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The word “globalization” is in daily use throughout the world.Variously referred to as mondialisation in French, globalisierung in German, or Quan qui hua in China (Scholte, 1996), news articles, television, and even textbooks often use the word “globalization” to mean many different things. Author Jan Pieterse (1995) asserts there are almost as many conceptualizations of globalization as there are disciplines in the social sciences.Teachers and scholars in disciplinessuch as management,marketing,finance,accounting,and economics also use the word “globalization” to mean different things.For example,some believe globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade between nations (Ohmae,1995),but also it has been described as a shift in traditional patterns of international production,investment,and trade(Dicken,1992).
Another popular conception of globalization is that it is a business strategy that means doing everything the same everywhere(Kanter and Dretler,1998).Others believe globalization is interconnections between overlapping interests of business and society (Brown 1992;renesch 1992).As you can see,these definitions differ in significant ways.Because definitions,descriptions,and visions of globalization vary widely,it is difficult to know what it means for businesses to go “global”.

Which of the following statement is NOT implied by the underlined sentence?( )

A.The conceptions of globalization vary.
B.The disciplines in the social sciences vary.
C.There are less conceptions of globalization.
D.There are many disciplines in the social sciences.


【关键词】not implied;the underlined sentence
【主题句】there are almost as many Conceptualizations of globalization as there are disciplines in the social sciences.全球化的概念同社会科学中的科目一样多。
更多 “资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。 The word “globalization” is in daily use throughout the world.Variously referred to as mondialisation in French, globalisierung in German, or Quan qui hua in China (Scholte, 1996), news articles, television, and even textbooks often use the word “globalization” to mean many different things. Author Jan Pieterse (1995) asserts there are almost as many conceptualizations of globalization as there are disciplines in the social sciences.Teachers and scholars in disciplinessuch as management,marketing,finance,accounting,and economics also use the word “globalization” to mean different things.For example,some believe globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade between nations (Ohmae,1995),but also it has been described as a shift in traditional patterns of international production,investment,and trade(Dicken,1992). Another popular conception of globalization is that it is a business strategy that means doing everything the same everywhere(Kanter and Dretler,1998).Others believe globalization is interconnections between overlapping interests of business and society (Brown 1992;renesch 1992).As you can see,these definitions differ in significant ways.Because definitions,descriptions,and visions of globalization vary widely,it is difficult to know what it means for businesses to go “global”. Which of the following statement is NOT implied by the underlined sentence?( )A.The conceptions of globalization vary. B.The disciplines in the social sciences vary. C.There are less conceptions of globalization. D.There are many disciplines in the social sciences.” 相关考题
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考题 针对下列图、表或文字回答问题。你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算、处理。你可以在题本上运算。 请开始答题: 一、根据下列统计资料回答问题 如图中反映的均为年末数据,则“十一五”(2006—2010年)期间平均每年本科及以上学历科技人力资源增加约多少万人?( )A. 150 B. 180 C. 200 D. 440

考题 针对下列图、表或文字回答问题。你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算、处理。你可以在题本上运算。 请开始答题: 一、根据下列统计资料回答问题 下列时间段中,哪个时间段内每万人口中科技人力资源数年均增速最慢?( )A. 2005—2010年 B. 2006—2011年 C. 2007—2012年 D. 2008—2013年

考题 针对下列图、表或文字回答问题。你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算、处理。你可以在题本上运算。 请开始答题: 一、根据下列统计资料回答问题 2006—2013年间,有几年的科技人力资源总量较前一年增长超过500万人?( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

考题 现有四条船排队等候一个泊位进行装卸作业。船和港口有关资料如下: 请根据上述资料,回答下列问题:

考题 现有四条船排队等候一个泊位进行装卸作业。船和港口有关资料如下: 请根据上述资料,回答下列问题: 各船的载重量利用率为(  )。

考题 现有四条船排队等候一个泊位进行装卸作业。船和港口有关资料如下: 请根据上述资料,回答下列问题: 各船的载重量利用率为(  )。 A. 95% B. 96% C. 97% D. 98%

考题 以下是2000年全国资金流量表的部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 2000年总储蓄数额最大的部门是(  )。A.非金融企业部门 B.金融机构部门 C.政府部门 D.住户部门

考题 资料:之后,经济学家Mr.U与你讨论了一些潜在的问题,请根据下列资料回答问题。 KGV is s traditional high-street music retailer.Based in Amsterdam,it has 12 stores in the Netherlands,three of which are mega stores.Some years ago,it expanded into the rest of Europe and now owns 65 stores-eight of these are mega stores.The company is at present going through a difficult period.Over the last three years,profits have steadily fallen,from 450m Euros to 290m Euros.The mega stores’sales have risen by ,accounting for of the company’s turnover, but the increased revenue has been achieved only by heavy expenditure on advertising and promotion. Fierce competition,a narrow product range and a lack of innovation are some of the reasons for KGV’s poor performance.The management are concerned,especially,that they are not exploiting the opportunities offered by selling through the Internet. What kind company is KGV?( )A.It is music studio. B.It is an advertising agency. C.It is a high-street music retailer. D.It is a consulting firm.

