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考题 问答题基因是细胞最基本的组成部分,由父母遗传给子女,它们可能和人类的行为有某些关系。

考题 单选题Sylvia: That didn’t take long, did it?  Anna: No, she said the train was quite quick.______  Sylvia: Well, she said something about a bus, I think. Wait a minute. Yes, here we are. “…a number 32 bus as far as Brixton Road.”A But I’m too tired to go any further.B But how are we going to get to her house?C I’m a little confused. Where are we now?D I know that you just can’t wait to see her.

考题 单选题An animator has to build up his or her work frame by frame. Each film takes a very long time to make, and so ______ are essential to see the project through to the end.A research and development B continuity and relaxationC diversions and rewardsD dedication and commitment

考题 问答题他继续给大家讲他在国外的所见所闻。(proceed)

考题 单选题This image of the fairy as _______ creature dressed in white goes back to about the seventeenth century.A a lovable, tiny, angel-likeB an angel-like, lovable, tinyC an angel-like, tiny, lovableD a tiny, lovable, angel-like

考题 问答题他这么专心致志搞科学实验,以致没有注意到我走进实验室。(absorb in)

考题 单选题The defendant was ______ to ten years in prison for robbing a jewellery shop.A accused B sentenced C fined D punished

考题 问答题Which two words are closest in meaning?  cycle,hawk,convey,extort,peddle,summon

考题 单选题We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are ______.A out of work B out of reach C out of stock D out of practice

考题 单选题If only she had known that the warships were constructed of the poorest materials, ______ , the cannon without gunpowder.A which was bestB what was worseC that was betterD as mentioned

考题 问答题工地的嘈杂声使我不能专心读书。(distract)

考题 单选题Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl'slife.  John: ______.  Start: I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done.  John: I'm just happy I could help.A There's nothing to be afraid of.B This is a wonderful day.C Anybody would have done the same.D I am glad to save her.

考题 问答题This section consists of one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage for each blank.  Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.  The giant panda, the creature that has become a symbol of conservation, is facing extinction. The major reason is loss of habitat, which has continued despite the establishment, since 1963, of 14 panda reserves. Deforestation, mainly carried out by farmers clearing land to make way for fields as they move higher into the mountains, has drastically contracted the mammal’s range. The panda has disappeared from much of central and eastern China, and is now restricted to the eastern flank of the Himalayas in Sichuan and Gansu provinces, and the Qinling Mountains in Shanxi province. Fewer than 1, 400 of the animals are believed to remain in the wild.  Satellite imagery has shown the seriousness of the situation; almost half of the panda’s habitat has been destroyed or degraded since 1975. Worse, the surviving panda population has also become fragmented; a combination of satellite imagery and ground surveys reveals panda “islands” in patches of forest separated by cleared land. The population of these islands, ranging from fewer than ten to more than 50 pandas, has become isolated because the animals are unwilling to cross open areas. Just putting a road through a panda habitat may be enough to split a population in two.  The minuscule size of the panda populations worries conservationists. The smallest groups have too few animals to be viable, and will inevitably die out. The larger populations may be viable in the short term, but will be susceptible to genetic defects as a result of inbreeding.In these circumstances, a more traditional threat to pandas—the cycle of flowering and subsequent withering of the bamboo that is their staple food—can become literally species—threatening. The flowerings prompt pandas to move from one area to another, thus preventing inbreeding in what would otherwise be sedentary populations. In panda islands, however, bamboo flowering could prove catastrophic because the pandas are unable to emigrate.  The latest conservation management plan for the panda, prepared by China’s Ministry of Forestry and the World Wide Fund for Nature, aims primarily to maintain panda habitats and to ensure that populations are linked wherever possible. The plan will change some existing reserve boundaries, establish 14 new reserves and protect or replant corridors of forest between panda islands. Other measures include:better control of poaching, which remains a problem despite strict laws, as panda skins fetch high prices; reducing the degradation of habitats outside reserves; and reforestation.  The plan is ambitious. Implementation will be expensive—56.6 million yuan(US $12.5 million)will be needed for the development of the panda reserves—and will require participation by individuals ranging from villagers to government officials.Summary  The survival of the giant panda is being seriously threatened. Panda numbers have already seriously decreased. This is largely because the overall size of their 1 has been reduced, and habitable areas are now disconnected from each other. Two results are that pandas are more prone to 2 problems and are unable to move around freely to follow the growth cycles of the bamboo that they eat. A new plan aims to  3 existing panda habitats and to join many of them together. This plan also includes reforestation and the creation of 4 To succeed ,everyone ,including both the government and 5 will have to cooperate.

考题 问答题Directions: Suppose you are Li Ming, and you are not satisfied with the service in your library, such as the books not arranged in serial orders, librarians’ bad service and the noise in the reading- room. Write a letter to President of your university to make a complaint and give suggestions at the same time.  You should write about 120 words. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the Answer Sheet.

