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When riveted joints occur at the ends of plating they are called().









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更多 “单选题When riveted joints occur at the ends of plating they are called().A trailersB terminalsC seamsD butts” 相关考题
考题 Owing to the greater girth of a ship amidships than at the ends, certain strakes are dropped as they approach the bow and stern to reduce the amount of plating at the ends. These strakes are called ______.A.drop strakesB.stealersC.throughsD.Voids

考题 Spring tides occur______.A.when the moon is new or fullB.when the moon and sun have declination of the same nameC.only when the moon and sun are on the same sides of the earthD.at the beginning of spring when the sun is over the equator

考题 Which of the following must occur when installing SCSI devices into the server?() A. Terminate the back end of the chain.B. Set the jumper to device ID 0.C. Terminate both ends of the chain.D. Set the jumper to cable select.

考题 Which statement is TRUE concerning equatorial tides ________.A.They occur when the Sun is at minimum declination north or southB.They occur when the Moon is at maximum declination north or southC.The difference in height between consecutive high or low tides is at a minimumD.They are used as the basis for the vulgar establishment of the port

考题 What is NOT a requirement of cargo piping installed in tank vessels carrying grade D or E cargo ONLY ________.A.The cargo piping system shall be fixedB.Flanged joints shall be used for pipe sizes exceeding 2 inches in diameterC.Piping through bunker spaces may be run through a pipe tunnelD.Connections at bulkheads must be made so that the plating does not form part of a flanged joint

考题 In heavy weather you notice buckling in the midships deck plating of your vessel.To relieve the strain you could ______.A.pump fuel oil from midships to the ends of the vesselB.reduce speedC.take a course which most eases the vesselD.All of the above

考题 The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a ______.A.Grip jointB.Strap jointC.Thread jointD.Lap joint

考题 The connected joints of pipe,usually made of three joints of pipe approximately 90 feet long,racked in the derrick when making a trip are called a ______.A.StringB.StandC.JointD.Standpipe

考题 A vessel’s bottom will be subjected to tension when weight is concentrated ______.A.amidshipsB.aftC.at both ends of the vesselD.Forward

考题 Which of the following must occur when installing SCSI devices into the server?()A、 Terminate the back end of the chain.B、 Set the jumper to device ID 0.C、 Terminate both ends of the chain.D、 Set the jumper to cable select.

考题 单选题The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a().A grip jointB strap jointC thread jointD lap joint

考题 单选题Which will most likely occur when entering shallow water? ()A Rudder action will become more effectiveB The vessel's list will changeC The vessel's trim will changeD An increase in speed will occur

考题 单选题The connected joints of pipe,usually made of three joints of pipe approximately 90 feet long,racked in the derrick when making a trip are called a().A stringB standC jointD standpipe

考题 单选题A Chinese stopper (two lines) will hold best when you().A fasten the bitter ends to the mooring line with half hitchesB twist the ends together and hold them in the direction of the pullC twist the ends together and hold them in the direction opposite to the pullD twist the ends together and hold them at right angles to the mooring line

考题 单选题When is the most critical time of bunkering in regards to oil pollution?()A lining up the systemsB topping offC starting deliveryD connecting hoses and joints

考题 单选题The type of joint formed when a third small plate is riveted over two plates butted together is called a().A butted jointB lap jointC strap jointD stringer joint

考题 单选题The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by ().A welding brackets across both ends of the crackB chipping out and slot welding the entire crackC drilling a hole at each end of the crackD cutting a square notch at each end of the crack

考题 单选题Emulsification of oil will occur when mixed with ().A airB black oilC waterD ice cream

考题 单选题A vessel’s bottom will be subjected to tension when weight is concentrated().A amidshipsB aftC at both ends of the veselD forward

考题 单选题Which of the following must occur when installing SCSI devices into the server?()A  Terminate the back end of the chain.B  Set the jumper to device ID 0.C  Terminate both ends of the chain.D  Set the jumper to cable select.

考题 单选题How are riveted lap joints made watertight().A The faying surfaces are coated with white lead(or similar product)before the rivets are setB A sealing weld bead of 1/8 or less pitch is run along the plate edgeC The plate edge is split close to an adjacent plate and mechanically forced into contact with the adjacent plateD A properly riveted joint will be watertight; any leakage is stopped by setting up on the rivets

考题 单选题The most critical part of the bunkering operations, which can result in an oil spill, is when the ()A hose joints are made upB tanks are being topped offC system is being lined upD pumping operation is first started

考题 单选题In heavy weather you notice buckling in the midship deck plating of you vessel. To relieve the strain you could().A pump fuel oil from midships to the ends of the vesselB reduce speedC take a course which most eases the vesselD All of the above

考题 单选题Owing to the greater girth of a ship amidships than at the ends,certain strakes are dropped as they approach the bow and stern to reduce the amount of plating at the ends. These strakes are called().A drop strakesB stealersC throughsD voids

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning apogean tides().A They occur only at quadratureB They occur when the Moon is nearest the EarthC They cause diurnal tides to become mixedD They have a decreased range from normal

考题 单选题The construction of the main propulsion engine lube oil sump should ()A have no plating joints of 90B retain the lube oil as long as possible before it recirculates through the systemC provided drain/return lines that are no greater than 24 inches from the pump suctionD be provided with only a perfectly horizontal bottom

考题 单选题Ordinarily the transit()when the goods leaves the seller’s possession,and ends when they get into the possession of the buyer.A beginsB endsC finishesD completes