考题 资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。 The word “globalization” is in daily use throughout the world.Variously referred to as mondialisation in French, globalisierung in German, or Quan qui hua in China (Scholte, 1996), news articles, television, and even textbooks often use the word “globalization” to mean many different things. Author Jan Pieterse (1995) asserts there are almost as many conceptualizations of globalization as there are disciplines in the social sciences.Teachers and scholars in disciplinessuch as management,marketing,finance,accounting,and economics also use the word “globalization” to mean different things.For example,some believe globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade between nations (Ohmae,1995),but also it has been described as a shift in traditional patterns of international production,investment,and trade(Dicken,1992). Another popular conception of globalization is that it is a business strategy that means doing everything the same everywhere(Kanter and Dretler,1998).Others believe globalization is interconnections between overlapping interests of business and society (Brown 1992;renesch 1992).As you can see,these definitions differ in significant ways.Because definitions,descriptions,and visions of globalization vary widely,it is difficult to know what it means for businesses to go “global”. What probably will be further discussed in the following paragraph?( )A.what globalization means for businesses. B.how definitions differ from each other. C.how businesses go “global”. D.the definition of the term “globalization”.

考题 资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。 The word “globalization” is in daily use throughout the world.Variously referred to as mondialisation in French, globalisierung in German, or Quan qui hua in China (Scholte, 1996), news articles, television, and even textbooks often use the word “globalization” to mean many different things. Author Jan Pieterse (1995) asserts there are almost as many conceptualizations of globalization as there are disciplines in the social sciences.Teachers and scholars in disciplinessuch as management,marketing,finance,accounting,and economics also use the word “globalization” to mean different things.For example,some believe globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade between nations (Ohmae,1995),but also it has been described as a shift in traditional patterns of international production,investment,and trade(Dicken,1992). Another popular conception of globalization is that it is a business strategy that means doing everything the same everywhere(Kanter and Dretler,1998).Others believe globalization is interconnections between overlapping interests of business and society (Brown 1992;renesch 1992).As you can see,these definitions differ in significant ways.Because definitions,descriptions,and visions of globalization vary widely,it is difficult to know what it means for businesses to go “global”. Which of the following statement about globalization has no reference?( )A.Globalization is a business strategy that means doing everything the same everywhere. B.Globalization is a shift in traditional patterns of international production, investment, and trade. C.Globalization is interconnections between different interests of business and society. D.Globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade between nations.

考题 以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 根据表中资料计算2005年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有(  )。查看材料A.生产法 B.收入法 C.支出法 D.各部门增加值相加

考题 以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 根据表中资料计算2005年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有(  )。查看材料A.生产法 B.收入法 C.支出法 D.各部门增加值相加

考题 某县统计局在工作中发现该县某企业的统计指标存在故意少报问题,遂向该单位发出《执法检查查询书》。该单位对查询书不予理睬,没有在规定的时间内回答被查询的有关问题。请根据上述情况,回答下列问题。上述行为属于()违法行为。A、拒报统计资料B、虚报统计资料C、瞒报统计资料D、伪造统计资料

考题 多选题以下是2000年全国资金流量表的部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 根据表中资料计算2000年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有()。A生产法B收入法C支出法D各部门增加值相加

考题 单选题下列不属于资料编辑的内容的选项是()A A在调查资料收集起来之后,根据资料的性质、内容与特征将相异的资料区分开来B B检查有无错误的回答C C检查有无疏漏的回答D D检查有无不一致的回答

考题 多选题以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。[img:LzIwMTctMDUvd2FuZ3l1LzIwMTcwNTE1MDkxMjUyNzEzMjYuanBn]根据表中资料计算2005年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有()。A生产法B收入法C支出法D各部门增加值相加

考题 多选题某市统计局在工作中发现该市某事业单位的工资总额存在故意少报问题,遂向该单位发出《执法检查查询书》。该单位对查询书不予理睬,没有在规定的时间内回答被查询的有关问题。请根据上述情况,回答下列问题。上述行为属于()违法行为。A拒报统计资料B虚报统计资料C瞒报统计资料D伪造统计资料