT_USAGE viewD、enable index monitoring and view the DBA_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS view

考题 The database administrator of your company created a public synonym called HR for the HUMAN_RESOURCES table of the GENERAL schema, because many users frequently use this table. As a user of the database, you created a table called HR in your schema. What happens when you execute this query? SELECT * FROM HR;()A、You obtain the results retrieved from the public synonym HR created by the database administrator.B、You obtain the results retrieved from the HR table that belongs to your schema.C、You get an error message because you cannot retrieve from a table that has the same name as a public synonym.D、You obtain the results retrieved from both the public synonym HR and the HR table that belongs to your schema, as a Cartesian product.E、You obtain the results retrieved from both the public synonym HR and the HR table that belongs to your schema, as a FULL JOIN.

考题 While designing your database, you have created the EMPLOYEEStable as an index-organized (IOT). You want to create a bitmap index on the JOD_IDcolumn to make queries faster. Which task must have been completed so that you are able to create the bitmap index?()A、 A primary key must have been created.B、 A mapping table must have been created.C、 An overflow tablespace must have been specified.D、 The PCTTHRESHOLD option must have been specified.

考题 In your test database, you have created the ORDERS table as an index-organized table (IOT). To facilitate faster querying, you have created a mapping table and a bitmap index on the ORDER_FILLED column. You observe that the query performance degrades when users perform a large volume of transactions.  While investigating the reason, you find that the mapping table segment is fragmented, leading to poor performance.   Which option would you use to defragment the mapping table without affecting the original table data?() A、export and import the mapping tableB、drop and re-create the mapping tableC、truncate the mapping table and reinsert the valuesD、use the ALTER TABLE···REBUILD command to defragment the mapping table

考题 You have created an Oracle 10g database named SALES, which will be used by an application named SalesOrders. Users of the SalesOrders application complain that application response time is slow when they generate reports. The SalesOrders application accesses a table that contains 10 million rows. You decide to create an index on this table using the NOLOGGING option so that the index creation process is completed in the least amount of time. Which of the following is NOT true about an index created with the NOLOGGING option?()A、 The index can be changed from NOLOGGING to LOGGINGB、 The index cannot be recovered even in the ARCHIVELOG mode.C、 The index can only be created if the base table is created with the NOLOGGING option.D、 The index can be recovered if you perform a backup after the CREATE INDEX statement.

考题 On your Oracle Database, you issue the following commands to create indexes: SQL CREATE INDEX oe.ord_customer_ix1 ON oe.orders (customer_id, sales_rep_id) INVISIBLE; SQL CREATE BITMAP INDEX oe.ord_customer_ix2 ON oe.orders (customer_id, sales_rep_id); Which two statements are true?()A、Only the ORD_CUSTOMER_IX1 index created.B、Both the indexes are updated when a row is inserted, updated, or deleted in the ORDERS table.C、Both the indexes are created: however, only ORD_CUSTOMERS_IX1 is used by the optimizer for queries on the ORDERS table.D、The ORD_CUSTOMER_IX1 index is not used by the optimizer even when the OPTIMIZER_USE_INVISIBLE_INDEXES parameters is set to true.E、Both the indexes are created and used by the optimizer for queries on the ORDERS table.F、Both the indexes are created: however, only ORD_CUSTOMERS_IX2 is used by the optimizer for queries on the ORDERS table.

考题 In your datawarehousing application, you generate reports frequently. The data is static in the tables being used to generate reports. You are currently using joins, resulting in a large performance overhead. What kind of database structure would you use to reduce the response time of the query?()A、hash clustersB、index clustersC、partitioned tablesD、index­organized table (IOT)

考题 Your developers have created table to store some of their program's data. After examining the slow Query Log, you see that they are using the LIKE operator and SUBSTER ( ) functions against a VARCHAR (10000) column quite often. An example of the start of one row of data: 'GREEN01020495888331993-12-10/2…' What should you do to improve the overall performance?()A、Convert the column to TEXT and add a fulltext index to the tableB、Create multiple prefix indexes of differing lengthsC、Convert their column to BINARYD、Redesign the table so that the most commonly searched for string patterns are in their own columns

