

2019年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第六章 短文翻译5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。


    One of the chief concerns of wildlife management is the protection and improvement of the nature habitat so that animals have enough food and water to survive. Wildlife management involves care of the soil to produce good vegetation; it also involves care of plants, not only as a source of food, but also as protection. Animals need cover to hide from their natural enemies and to raise their young safely.

    Just as crops are harvested, wildlife too must sometimes be“harvested”. By allowing limited hunting, good management can control certain species that threaten to overpopulate their habitat.






    An Asian engineer is assigned to a U.S. laboratory and almost suffers a nervous breakdown. A U.S. executive tells his staff he's going to treat them fairly—and creates dissension. A Japanese manager is promoted by his American president, but within six months asks for a transfer. Each of these real-life cases involved people who were regarded as superior employees, but were ill-equipped to cope with the complexities and dangers of intercultural management. 

    "Multinational companies have studied everything else, now they're finally looking at culture", says Clifford Clarke, founder and president of the California-based IRI International Inc. "Never show the shoe to an Arab, never arrive in time for a party in Brazil, and in Japan, don't think ‘yes' means ‘yes'," advise U.S. consultants Lennie Copland and Lewis Brown Griggs, who have produced a series of films and a book to help managers improve their international business skills. But simply learning the social "do's" and "don'ts" is not the answer, according to the new culture specialists. The penalties for ignoring different thinking patterns, they point out, can be disastrous.


答案解析:       一个亚洲工程师被派到美国的实验室后精神几乎崩溃。一个美国经理告诉他的员工自己将公平对待他们,而这却导致了冲突。一个日本经理获得了美国总裁的提升,但不到六个月就要求调任。这些实际生活中的例子涉及到了那些被认为是高级雇员的人,这些人没有准备好去处理跨文化管理中的复杂性及危险性。
       总部位于加利福尼亚的IRI国际公司创始人兼总裁Clifford Clarke指出,国际化公司已研究了其他方面,现在他们终于开始正视文化方面了。美国顾问Lennie Copland和Lewis Brown Griggs建议:决不要向阿拉伯人展示鞋,在巴西参加聚会决不要按时到,在日本不要认为yes就是同意。这些顾问拍摄了一系列短片,并写了一本书以帮助经理们提高他们的国际化经营管理技能。据新文化专家说,仅仅学习社交场合中“应该做什么”和“不应该做什么”不是解决之道。他们指出忽视不同的思维方式,惩罚后果会很严重。


    Television, video and the wide range of social and recreational opportunities which are now available have taken the place of books in many homes. School children and students still have to read but they usually read because they have to, rather than because they enjoy it. Once they have left school or college, many feel that they never want to open a book again. In England 44% of the population say that they never buy a book and a further 1 % buy only one book a year. In contrast to this there have been 55,000 new books published in England this year as compared to just under 12,000 in 1950 when people were supposed to be spending more time reading for pleasure and relaxation in an age which was pre-TV.


答案解析:       电视、录像以及大量的现有的社交和娱乐机会在许多家庭已经取代了书籍。在校孩子和学生仍然得读书,但他们通常是被迫阅读而并非自己喜欢读书。他们一旦离开校门,许多人再也不愿意碰书本。在英国44%的人说他们从不买书,另有1%的人一年只买一本书。与此形成对照的是英国今年已出版5万5千本书而1950年只有1万2千本书出版,在当时的前电视时代人们本应该花更多的时间通过阅读来娱乐和放松。


    For the past five years, Tianjin University in northern China has provided free accommodation for parents in what it calls “tents of love.” Other schools let parents sleep on mats in school gymnasiums.

    Images of school gyms packed with parents have been widely shared on Chinese social media prompting a debate on whether China’s only children are treated too kindly and generously. Some have voiced criticism of Tianjin University, saying that they think both the parents and the children should be more independent.

    China’s children are often doted on by parents and two sets of grandparents, prompting fears that China has produced a generation of “little emperors” unable or unwilling to take care of themselves.

    Some experts think that the problem is overstated. They claimed that for some families, it’s their way to celebrate the first-ever family member who’s able to go to college. There’s nothing wrong with sharing the happiness.


答案解析:      过去五年来,天津大学一直为家长们提供免费住处,并将其称为“爱的帐篷”。其它学校也让家长借宿在学校体育馆的垫子上。


    Primary socialization refers to the training of children during their earliest years, whereas secondary socialization refers to later influences on the development of the child's personality and learning activities, such as his involvement with teachers and with other children at school. Primary socialization is in most societies carried out essentially within the family as part of child rearing. In the modern family, parents take responsibility for raising and teaching their children such basic things as language and correct behavior. Toilet training, teaching children how to eat correctly, and encouraging children to get along with others are all aspects of child rearing.

    However, it is not only these more mundane aspects of behavior that children learn. Children are also implicitly encouraged to develop the values of the parents and of the society in which they live. In American society, which was Parson's main concern, these values include independence, motivation for achievement, and competition. In other societies, different values, such as cooperation and egalitarianism, may be stressed. Yet the principle behind primary socialization in different societies is the same: the development of social values must be achieved in an environment of love and security, as is found in the ideal family anywhere in the world.


答案解析:        初级社会化指的是儿童早期的训练,中级社会化关注的是对儿童人格发展和学习活动的影响,比如说他们在学校和老师,同学的交往。初始社会化在大多数社会中是通过家庭扶养完成的。在现代家庭中,父母扶养和教育子女一些最基础的东西,比如语言,正确的行为。扶养子女包括教孩子用厕所,正确地吃东西,鼓励孩子和别人相处等等。

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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