考题 问答题这些邮票由于其独特的艺术设计吸引了众多集邮者。(appeal to)

考题 问答题Being Watched  We like to see murderers and thieves end up in prison. If they are (1) c____ as a consequence of being filmed by security cameras, having their phone calls (2) li____ to or their email messages read, (3) m____ just be the weapon we have long been looking for in our war against them. Recent (4) sci____ breakthroughs have also made it possible to solve crimes that took place decades (5)____, so that just about any story can be worked out from its ending. This, too, is good news; if it is true it means that there really is no hiding place for the wrongdoer, (6)____ the police will always get their man, and that crime doesn’t pay.The worrying thing is, of course, that it is not just the (7)____(crime) who are being watched. All of us have now become the stars of films made in shops, car parks and the high street. Records are kept, and sometimes (8)____(sell), of the numbers we most often phone, while the emails we like to think of as being private and (9)____(person) are copied and stored by persons unknown. Some say this is the price of freedom (10)____ crime, and that the innocent have nothing to fear.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题They called in an electrician _______ he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit.A to hope B to be hoping C hopingD to have hoped

考题 单选题I was not quite ______ with the coat, particularly its sleeves. So I asked the ______ to make the sleeves a bit shorter.A pleased; sailor B satisfied; tailor C happy; carpenter D surprised; barber

考题 单选题To achieve interchangeability, Henry Ford insisted that the same gauging system for every part ______ all the way through the entire manufacturing process.A get used toB should utilize C be usedD apply

考题 单选题What are the two people discussing?A Setting the table.B Sewing napkins.C Stocking a pantry.

考题 单选题Helen: Hey, ______.  Nigel: I didn’t know you’d applied for one.  Helen: Yes. I had an interview last week and they want me.A I am hunting for a job.B I’ve been offered a job.C I have got promoted.D I’d have to move.

考题 问答题A number of colleges and universities have announced steeptuition increases for next year--much steeper than the current, verylow, rate of inflation. They say the increases are needed because ofa loss in value of university endowments heavily investing in common    1.______stock. I am skeptical. A business firm chooses the price thatmaximizes its net revenues, irrespective fluctuations in income; and    2.______increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States isindistinguishable from those of business firms. The rise in tuitions    3.______may reflect the fact that economic uncertainty increases the demand for   4.______education. The biggest cost of being in the school is foregoing       5.______income from a job (this is primarily a factor in graduate andprofessional-school tuition) ; the poor one’s job prospects, the      6.______more sense it makes to reallocate time from the job market to education,in order to make oneself more marketable.  The ways which universities make themselves attractive to        7.______students include soft majors, student evaluations of teachers, givingstudents a governance role, and eliminate required courses.         8.______Sky-high tuitions have caused universities to regard their students ascustomers. Just as business firms sometimes collude to shorten       9.______the rigors of competition, universities collude to minimize the cost tothem of the athletes whom they recruit in order to stimulate alumnidonations, so the best athletes now often bypass higher education in order toobtain salaries earlier from professional teams. And until they were stoppedby the antitrust authorities, the Ivy League schools colluded to limitcompetition for the best students, by agreeing not to award scholarshipson the basis of merit rather than purely of need--just like businessfirms agreeing not to give discounts on their best customer.        10.______

考题 问答题Democracy is not a new conception. The ancient Athenians           1.______had a democratic system. Their democracy was the same asAmerican democracy in many ways. Furthermore, there are             2.______several important differences between their democracy and ours.  The ancient Athenian citizens voted fortheir representatives, and they also voted for certain issues.         3.______Moreover, any qualified citizen could become public official. The        4.______ancient Athenian democratic government also protected thecitizens’ right private property, encouraging private business and       5.______supported public education.  A similar system of representative government exists in theUnited States. United States citizens vote for theirrepresentatives, and they can impeach representatives, too.           6.______American citizens also vote on certain important matters. In theUnited States, like in ancient Athens, any qualified citizen can         7.______become a public official. The government of this country alsoprotects private property, encourages private business enterprise.and supports public education.  The major difference between these two forms ofdemocracy is the definition of citizen. In ancient Athens acitizen was a free man, not a woman and a slave. Women and            8.______slaves were largest part of the population; thus, the Athenian          9.______democracy was not broadly representative. In the United States,however, all American men and women, of all races andreligions, are citizens. Slavery is legal in this country.           10.______  Therefore, American democracy is more broadly representative.In brief, democracy is an old and varied concept. In thePast it meant different things to many different people.

考题 问答题A train traveling at a speed of 80 mph enters a tunnel that is 0.5 miles long. The length of the train is 0.25 miles. How long does it take for all of the train to pass through the tunnel, from the moment the front enters, to the moment the rear emerges?

考题 单选题Before the first non-stop flight made in l949, it ______ necessary for all planes to land for refueling.A would be B has beenC had been D would have been

考题 问答题毫无疑问,有了计算机的帮助,人们能生活得更容易。

考题 单选题______ the interview in Boston lasted so long, I missed my connecting flight to New York.A Due to B When C As D Despite