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更多 “判断题DOES HELMSMAN UNDERSTAND ENGLISH?的中文意思是:舵工懂英语吗?A 对B 错” 相关考题
考题 What does the author think of her mother’s English now?A.It confuses her.B.It embarrasses her.C.It helps her understand the world.D.It helps her tolerate rude people.

考题 下列英语单词中文意思是“一水”的是_______。A.A.B.oilerC.cookD.sailer

考题 你能教我英语吗?Can you_______ _______English?

考题 “小李并非既懂英语又懂俄语”,对这句话理解正确的是(  )。 A.小李懂英语,但不懂俄语 B.小李不懂英语,或不懂俄语 C.小李不懂英语,也不懂俄语 D.小李懂俄语,但不懂英语

考题 Internet的中文意思是()A、英语B、语言C、因特网D、网络

考题 英语单词“software”中文意思是()A、测试B、维修C、软件D、硬件

考题 把下列英语翻译为中文:FPA为()、WPA的意思是()、A.R.的意思是()、W/W指的是()

考题 已知“A、B二人中至少有一人懂英语”、“只有B刁懂英语,A才懂英语”和“A不懂英语并且B也不懂英语”这三个判断中,只有一个为真。据此,便可必然推出下列判断中为真的是()。A、A和B都懂英语B、A和B都不懂英语C、A懂但B不懂英语D、A不懂但B懂英语

考题 “吃水”这个词用英语怎么说?()A、What does “chi shui” mean in English?B、What does “chi shui” stand for?C、What’s “chi shui” in English?

考题 REPORT IF SHE DOES NOT ANSWER WHEEL.的中文意思是:如舵工不回答舵令应报告。


考题 “小李并非既懂英语又懂俄语”,对这句话理解正确的是()。A、小李懂英语,但不懂俄语B、小李不懂英语,或不懂俄语C、小李不懂英语,也不懂俄语D、小李懂俄语,但不懂英语

考题 单选题(2012年下半年)下列选项中,对小李并非既懂英语又懂俄语理解正确的一项是( )。A 小李懂英语,但不懂俄语B 小李懂俄语,但不懂英语C 小李不懂英语,或不懂俄语D 小李不懂英语,也不懂俄语

考题 单选题“吃水”这个词用英语怎么说?()A What does “chi shui” mean in English?B What does “chi shui” stand for?C What’s “chi shui” in English?

考题 单选题Internet的中文意思是()A 英语B 语言C 因特网D 网络

考题 单选题下列选项中,对“并非所有懂英语的员工都懂汉语”的理解,正确的一项是()。A 所有懂英语的员工都懂汉语B 所有懂英语的员工都不懂汉语C 有的懂英语的员工懂汉语D 有的懂英语的员工不懂汉语

考题 判断题REPORT IF SHE DOES NOT ANSWER WHEEL.的中文意思是:如舵工不回答舵令应报告。A 对B 错

考题 填空题把下列英语翻译为中文:FPA为()、WPA的意思是()、A.R.的意思是()、W/W指的是()

考题 单选题下列选项中,对“小李并非既懂英语又懂俄语”理解正确的一项是(  )。A 小李懂英语,但不懂俄语B 小李懂俄语,但不懂英语C 小李不懂英语,或不懂俄语D 小李不懂英语,也不懂俄语

考题 单选题下列英语单词中文意思是“一水”的是()。A A˙B oilerC cook

考题 单选题She always does very well in the English exams. But she can ______ understand English radio programs.A alwaysB hardlyC alreadyD easily

考题 单选题下列英语单词中中文意思是“机舱”的是().A MESSROOMB BridgeC EngineroomD Equipment

考题 单选题英语单词中文意思是“驾驶台”的是().A MESSROOMB BridgeC EngineroomD Passengers

考题 单选题“小李并非既懂英语又懂俄语”,对这句话理解正确的是()。A 小李懂英语,但不懂俄语B 小李不懂英语,或不懂俄语C 小李不懂英语,也不懂俄语D 小李懂俄语,但不懂英语

考题 单选题Adam’s dog, a golden retriever named Hans, can respond to over 150 different commands. Adam cites this fact as evidence for his claim that Hans can understand the English language.  Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on Adam’s claim that Hans can understand the English language?A Each of the 150 commands to which Hans responds involves both a spoken word in English and a distinctive hand sign.B Hans does not respond to the same commands when spoken to him by Adam’s French and Italian friends in their own languages.C Scientists have demonstrated conclusively that canine vocal chords are incapable of replicating many of the sounds used in the English language.D Animal behaviorists have demonstrated that even very young dogs surpass both wolves and chimpanzees—animals that are thought to be more intelligent than dogs—in the ability to understand human nonverbal communication.E The golden retriever is widely considered to be less intelligent than the border collie, and no border collie has ever been shown to truly understand the English language.

考题 单选题下列选项中,对“小李并非既懂英语,又懂俄语”的理解,正确的一项是( )。A 小李懂俄语,但不懂英语B 小李不懂俄语,或不懂英语C 小李懂英语,但不懂俄语D 小李不懂英语,也不懂俄语

考题 单选题已知“A、B二人中至少有一人懂英语”、“只有B刁懂英语,A才懂英语”和“A不懂英语并且B也不懂英语”这三个判断中,只有一个为真。据此,便可必然推出下列判断中为真的是()。A A和B都懂英语B A和B都不懂英语C A懂但B不懂英语D A不懂但B懂英语