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Some of the roads were flooded, _____ made our journey more difficult.









更多 “单选题Some of the roads were flooded, _____ made our journey more difficult.A whichB itC whatD that” 相关考题
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考题 There were many different cultures in the ancient world,but the two that had the most influence?on European and American civilizations were the Greek and the Roman.Often these two eultures are?lumped together in our minds,as if they were really exactly alike.But that is not the case.In many?ways the Greeks and the Romans could not have been more different. The Greeks were truly democratic,often without a single leader but instead governed by a group?of men chosen by the people.The Romans were semi-democratic.They had a governing Senate,but?the political power was mostly or completely in the hands of a single emperor. Both cultures were great builders.But the construction interests of the two cultures were also?different.The Greeks tended to be more artistic.Their buildings were well constructed and they were?especially interested in temples,columns,and decorative forms.The Romans,on the other hand,were more engineers than artists.They concentrated their efforts on urban planning,well-functioning?water pipes,and the best roads. Only in cooking and eating habits are the two cultures really similar.Both peoples ate very well?indeed:lots of fish,fresh vegetables and fruits,healthy meals,holding at the same time long?discussions and tasting excellent wines. In fact,it would probably be fair to say that they both loved life in their warm, sea-oriented?climates,and they both lived a full life. What were the Greeks famous for?A.The overall planning of a city or a town. B.The artistic decoration of the buildings. C.The practical functions of the buildings. D.The system of water supply and transportation.

考题 The new large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airports_______.A.more bad than it was B.the worse than before C.worse than ever before D.more bad than they were

考题 There were many different cultures in the ancient world,but the two that had the most influence?on European and American civilizations were the Greek and the Roman.Often these two eultures are?lumped together in our minds,as if they were really exactly alike.But that is not the case.In many?ways the Greeks and the Romans could not have been more different. The Greeks were truly democratic,often without a single leader but instead governed by a group?of men chosen by the people.The Romans were semi-democratic.They had a governing Senate,but?the political power was mostly or completely in the hands of a single emperor. Both cultures were great builders.But the construction interests of the two cultures were also?different.The Greeks tended to be more artistic.Their buildings were well constructed and they were?especially interested in temples,columns,and decorative forms.The Romans,on the other hand,were more engineers than artists.They concentrated their efforts on urban planning,well-functioning?water pipes,and the best roads. Only in cooking and eating habits are the two cultures really similar.Both peoples ate very well?indeed:lots of fish,fresh vegetables and fruits,healthy meals,holding at the same time long?discussions and tasting excellent wines. In fact,it would probably be fair to say that they both loved life in their warm, sea-oriented?climates,and they both lived a full life. Which of the following is TRUE?A.The Romans had more political awareness. B.The Romans had less political freedom and democracy. C.The Romans had more freedom to choose their leader. D.The Romans had fewer people elected into the government.

考题 While mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder are serious mental health conditions that require treatment,short spells of bad moods are a normal part of the human experience.Be it advertising or social media,people have wrongly l happiness like a commodity,an end goal,or a permanent state of mind.2,allowing oneself to experience disappointment,frustration,longing,and other negative moods is 3 as part of our learning process.In some cases,a bad mood can 4 0ffer some benefits A new study from Canada found high-reactive individuals(i.e.people who feel bad moods more strongly)performed better on memory tests than their 5."It has been suggested that some of our thinking skills may 6 benefit from being in a bad mood because a bad mood 7 us to adopt a more analytic mindset and pay closer attention to detail,"said the lead author.Researchers believe there is a scientific 8 for the trope of the tortured artist or the idea that great creative works are 9 0ut of negative emotions more often than not.Take the example of music-from Fleetwood Mac's"Rumours"to Kanye West's"My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,"some of the most 10 acclaimed albums of all time were created when their respective artists were experiencing emotional turmoil."In some cases,intense negative emotions can create powerful self-reflective thought and perseverance,11 increased creativity,"one study stated.So the next time you happen to be down in the dumps,try t0 12 it with a creative outlet 13 writing or painting.In the brain,negative moods are 14 to the presence of a threat.This results in heightened awareness,making us more 15 0f our surroundings i.e.paying more attention to social cues,body language,etc*This effect can put you in a better place to 16 intentions or actions and notice 17 someone is trying to deceive you.18,past research has presented some surprising findings,linking a slightly negative mood with lower 19 to stereotype other people.People in a good mood may be prone to stereotyping-which is classified 20 a form of"heuristic processing"by cognitive psychologists.9选?A.taken B.born C.thrown D.made

考题 You would imagine that sleeping was a quiet and peaceful experience but in reality,our brains are more active during some stages of sleep than when we are______。A.wake B.awake C.waken D.awaken

考题 American government forbade Huawei and ZTE to invest in USA,because it thought( ) A.they made clumsy forays,and enemies B.they came for oil,agricultural land and other resources C.many deals were politicized and some were corrupt D.they might hurt American national security

考题 单选题The sentence “Our planet has shrunk” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that.A the earth has become physically smallerB the more advanced ways of traveling has made the distance between countries shorterC the traditional concept of our planet has become out-of-dateD modern means of communication has made it much easier for people to communicate with each other from different parts of the world

