

2020年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第五章 阅读理解B5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。

1、Production of biofuels are subsidized in【阅读理解B】

A.poor countries

B.all the world

C.the Climate Adaptation Fund

D.the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria



G.the U. S. and Europe


答案解析:根据信号词Production of biofuels are subsidized可回文定位到第2段:The second is the misguided policy in the U. S. and Europe of subsidizing the diversion of food crops to produce biofuels like corn-based ethanol:第二是美国和欧洲国家的误导政策,该政策在经济上支持把粮食加工成生物燃料,比如把玉米加工成乙醇。请注意题干信息与原文的语义对应:题干的Production of biofuels (生物燃料的生产)对应原文的produce biofuels (生产生物燃料);题干的are subsidized (受到资助)对应原文的subsidizing(进行资助)。比对选项,可发现G项恰与上述定位信息语义一致,故选G。

2、Srini Pillay says that 【阅读理解B】

A.in uncertain situations, you make reactions based on the sense of pessimism

B.companies should get rid of deadlines

C.firms help employees keep the creative part of the brain active

D.when making decisions, you should have a good capacity to look at a problem through other people\'s eyes

E.what happens when executives are making decisions

F.a deadline increases your stress of finding ways of solving the problems

G.feelings of uncertainty activates brain centers associated with anxiety and disgust


答案解析:文章在第七段第二次出现SriniPillay并含有其观点和看法。该段第一句提到西里尼.皮拉伊援引了一项研究,并指出该研究的发现。紧接着就是西里尼·皮拉伊的观点,即“在不确定的时刻,你会在那种无望感的驱使下行动”。所以A项中的In uncertain situations,make reactions,based on the sense of pessimism是文中in times of uncertainty,acting,out of that sense of doom and gloom的同义复现。所以A项为正确选项。G项是文中a study的同位语中的宾语成分,是对研究内容的具体阐述,并非是SriniPillay的直接表达,故排除。

3、(2) 【阅读理解B】

A.Monitor your alcohol use

B.Pay attention to table manners

C.Don\' t be a gossip

D.Network with higher-ups

E.Keep the conversation light

F.Dress appropriately

G.Make new friends


答案解析:全段由两句话构成,均是Barbara Pachter给出的建议。本段首句的steer clear of意为“避免,绕开”,全句意为“专家建议要避免谈论类似解雇、工资冻结这种煞风景的话题”。故本段的中心思想为在公司节日聚会上,我们应该谈论些轻松愉快的话题,避免一些敏感和负面的话题。故E项“聊天内容要轻松”符合题意,为正确答案。

4、The second technique suggests that you just imagine【阅读理解B】

A.you could find an image and try to link it with the problem

B.December and January are the best months for skiing

C.think as they would

D.to put himself

E.you have every resource to achieve your goal

F.we can still learn to be more creative

G.imagine them to be the characters in their works


答案解析:根据题干The second technique可知是第二个技巧,答案应该在第三段,Imagine that normal limitations don\'t exist. You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. (想象那些常规的限制不存在,你拥有你需要的大把的时间、空间和财力。)就是答案的来源,E是同义改写。

5、(5)   【阅读理解B】

A.Make up your mind

B.Reclaim life\'s meaning

C.Bid farewell to guilt and regret

D.Give to get

E.Be positive

F.Put yourself in the fun zone

G.Do something new


答案解析:关键词在于本段的第一句“Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back.”特别是本句的后半句,明确指出“给予更多,获得越多”,对应选项D.Give to get。 

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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