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“Please cook the dishes finely and season them highly”的中文意思是()。

  • A、请把这些盘子做得精致、淡雅一些
  • B、请把菜肴做得仔细些、味淡一些
  • C、请把菜肴做得独特些、味重一些
  • D、请把菜肴做得精致些、味要浓些


更多 ““Please cook the dishes finely and season them highly”的中文意思是()。A、请把这些盘子做得精致、淡雅一些B、请把菜肴做得仔细些、味淡一些C、请把菜肴做得独特些、味重一些D、请把菜肴做得精致些、味要浓些” 相关考题
考题 24. How does a cook make the balance of food?A. He tries to cook a lot of meat.B. He tries to cook meat, vegetables, bread and sweet food for a big meal.C. He tries to make the food delicious.

考题 25. Which is right according to the passage?A. The meal looks beautiful because the food on the plate is in different colors.B. American people do not like to cook food at home.C. American parents do not like to teach their children to cook.

考题 Mr. Cook has not commented ________these reports.A.inB.ofC.withD.on

考题 Cook the onion until it has (). A、softingB、softenedC、softD、softed

考题 “请填单。”译成英文有()。 A、Please complete the forms.B、Fill out the forms,please.C、please show methe contents.D、Please fill in the forms.

考题 回家的感觉真好,可以吃到妈妈亲手做的家乡菜。A、I feel good to be at home. I can eat the hometown dishes my mom makes.B、I feel so nice back home that I could eat the home dishes made by my mom.C、It feels great to be home. I can enjoy the local dishes my mom makes.D、The feeling of going back home was really great. I can enjoy the taste of my hometown dishes cooked by mother.

考题 Dishes in Sichuan are noted for their varied and ( )flavors.A. freshB. tenderC. heavyD. light

考题 When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main course at the center with the other dishes______ placed around them.A、evenlyB、evenC、oddD、oddly

考题 下面哪些句子正确表达"请填写这张表格。"() A、Please fill in this form.B、Please fill this form.C、Please fill on this form.D、Please fill out this form.

考题 direction You are to write an email to James Cook,a newly-arrived Australia professor,recommending some tourist attraction in your city.Please give reason for your recommendation.You should write nearly on the answer/sheet.Dot not sign your own name at the end of the email.use"li ming"instead Do not write the address.

考题 Not only__________very well,but also__________well.A.she cooks;does she dance B.she cooks;she dances C.does she cook;she dances D.does she cook;does she dance

考题 1.Greetings 2Use a tongue twister to warm up: How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. Step 2: Presentation 1Listen to the tape for the first time and ask them to write down what are they listening to. 2Let students find out similarity between these words. 3Tell students how to pronounce “oo”, and summary the pronunciation of “oo” /u/,/u:/. Step 3: Practice 1Let students find more words with the pronunciation of “oo” (such as: look, book, wood, cookery, classroom), and use these words to make sentence.(such as: I look at the good book. Mr. wood is a good cook. ) Step 4: Production Dubbing contest: students work in pairs to imitate film clips; teacher will give them 8 minutes to prepare it and then invite some students make performance in the front. Step 5: Summary & Homework Summary: students look at the blackboard and summarize this class. Homework: students find lyrics with the pronunciation of “oo”, and hold a singing contest in the next class.

考题 The first European to visit New Zealand was()AKupeBAbel TasmanCWilliam HobsonDJames Cook

考题 Excuse me. Is this table taken?()AWe haven‘t booked the dishes.BWe haven‘t ordered the dishes.CYeah. I‘m saving these seats for friends.DYeah. I‘m stuffed.

考题 中译英:请把门关上。()A、Closethedoor,please.B、Closethewindow,please.C、Closethesuitcase,pleaseD、Closethetrunk,please

考题 Will you please give the note to him?()A、Certainly, I'll give it to himB、No, please notC、Sorry, I don'tD、Yes, please do

考题 Excuse me. Is this table taken?()A、We haven‘t booked the dishes.B、We haven‘t ordered the dishes.C、Yeah. I‘m saving these seats for friends.D、Yeah. I‘m stuffed.

考题 The soup smells().Would you like some?A、goodB、wellC、properlyD、finely

考题 下面哪一个不是相对路径的表示方式()A、 ../files/images/ch_cook1.gifB、  ./file/ch_cook1.gifC、  /pic/folder/images/ch_cook1.gifD、  c:/pic/images/ch_cook1.gif

考题 “Would you please tell me how to cook grilledcod?”这句话的意思是()。A、你高兴告诉我这是什么鲑鱼吗?B、你高兴告诉我铁扒鲑鱼怎样做吗?C、你能教我怎样做铁扒鳕鱼吗?D、你能教我怎样做铁扒外脊扒吗?

考题 请上车翻译成英文是()A、Please stop hereB、Please close the doorC、Please get on

考题 “请上车”用英文表达为()。A、Please hold onB、Please get upC、Please keep itD、Please get on the car

考题 单选题All these dishes taste _____. Don’t you think so?A goodB wellC fineD pleased

考题 单选题If the detergent type lubricating oil being used in a diesel engine is black, the oil ()A must be centrifugedB must by filteredC must be changedD is holding finely dispersed carbon in suspension

考题 单选题Many people still prefer washing dishes by hand to machine washing because ______.A hand-washed dishes are cleanerB dishwashers are not so easily handledC some dishes cannot be machine-washedD washing dishes by hand is cheaper

考题 单选题Excuse me. Is this table taken?()A We haven‘t booked the dishes.B We haven‘t ordered the dishes.C Yeah. I‘m saving these seats for friends.D Yeah. I‘m stuffed.

考题 单选题下面哪一个不是相对路径的表示方式()A ../files/images/ch_cook1.gifB   ./file/ch_cook1.gifC   /pic/folder/images/ch_cook1.gifD   c:/pic/images/ch_cook1.gif