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According the passage, it can be concluded that ______.

the UK government does not want to change the not-so-good concept of home birth


the UK medical bodies are not ready for more home births


the UK medical bodies are ready to meet the demand for home births


there will soon be a quick increase of home birth


题目问的是:根据文章,可以得知什么?文章倒数第7段指出“The NHS is simply not set up to meet the potential demand for home births,”,意思是“医疗服务系统还没有建立起来满足可能的家中产子的需求”,也就是说,英国的医疗机构还没有为更多的家中产子准备充分。故选B。
更多 “单选题According the passage, it can be concluded that ______.A the UK government does not want to change the not-so-good concept of home birthB the UK medical bodies are not ready for more home birthsC the UK medical bodies are ready to meet the demand for home birthsD there will soon be a quick increase of home birth” 相关考题
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