


1、The behavior of gases is explained by()the Kinetic theory.【单选题】

A.scientists call it

B.what do scientists call

C.scientists they call

D.what scientists call


答案解析:【译文】气体的行为可以被科学家称之为的“运动理论”来加以解释。【解析】根据空格前面的介词from可以推知,by()the Kinetic theory表达应是“名词性(宾语)从句”,与前面的介词from形成“介宾关系”,逐项比对:A项代入空格,是无效表达;B项what引导的名词句中出现倒装(do scientists),有违“陈述语序”的从句规则,错误;C项中的名词scientists与代词they属语义重复;D项是what引导的名词性(宾语)从句,其语义=the + 名词 + 定语从句,具体到本句 , what scientists call the Kinetic theory =the thing(that scientists call the Knetic theory),其中the thing充当前面介词by的宾语,而关系代词that则充当后面定语从句中的call的宾语(call sb.sth.), the Kinetic theory是宾语补足语,因此D正确。

2、We can draw a conclusion from the text that(). 【阅读理解A】

A.foreign investment environment in Turkey will become better

B.Turkey’s citizens will suffer heavy loss due to the change of the face value of the lira

C.the local currency will depreciate with the removal of six naughts from the face value

D.prices of goods will go up



3、In Germany【阅读理解B】

A.they have a closer intimate distance than Americans

B.A 1979 Harris poll changed people’s opinion about the role of this country in world affairs

C.marking packages “Gift” may not be useful to escape duty payment

D.they usually make some compromises in order to cater to the needs of foreign visitors

E.curling the finger to oneself means good-bye

F.waving farewell is meant to bring a person closer to him

G.restaurant menus are rarely translated into multilingual languages



4、(2)    【阅读理解B】

A.Set a Good Example for Your Kids

B.Build Your Kids\' Work Skills

C.Place Time Limits on Leisure Activities

D.Talk about the Future on a Regular Basis

E.Help Kids Develop Coping Strategies

F.Help Your Kids Figure Out Who They Are

G.Build Your Kids\' Sense of Responsibility


答案解析:Para 3①Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique,pop stars and vaunted athletes. ②Have regular dinner-table discussions about people the family knows and how they got where they are.③Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own future.④When asked what they want to do,they should be discouraged from saying " I have no idea." ⑤ They can change their minds 200 times, but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.①孩子需要各种各样真实的榜样——绝不是他们小圈子里的人,也不是明星或受到吹捧的运动员。②经常在就餐时与孩子谈论家庭成员所认识的人以及他们是如何取得现在的成就的。③与孩子谈论一下你职业生涯中的乐趣以及存在的问题,并鼓励他们为自己的未来做一些打算。④当问他们将来想做什么的时候,应阻止他们回答说“我不知道”。⑤他们可以不断地改变想法,但是对未来没有任何明确的构想可不怎么好。本段讲述第二条建议。①直言孩子需要学习榜样(authentic models),那如何做到这一点呢?②③建议与孩子经常探讨“周围熟人”和“自己”,目的是让孩子以这些人为榜样对未来形成认识;④进一步指出要鼓励孩子对未来要有想法,⑤从反面再次强调孩子对未来要有自己的想法。由此可见,本段的主题是建议家长经常与孩子探讨未来,故D正确。

5、Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat()by steam.【单选题】






答案解析:propel意思是“推动,助推”。译:在老师的指导下,学生们在造一艘由蒸汽推动的模型船。tow拖,牵引; press压,挤;toss扔,抛。

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