考题 You are using Oracle Enterprise Manager to estimate the size of a table to be created. You have typed data regarding the column names, data types, sizes of the columns, and the projected number of rows in the table. Which additional information does the Oracle Enterprise Manager return?()A、 space allocated in the tablespaceB、 space required for the bitmap index on a column of the tableC、 space remaining in the tablespace after creating the tableD、 estimated value of the PCTFREE storage parameter

考题 On your Oracle 12c database, you Issue the following commands to create indexes SQL CREATE INDEX oe.ord_customer_ix1 ON oe.orders (customers_id, sales_rep_id) INVISIBLE; SQL CREATE BITMAP INDEX oe.ord_customer_ix2 ON oe.orders (customers_id, sales_rep_id); Which two statement are correct?()A、Both the indexes are created; however, only the ORD_COSTOMER index is visible.B、The optimizer evaluates index access from both the Indexes before deciding on which index to use for query execution plan.C、Only the ORD_CUSTOMER_IX1 index is created.D、Only the ORD_CUSTOMER_IX2 index is created.E、Both the indexes are updated when a new row is inserted, updated, or deleted In the orders table.

考题 You are performing flashback of the ORDERS table in the Scott’s schema because some important data is deleted in the table by mistake. The SCN number was 771513 at the time of deletion. You issued the following statement to perform Flashback Table:  SQL FLASHBACK TABLE ORDERS TO SCN 771513;   What is the prerequisite to perform Flashback Table?()A、 You must configure OMF in your database.B、 You must enable block change tracking feature in your database.C、 You must enable ROW MOVEMENT feature on the ORDERS table.D、 You must use the Flashback Version Query before using the Flashback Table feature.

考题 You are a professional level SQL Server 2005 database administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in implementing high-availability solutions, monitoring the database server, and design deployment. In the company, you major job is the deployment, maintenance and support of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. You work as a database administrator for your company. A SQL Server 2005 application is utilized by the company. A query is executed by the application to return three columns of the nvarchar data type and one column of the XML data type. A WHERE clause is utilized by the query, and all three of the nvarchar columns are contained by the WHERE clause. 5 million rows are included by the table, and 50,000 rows are returned by the query. The performance of the query should be enhanced. Which action should be performed to achieve the goal?()A、A primary XML index should be created on the XML column.B、Statistics should be created on the nvarchar columns.C、A view should be created, and only the four columns that the query utilizes are contained by a view.D、A composite index should be created on the three nvarchar columns, and INCLUDE should be specified for the XML column.

考题 You are a professional level SQL Server 2005 database administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in implementing high-availability solutions, monitoring the database server, and design deployment. In the company, you major job is the deployment, maintenance and support of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. You work as a database administrator for your company. A SQL Server 2005 computer is managed by you, and a database named Customers is included by the SQL Server 2005 computer. A table named CustInfo is included by the database. An identity column named CustID and an nvarchar column named CustName are included by the table. According to the company requirement, rows which duplicate CustName values are included should be moved from the CustInfo table every year. However, the company requests to have rows removed from the CustInfo table after the rows have been manually examined and verified as being duplicates. Since you are the technical support, you are required to think out a method to have potential duplicate rows identified for manual examination. The minimum amount of administrative effort should be utilized.  Which action should be performed to finish the task?()A、A trigger should be created for the CustInfo table so as to roll back INSERT queries that duplicate data is included.B、A new unique index should be created on the CustName column. And then, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON should be specified when creating index.C、On the CustName column, a foreign key constraint should be created, and a distinct list of CustName values is referenced by the foreign key constraint.D、A SELECT INTO query should be utilized, and GROUP BY and HAVING clauses should be included by the query to create a new table that contains duplicate rows from the CustInfo table.

考题 You work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. There is a database which is named Sellings in the instance. The Sellings database contains a table named Productions. The table is used to stores information about all types of products. The Productions table is often queried by users on the basis of the RadioSize column. The RadioSize column contains the NULL value for all products other than Radios. Currently no index exists on the RadionSize column. According to the requirement of the company CIO, you have to optimize the query performance and reduce the effect on the disk space to the least. So what action should you perform to achieve this goal?()  A、On the Products table, you should create a view. B、On the RadioSize column, you should create a clustered index C、On the RadioSize column, you should create a filtered index D、On the RadioSize column, you should create a unique clustered index

考题 单选题The ADMIN_EMP table has columns EMPNO, ENAME, DEPTNO, and SAL. It has a materialized view EMP_MV with a materialized log and an ENAME_IDX index on the ENAME column. You need to perform an online table redefinition on the ADMIN_EMP table to move it from the TBS1 tablespace to the TBS2 tablespace in the same schema.  What action is required for the dependent objects when you perform online redefinition on the table?()A  The materialized view should have a complete refresh performed after the online table redefinition is completed.B  The materialized view should have a fast refresh performed after the online table redefinition is completed.C  The materialized view,materialized log,and the index should be dropped and re-created after the online table redefinition is complete.D  The materialized view and materialized log should be dropped and all constraints disabled and re-created after the online table redefinition is complete.

