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The quality of EGC message is()affected by the position of the ship, the time of reception and climatic condition.



all times






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更多 “单选题The quality of EGC message is()affected by the position of the ship, the time of reception and climatic condition.A sometimesB all timesC neverD partly” 相关考题
考题 单选题根据STCW公约马尼拉修正案关于防止吸毒和酗酒的规定,说法正确的是()。①当船员被发现受到吸毒或酗酒的影响时,将不允许其值班或负责安全、防污染和保安值班,直到他们履行其职责的能力不再受到妨碍为止;②主管机关应采取措施防止毒品或酒精削弱值班人员的能力,并制定必要的甄别计划;③公司应明确书面政策,禁止值班人员在值班前4小时内喝酒;④对于因吸毒或酗酒而可能影响安全的船员,可采用劝说、批评等方式使其认识错误,再进行值班工作。A ①②③B ①③④C ①②④D ②③④

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考题 单选题具有柔软、光滑、不易扭转,但强度弱,弹性、防腐性差,船上只用作计程仪绳、旗绳、撇缆绳,该纤维绳是()A 棉麻绳B 白棕绳C 油麻绳D 化纤绳

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考题 单选题To prevent the overflow of cargo tanks due to expansion, you should top off ().A to the bottom of the expansion trunkB to within 1% to 3% of its capacityC to within 1% to 3% inches of its capacityD 1 to 3 inches from top of the vent pipe

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考题 单选题According to the Insurance Terms of PICC,All Risk covers().A total and partial lossB 4/4 collision liabilityC general averageD all of the above

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考题 问答题简述多式联运应具备的条件。

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考题 单选题在北大西洋上,永久性低压活动中心出现在()。A 冰岛附近B 格陵兰半岛C 比斯开湾D 阿留申群岛附近

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考题 单选题In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.A setting tanksB service tanksC tanksD drain tanks

考题 单选题在船上拆卸下列中、低速柴油机的螺栓时可能使用液压拉伸工具()。I底脚螺栓;II贯穿螺栓;III气缸盖螺栓;IV主轴承螺栓;V连杆螺A II+III+IV+VB II+III+IVC I+II+III+IVD I+II+III+IV+V

考题 单选题某船TPC=12.4t/cm,在标准海水中dm=5.74m,为保持平均吃水相同,驶入ρ=1.012g/cm3的水域时需驳卸货物85t,则若该轮未经驳卸即驶入ρ=1.012g/cm3的水域吃水变为()cm。A 5.74B 5.81C 5.78D 5.83

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考题 单选题()is used in typical marine pattern self-contained unit.A a water cooled condenserB a slop tankC a expansion tankD a centrifugal pump

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考题 单选题双壳油船货油舱区域的甲板、船底及内底均为()。A 横骨架式结构B 纵骨架式结构C 纵横混合骨架式结构D 横纵混合骨架式结构

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