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You upgrade five computers from Windows NT 4.0 Workstation to Windows 2000 Professional. These computers are used by the members of the Finance OU to run financial applications. All five computers are configured to have the default security settings. A User named Helena, reports that she can no longer run the financial Applications on her Windows 2000 Professional computer. Prior to the upgrade, Helena was able to run the applications on her computer. Helena is member of the Local User group. You want the applications to run on her computer. What should you do?()

Use Computer Management to configure separate memory spaces for each financial  application on Helena’s Computer.


Use Security Templates to edit the Security Policy to include the financial applications on  Helena’s Computer. Then add Helena’s user account to the Power User Group on Helena’s Computer.


Use Security Configuration and Analysis to reconfigure the default security policy .inf file to  allow the finance applications to run on Helena’s Computer.


Use secedit.exe to apply the Compatws.inf security template to Helena’s Security Policy to  loose the permission for the Local User group on Helena’s Computer.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You upgrade five computers from Windows NT 4.0 Workstation to Windows 2000 Professional. These computers are used by the members of the Finance OU to run financial applications. All five computers are configured to have the default security settings. A User named Helena, reports that she can no longer run the financial Applications on her Windows 2000 Professional computer. Prior to the upgrade, Helena was able to run the applications on her computer. Helena is member of the Local User group. You want the applications to run on her computer. What should you do?()A Use Computer Management to configure separate memory spaces for each financial  application on Helena’s Computer.B Use Security Templates to edit the Security Policy to include the financial applications on  Helena’s Computer. Then add Helena’s user account to the Power User Group on Helena’s Computer.C Use Security Configuration and Analysis to reconfigure the default security policy .inf file to  allow the finance applications to run on Helena’s Computer.D Use secedit.exe to apply the Compatws.inf security template to Helena’s Security Policy to  loose the permission for the Local User group on Helena’s Computer.” 相关考题
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