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女孩,3岁。发热伴流涕、咳嗽、流泪。4d后体温达40℃,耳后发际出现皮疹,为淡红色斑丘疹,渐延及全身和手心足底,疹间皮肤正常。 本病最常见的并发症是()











解析: 麻疹并发症:支气管肺炎出疹一周内常见,占麻疹患儿死因的90%以上。
更多 “单选题女孩,3岁。发热伴流涕、咳嗽、流泪。4d后体温达40℃,耳后发际出现皮疹,为淡红色斑丘疹,渐延及全身和手心足底,疹间皮肤正常。 本病最常见的并发症是()A 喉炎B 脑炎C 肺炎D 心肌炎E 结核恶化” 相关考题
考题 单选题Which of the following processes, is used to find the hardware address of a LAN device?()A Inverse-ARPB Reverse-ARPC Proxy ARPD ARP

考题 单选题3岁小儿,无明显结核症状,结核菌素试验阳性,胸片呈典型哑铃“双极影”,该患儿应使用()A 短程疗法B 标准疗法C 强化疗法D 预防性化疗E 巩固治疗

考题 单选题急性肾炎水肿最初开始的部位()A 踝骨B 胫骨前C 腰部D 面部E 眼睑

考题 单选题佝偻病后遗症期多见于(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题治疗惊厥的首选药物是()A 苯巴比妥B 地西泮C 苯妥英钠D 卡马西平E 丙戊酸钠

考题 多选题AAA认证管理性接入的用户或远程网络接入的用户,采用()模式请求AAA服务A包模式B交换模式C字符模式D密文模式

考题 单选题What is the purpose of the inverse ARP?()A to map a known DLCI to an IP addressB to map a known IP address to a MAC addressC to map known SPID to a MACaddressD to map a known DLCI to a MAC addressE to map a known IP address to a SPIDF to map a known MAC address to an IP address

考题 多选题下列哪些是TACACS+的关键因素()A不兼容TACACS和XTACACSB认证和授权分离C加密所有通信D使用TCP端口49

考题 单选题婴幼儿少尿的标准为一昼夜尿量少于()A 200mlB 300mlC 400mlD 500mlE 600ml

考题 多选题Which three WAN technologies does the Cisco SR 500 Family support?()AADSLBSIP trunkingCFibre ChannelDIPv6EFast EthernetFT1

考题 单选题What is the default maximum number of equal-cost paths that can be placed into the routing of a cisco OSPF router?()A 16B 2C unlimitedD 4

考题 多选题It has become necessary to configure an existing serial interface to accept a second Frame Relay virtual circuit.Which of the following processes are required to accomplish this task?()Aconfigure static frame relay map entries for each subinterface network.Bremove the ip address from the physical interfaceCcreate the virtual interfaces with the interface commandDconfigure each subinterface with its own IP addressEdisable splithorizon to prevent routing loops between the subinterface networksFencapsulate the physical interface with multipoint PPP


考题 多选题To ensure device security, Cisco Network Admission Control works with antivirus software onwhich two endpoints? ()AportBserverClaptopDwireless client

考题 单选题新生儿惊厥时会出现下列哪种情况?(  )A 大小便失禁B 高热C 舌咬伤D 阵发性青紫E 角弓反张

考题 单选题What parameter can be different on ports within an EtherChannel?()A speedB DTP negotiation settingsC trunk encapsulationD duplex

考题 单选题上呼吸道梗阻()A 呼吸表浅、双吸气B 呼吸快,有鼻翼扇动、三凹征C 呼出气体有烂苹果味D 吸气性呼吸困难E 呼气性呼气困难

考题 单选题患儿,男,1岁。发热5天,昏迷2天。皮肤潮红,T38.5℃,伴有颈抵抗,病理反射阳性,呼吸不规律,出现潮式呼吸,两肺未闻及湿啰音,R130次/分,PaCO245mmHg,初步诊断该患者为()A 肺炎B 心力衰竭C 支气管炎D 周围性呼吸衰竭E 中枢性呼吸衰竭

考题 单选题What is valid reason for a switch to deny port access to new devices when port security is enabled?()A The denied MAC addresses have already been learned or confgured on another secure interface in the same VLAN.B The denied MAC address are statically configured on the port.C The minimum MAC threshold has been reached.D The absolute aging times for the denied MAC addresses have expired.

考题 单选题患儿男,7岁。注意力不集中、多动来院就诊,上学半年来症状明显,时有冲动,人际关系差,学习成绩不稳定。体检未见明显异常,智力正常,脑电图示轻度异常。患儿最合适的药物是()A 利他林、匹莫林B 地西泮C 可乐定D 丙眯嗪E 泰必利

考题 单选题患儿8个月,腹泻2天,稀便每日7~8次左右,精神尚好,皮肤弹性稍差,轻度眼窝下陷,尿稍少,四肢不凉。其脱水程度是(  )。A 轻度脱水B 中度脱水C 重度脱水D 不脱水E 重度脱水伴酸中毒

考题 单选题肥胖标准是体重超过同性别、同身高(长)正常小儿体重均值()A 20%以上B 25%~40%C 40%以上D 30%~49%E 50%以上

考题 多选题The network technician is planning to use the subent mask on the network.which three valid IP addresses can the technician use for the hosts?()A172.22.243.127B172.22.243.191C172.22.243.190D10.16.33.98E10.17.64.34F192.168.1.160

考题 单选题抗结核药物属于抑菌药的是()A 异烟肼B 利福平C 链霉素D 乙胺丁醇E 吡嗪酰胺

考题 单选题A network interface port has collision detection and carrier sensing enabled on a shared twisted pair network. From this statement, what is known about the network interface port?()A This is a 10 Mb/s switch port.B This is a 100 Mb/s switch port.C This is an Ethernet port operating at half duplex.D This is an Ethernet port operating at full duplex.E This is a port on a network interface card in a PC

考题 单选题麻疹前驱期哪种临床表现最有诊断价值?(  )A 鼻、眼卡他症状B 下眼睑缘充血横线C 颊黏膜Koplik斑D 发热E 皮疹

考题 单选题如果交换机的vty线路配置有 transport input ssh 命令,则在该交换机上输入 crypto key zeroize rsa 命令后会发生什么情况?()A 会创建一个新的 RSA 密钥对。B 交换机默认为仅允许 Telnet 连接。C 交换机不再能作为 SSH 客户端进行 SSH 连接。D 交换机仅在生成新的 RSA 密钥对后允许远程连接。

考题 单选题新生儿期表现为(  )。A B C D E