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急性颅内压增高已出现脑疝症状时首先选用治疗是(  )。











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更多 “单选题急性颅内压增高已出现脑疝症状时首先选用治疗是(  )。A 乙酰唑胺B 20%甘露醇C 50%葡萄糖D 地塞米松E 腰穿降颅压” 相关考题
考题 单选题在动态磁盘中建立的卷()的读写效率最高。A  简单卷B  跨区卷C  带区卷D  镜像卷E  RAID5卷

考题 单选题患儿女,1岁。接种疫苗后即刻出现过敏性休克,此时护士应采取的体位是()A 平卧位,头稍低B 侧卧位,头稍高C 膝胸卧位,头稍低D 抬高头肩部E 仰卧位,头稍高

考题 单选题患儿惊厥时的护理措施是()A 吸氧B 针刺人中穴C 物理降温D 清洁口腔E 用生理盐水纱布遮眼

考题 多选题An etwork administrator has enabled OSPF across an NBMA network and has issued the command ip ospf network nonbroadcast. Given those facts, which two statements are true?()AInterfaces will automatically detect and build adjacencies with neighbor routersBDR and BDR elections will not occurCDR and BDR elections will occurDThe neighbor command is required to build adjacenciesEAll routers must be configured in a fully meshed topology with all other routers

考题 单选题关于抗生素的应用叙述不正确的是()A 抗生素主要对细菌感染性疾病效果好B 病原体对抗生素不会产生耐药性C 联合应用抗生素时应有明确的适应证D 注意抗生素的毒副作用E 长期使用抗生素易造成菌群失调

考题 单选题对于婴儿住院时的护理叙述不正确的是()A 呼唤患儿的全名B 尽量保持患儿住院前的生活习惯C 给予抚摸、拥抱、微笑D 提供适当的感知觉刺激E 协助进行动作训练

考题 单选题You have just configured HSRP group 10 in vour network, Which MAC address will your default gateway use? ()A 0000.5E00.010aB 0000.0c07.ac0aC 0000.0c07.0110D 000.0cac.070a

考题 单选题对结核杆菌正确的消灭方法是()A 湿热65℃30分钟B 5%石碳酸浸泡12小时C 5%漂白粉浸泡12小时D 干热80℃20分钟E 冰冻1个月

考题 单选题Which alerts will be seen on the console when running the command: logging console warnings.()A warnings onlyB warnings, notifications, error, debugging, informationalC warnings, errors, critical, alerts, emergenciesD notifications, warnings, errorsE warnings, errors, critical, alerts

考题 单选题Which of the following correctly fills in the missing words of this sentence: An ARP request uses aaddress, whereas an ARP reply uses a address.()A broadcast, multicastB unicast, broadcastC broadcast, unicastD multicast, unicastE broadcast, broadcastF unicast, multicast

考题 单选题以下宜采用全肠灌洗清除毒物的是()A 中毒时间超过1小时以上者B 中毒时间超过2小时以上者C 中毒时间超过3小时以上者D 中毒时间超过4小时以上者E 中毒时间超过5小时以上者

考题 单选题下列哪种物质可预防营养性缺铁性贫血和巨幼细胞贫血?(  )A 水果B 牛乳C 豆类D 肝脏E 绿叶蔬菜

考题 单选题为降低颅内压而进行的处理不包括()A 脱水疗法B 腰穿快速放脑脊液C 侧脑室引流D 激素治疗E 颅骨钻孔减压

考题 单选题The Acme Rocket Corporation is integrating their existing Octel voice mail system with Cisco CallManager Express. The Octel voice mail system has four ports and a voice mail pilot point of 53222. How should the CallManager Express be configured to support this integration? ()A A separate VoIP dial peer needs to be configured for the four pilot point numbers. B Four dial peers need to be configured with the same pilot point number. C Four ephone-dns and four ephones need to be configured with the same pilot point number. D Four ephones and four dial peers need to be configured with the same pilot point number. 

考题 单选题During the installation of the Cisco WCS version 4.0, an error occurs. Where would you look for theinstallation log, in order to learn more about this error?()A at the root of the installation driveB in the Cisco WCS installation directoryC on the desktop of the serverD in the Cisco WCS/Logs directory

考题 单选题According to RFC 2328, what is the stateful order in which an OSPF router transitions to a full adjacency with a neighbor router?()A Down, Init, 2 - Way, Exstart, Exchange, Loading, and FullB Down, Init, 2 - Wa y, Exchange, Exstart, Loading, and FullC Down, 2 - Way, Init, Loading, Exstart, Exchange, and FullD Down, 2 - Way, Init, Exchange, Exstart, Loading, and FullE Down, Init, 2 - Way, Loading, Exstart, Exchange, and FullF Down, 2 - Way, Init, Exstart, Exch ange, Loading, and Full

考题 单选题关于抗生素的应用叙述不正确的是()A 抗生素主要对细菌感染性疾病效果好B 病原体对抗生素不会产生耐药性C 联合应用抗生素时应有明确的适应证D 注意抗生素的毒副作用E 长期使用抗生素易造成菌群失调

考题 单选题急性肾小球肾炎尿呈浓茶色,是由于()A 酸性尿中红细胞破坏B 尿比重增高C 尿酸盐结晶D 饮水少E 尿蛋白太高

考题 单选题禁止 RIP 协议的路由聚合功能的命令是()A  undo ripB  auto-summanyC  undo auto-summanyD  undo network

考题 多选题Which of the following IPv6 tunneling mechanisms support IPv6 IGP routing protocols?()AAutomatic 6to4BManually configured tunnelCISATAPDGRE

考题 单选题You are configuring a wireless lan controller for qos. which 802.11e user priority tag should you apply to voice applications?()A 3B 6C 4D 1

考题 多选题Which three are benefits of U-APSD?()Asynchronization of the transmission and reception of voice framesBbandwidth reservationCoptimized power-save mode periodsDincreased call capacityEpriority bandwidth and polling

考题 单选题关于血友病患者的护理措施叙述错误的是()A 注意避免外伤B 尽量避免肌肉注射及深部组织穿刺C 必须穿刺时应选用小针D 拔针后延长按压时间E 应积极鼓励手术治疗

考题 多选题What are two characteristics of the DiffServ model?()Aservice guaranteeBtraffic that is divided into classesCnot scalable to large implementationsDQoS mechanisms that are used without prior signalingEapplications that signal their particular QoS and bandwidth requirements

考题 单选题新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病控制惊厥,肝功能不全者选用()A 苯巴比妥B 苯妥英钠C 呋塞米D 安定E 甘露醇

考题 单选题多见于2~6个月婴儿,起病急,喘憋重的是()A 腺病毒性肺炎B 金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎C 呼吸道合胞病毒性肺炎D 肺炎支原体肺炎E 肺炎球菌肺炎

考题 单选题A cisco wireless location appliance has been added to track rfid tags placed on laptops being used in a school. classrooms at the school have concrete block walls. during testing, you discover that the accuracy of the system needs to be improved. you decide to edit the map in the cisco wcs to add the interior walls. How many interior walls can you add to improve the accuracy of the location appliance?()A 50B 150C 100D 200

考题 问答题Refer to the output shown on switch SW1 below:  VLAN 1 bridge priority set to 8192. VLAN 1 bridge max aging time set to 20.VLAN 1 bridge hello time set to 2. VLAN 1 bridge forward delay set to 15. Switch is now the root switch for active VLAN 1.  What command would you enter to reproduce this output?