考题 单选题The structures designed by Ralph C. Harris were fifteen-and seventeen-story buildings, and for their time, were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residences in existence.A time, were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residencesB era, they were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residencesC era, were some of the largest and more luxurious hotels and residencesD time, they were some of the largest and most luxurious hotels and residencesE era, were some of the largely and more luxuriously hotels and residences

考题 单选题Some environmentalists think that ______.A plastic packaging should be made more convenientB no alternative can be found to plastic packagingC too much plastic is wastedD shops should stop using plastic containers

考题 单选题The sentence “Our planet has shrunk” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that __________.A the earth has become physically smallerB the more advanced ways of traveling has made the distance between countries shorterC the traditional concept of our planet has become out-of-dateD modern means of communication has made it much easier for people to communicate with each other from different parts of the world

考题 单选题_____ our great surprise, our company has made much more profit than we expected last year.A ForB InC WithD To

考题 单选题______ our great surprise, our company has made much more profit than we expected lastyear.A ForB InC WithD To

考题 单选题Most of the significant improvements in public works were made while Rory was mayor of the city, they made the inhabitants of the city both happier and safer.A city, they made the inhabitants of the city both happier and saferB city, which both made its inhabitants happier as well as saferC city and this made their inhabitants happier as well as having more safetyD city, these improvements made its inhabitants happier and saferE city; these improvements made the inhabitants of the city both happier and safer

考题 单选题How can we get _____ the new taxes and keep for some more money for our business?A outB aroundC onD away

考题 问答题Directions:In this part, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary with the appropriate words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.  Cosmetics have been used throughout history. The ancient Greeks, the Egyptians, and the Romans all used various kinds of makeup. Some of these cosmetics were used to improve their appearance. Others were used to protect their skin. But in some cases, things used for makeup were dangerous, or even deadly!  Some of the first skin care treatments started in Egypt. In fact, Cleopatra was known to use them. She thought a bath in milk and honey left her skin silky smooth. Egyptians also developed some of the earliest sunscreens. They used oils and creams for protection against the sun and dry winds. Egyptian and other ancient cultures also used various powders on their skin for beauty. Egyptians used black kohl around their eyes. Romans put white chalk on their faces. And Indians painted red henna on their bodies.  Most of the ancient cosmetic powders, oils, and creams were harmless. But in the name of beauty, some people applied dangerous chemicals and poisons to their skin. During the Italian Renaissance, women wore white powder made of lead on their faces. Of course, doctors now know lead is like a poison for our bodies.  Also around the time of the Renaissance, women in Italy put drops of belladonna in their eyes. Belladonna is a very poisonous plant. The poison in the plant affects the nerves in the body. By putting belladonna drops in her eyes, a woman’s pupils would become very large. People thought this made her more beautiful. Actually, this is why the plant is called belladonna. In Italian, belladonna means “beautiful woman.”  When Elizabeth I was queen of England in the late 1500s, some rather dangerous cosmetics were also used by women there. Women were using rouge made with mercury. They were also using special hair dye made with lead and sulphur. The dye was designed to give people red hair, the same color as the queen’s hair. Over time, the dye made people’s hair fall out. Finally, women using this dye ended up bald, like the queen, and had to wear wigs.  Summary:  Although people have used cosmetics throughout history, not all of them have been safe. In fact, some of them have been quite  1 to people. For example, long ago in Italian  2 , people thought women with big pupils were beautiful. Therefore, in the  3 of beauty, women began to put  4 of belladonna in their eyes to make their pupils larger. Today we know belladonna is poisonous, and it can affect the  5 in the body.

考题 问答题Most of the 4,200 people on board made it to land safely, but more than 30 people were killed in the disaster.

考题 单选题Some of the roads were flooded, _____ made our journey more difficult.A whichB itC whatD that

考题 单选题The author of Passage 1 refers to the hunter-gatherer primarily to suggest that ______.A human history is more violent than we are inclined to acknowledgeB our human ancestors were more focused on acquiring food than on establishing social structuresC the human faculty of intuition has evolved considerably since the time of our ancient ancestorsD even our earliest ancestors were highly introspectiveE human cognition developed to serve immediate survival needs

考题 单选题Which of the following about those who were breast-fed is NOT mentioned?A They stayed longer in school.B They were happier.C They were smarter.D They made more money.

考题 问答题Practice 5  Expressionism was more than a style in painting. It could be found in theatre and cinema, literature and architecture. It was a sharing of ideas and experiences across all these media. The life stories of the Expressionist artists show just how much they had in common. Many began by studying applied art, such as furniture design, often to please their parents. Although they later made more personal art, they continued to make use of those technical skills. Both art critics and the public received this new movement with derision and outrage. Expressionist artists were trying to shock by challenging the traditional, conservative views held by many people. Gradually, however, it became accepted and even admired.  All the Expressionists were affected by World War I (1914-18). Some fled from Germany and spent the war years in exile. Some never returned to their homeland. Most served in the war and some were killed. At first some of them hoped a war would change society for the better but they were soon disillusioned when they saw the destruction and suffering that it caused. In the years after the war, many Expressionist artist revealed the horrors they experienced in their work.