考题 单选题In your test database, you have created the ORDERS table as an index-organized table (IOT). To facilitate faster querying, you have created a mapping table and a bitmap index on the ORDER_FILLED column. You observe that the query performance degrees when users perform a large volume of transactions. While investigating the reason, you find that the mapping table segment is fragmented, leading to poor performance. Which option would you use to defragment the mapping table without affecting the original table data?()A  Export and import the mapping table.B  Drop and re-create the mapping table.C  Truncate the mapping table and reinsert the values.D  Use the ALTER TABLE .. REBUILD command to defragment the mapping table.

考题 单选题While designing your database, you have created the EMPLOYEES table as an index/x7forganized table (IOT). You want to create a bitmap index on the JOB_ID column to make queries faster. Which task must have been completed so that you are able to create the bitmap index?()A A primary key must have been created.B A mapping table must have been created.C An overflow tablespace must have been specified.D The PCTTHRESHOLD option must have been specified.

考题 单选题You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you. A maintenance strategy should be designed for a mission-critical database, and a large table named Orders is contained by the database. Index maintenance operations are contained in the design plan. When you design the strategy, the facts listed below should be taken into consideration. First, the users continuously access to the Orders table in the database. Secondly, a column of the xml data type is contained by Orders table.  Thirdly, the new rows are regularly added to the Orders table. Fourthly, the average fragmentation for the clustered index of the Orders table is no more than 2 percent.    A strategy should be designed to have the performance of the queries on the table optimized.    Which action will you perform?()A The clustered index of the Orders table should be dropped.B The clustered index of the Orders table offline should be rebuilt once a month.C The clustered index of the Orders table should be excluded from scheduled reorganizing or rebuilding operations.D The clustered index of the Orders table should be reorganized by reducing the fill factor.

考题 单选题While designing your database, you have created the EMPLOYEES table as an index-organized table (IOT). You want to create a bitmap index on the JOB_ID column to make queries faster. Which task must have been completed so that you are able to create the bitmap index?()A A primary key must have been created.B A mapping table must have been created.C An overflow tablespace must have been specified.D The PCTTHRESHOLD option must have been specified.

考题 单选题You are a professional level SQL Server 2005 database administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in implementing high-availability solutions, monitoring the database server, and design deployment. In the company, you major job is the deployment, maintenance and support of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. You work as a database administrator for your company. A SQL Server 2005 computer is managed by you, and a database named Customers is included by the SQL Server 2005 computer. A table named CustInfo is included by the database. An identity column named CustID and an nvarchar column named CustName are included by the table. According to the company requirement, rows which duplicate CustName values are included should be moved from the CustInfo table every year. However, the company requests to have rows removed from the CustInfo table after the rows have been manually examined and verified as being duplicates. Since you are the technical support, you are required to think out a method to have potential duplicate rows identified for manual examination. The minimum amount of administrative effort should be utilized.  Which action should be performed to finish the task?()A A trigger should be created for the CustInfo table so as to roll back INSERT queries that duplicate data is included.B A new unique index should be created on the CustName column. And then, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON should be specified when creating index.C On the CustName column, a foreign key constraint should be created, and a distinct list of CustName values is referenced by the foreign key constraint.D A SELECT INTO query should be utilized, and GROUP BY and HAVING clauses should be included by the query to create a new table that contains duplicate rows from the CustInfo table.

考题 单选题While designing your database, you have created the EMPLOYEEStable as an index-organized (IOT). You want to create a bitmap index on the JOD_IDcolumn to make queries faster. Which task must have been completed so that you are able to create the bitmap index?()A  A primary key must have been created.B  A mapping table must have been created.C  An overflow tablespace must have been specified.D  The PCTTHRESHOLD option must have been specified.