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考题 单选题What is mentioned as a reason why the world market is being globalised?A The developing countries can get goods and services from western countries only.B Some western multinationals are eager to reap profits from other countries.C The developed countries depend more on resources of the developing countries.D The world is becoming more connected through internet and telecommunications.

考题 单选题The first episode of “Six Feet Under” is mentioned in the first paragraph to______.A introduce the topic of funeral home.B relate the owners of Salem Funerals Cremations.C show the popularity of an American television show.D bring about the history of family-owned funeral homes.

考题 单选题Dr. Bruce Charlton would probably prefer to see a more formal relationship______.A among doctors.B among managers.C between doctors and managers.D between doctors and patients.

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考题 单选题What makes funeral business a strange industry?A Smaller funeral homes occupy a very large market share.B Family operators or independents take a large proportion in funeral business.C Funeral business has a lot in common with dry-cleaning shops.D Big corporations are also involved in funeral business.

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考题 单选题NEWS BROADCAST 3  Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.  Now listen to the news.The process of rescuing trapped miners is slow due toA the difficulties of getting down into the coal mine.B the great casualties of the mining accident.C the risk of catching infectious disease.D the continuous blasts inside the coal mine.

考题 问答题While some people claim that a person's essential qualities are inherited at birth, others hold that the circumstances in which a person grows up are mainly responsible for the type of person he/ she later becomes. Write a composition of 400 words on the following topic, expressing your views

考题 单选题A Far from secondary school.B Less spare time.C No nursery school nearby.D More people in the area.

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考题 单选题A Narrow down the scope of search.B Decide what you value the most.C Do some soul searching.D Make your resume distinctive.

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考题 问答题长大一点的时候,我开始确定:她的眼睛,就像一场正在发生的车祸;她的鼻子,是黑暗发出的一道命令,是黑暗里笔直的梯子;她的嘴角,是灾难的旋涡;这女人几乎没有骨头,除了她的眉骨,她光秃秃的眉骨,是无所不在的嘲讽;她的衣服,是一个能把我拐走的大伞,还有她的腮,她的手指,毫无疑问像腐烂的尸体的一部分。

考题 问答题What’s the meaning of “humor” in the first paragraph?

考题 单选题Which of the following best describes teenagers according to Ms. Fox and Ms. Frankel?A Isolated.B Arrogant.C Independent.D Sensitive.

考题 问答题What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

考题 问答题在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒喧几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开,只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强。

考题 单选题In Anthony O’Hear’s view, a well mannered person______.A behaves with a sense of appropriateness.B acts rashly when he is young.C tends to be bad-tempered in old age.D attaches importance to his status.

考题 问答题What does the incoherence in Britain’s science education policy reveal?

考题 问答题爹爹说:“花生的用处固然很多;但有一样是很可贵的。这小小的豆不像那好看的苹果、桃子、石榴,把它们的果实悬在枝上,鲜红嫩绿的颜色,令人一望就产生羡慕的心。它只把果子埋在地底,等到成熟,才让人把它挖出来。你们偶然看见一棵花生瑟缩地长在地上,不能立刻辨出它有没有果实,非得等到你接触它才能知道。”  我们都说:“是的。”母亲也点点头。爹爹接下去说:“所以你们要像花生,因为它是可用的,不是伟大、好看的东西。”我说:“那么,人要做有用的人,不要做伟大、体面的人了。”爹爹说:“这是我对于你们的希望。”

考题 单选题As to the views mentioned in the two girls’ book, the author believes that______.A they provide some approaches to her child-rearing.B they revealed thinking patterns of teenagers and parents.C they have obtained unanimous support from the public.D they have overestimated the rights of teenagers.

考题 问答题Globalization is the idea that people are now more connected across the globe than ever before. Goods and services are traded worldwide. Items from one part of the world are available in a large number of other nations. Travel between nations is also very frequent, leading to an increase in exchange of ideas and ideologies. Thus, ideas and culture are much more uniform worldwide than ever before, and many cultures have melded and meshed. The Internet has contributed largely to globalization, as instant communication with anyone in the world is now possible. Whether or not globalization is good for each individual economy is debatable, however.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. Summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. Give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  There is certainly a positive side to globalization. Those who support it say that it creates jobs by making companies more competitive. This results in lower prices for consumers. Others support globalization because it brings capital and technologies to underdeveloped nations and bring back products to international markets in return. Also globalization increases the number of decisions that are made on a worldwide level, resulting in a merging of politics and decisions that are made for the good of people all over the world. The cultural intermingling that occurs also promotes greater equality and acceptance of others, especially since different people can share the same financial interests. Speedy travel and worldwide communication has resulted in a more educated, more cultured public.  Those who are against globalization often cite the fact that this process tends to make tile rich richer and the poor poorer. It benefits investors and business owners, but results in a loss of jobs for those lower on the pay scale. Other criticisms of globalization are associated with social issues. Some believe that globalization makes it easier for a particular local culture to be wiped out due to the widespread of strong cultures. Additionally, some exports believe that globalization has led to the spreading of infectious diseases, such as AIDS, since travelers can bring disease with them when they go from nation to nation.

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