

2021年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第五章 阅读理解B5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。

1、Fiction writers always【阅读理解B】

A.you could find an image and try to link it with the problem

B.December and January are the best months for skiing

C.think as they would

D.to put himself

E.you have every resource to achieve your goal

F.we can still learn to be more creative

G.imagine them to be the characters in their works


答案解析:题干关键词Fiction writers定位在最后一段,G只是对文章做了少许改动。

2、For the Philippines【阅读理解B】

A.they have a closer intimate distance than Americans

B.A 1979 Harris poll changed people’s opinion about the role of this country in world affairs

C.marking packages “Gift” may not be useful to escape duty payment

D.they usually make some compromises in order to cater to the needs of foreign visitors

E.curling the finger to oneself means good-bye

F.waving farewell is meant to bring a person closer to him

G.restaurant menus are rarely translated into multilingual languages



3、(3) 【阅读理解B】

A.Monitor your alcohol use

B.Pay attention to table manners

C.Don\' t be a gossip

D.Network with higher-ups

E.Keep the conversation light

F.Dress appropriately

G.Make new friends


答案解析:通读全段,不难发现:本段主要讲述了Mr.Gimbel先生的建议。即本段第一句 While it\' s fun to indulge in rumors about colleagues, you don\' t want to be known as the person who\' s always spreading juicy gossip.“聊同事们的八卦也许的确很有意思,但你不能给人留下喜欢到处传闲话的印象”。故C项“同事八卦要避免”符合题意,为正确答案。

4、In United States【阅读理解B】

A.they have a closer intimate distance than Americans

B.A 1979 Harris poll changed people’s opinion about the role of this country in world affairs

C.marking packages “Gift” may not be useful to escape duty payment

D.they usually make some compromises in order to cater to the needs of foreign visitors

E.curling the finger to oneself means good-bye

F.waving farewell is meant to bring a person closer to him

G.restaurant menus are rarely translated into multilingual languages



5、(4) 【阅读理解B】

A.Monitor your alcohol use

B.Pay attention to table manners

C.Don\' t be a gossip

D.Network with higher-ups

E.Keep the conversation light

F.Dress appropriately

G.Make new friends


答案解析:根据文中的don’t pass up the opportunity to meet these people, who could be interviewing you when you’re up for your next promotion.(不要错过与这些人面对面的机会,因为说不定你下一次晋升时他们就会坐在面试官的位置上)和Afterwards, if you feel like you connected with someone senior, send them a follow-up email saving it was nice to meet them(之后如果你感觉自己和高管们已建立起联系,记得发一封电子邮件向他们表达结识的荣幸),可知D项“高层友谊要建立”,符合题意,为正确答案。

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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