

2022年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第四章 阅读理解A5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。

1、How many kinds of ideas are there about the future? ()【阅读理解A】






答案解析:细节题。从第四段我们得知:一些人Some people say we have only got to do the duties revealed in the past and laid down by religion, and god will look after the future;另外一些人Others say that the world is a machine and the course of future events is certain, whatever efforts we may make;马克思主义者Marxists say that the future depends on ourselves, even though we are part of the historical process;因此,应该是三种观点,选B。

2、We can draw a conclusion from the text that(). 【阅读理解A】

A.foreign investment environment in Turkey will become better

B.Turkey’s citizens will suffer heavy loss due to the change of the face value of the lira

C.the local currency will depreciate with the removal of six naughts from the face value

D.prices of goods will go up



3、We can infer from the passage that in the past an employee().【阅读理解A】

A.had job security and opportunity of promotion

B.had to compete with each other to keep his job

C.had to undergo training all the time

D.had no difficulty climbing the corporate ladder


答案解析:从第一段的句子“it is much harder than it used to be to offer good employee job security and an opportunity to climb the corporate ladder.”可以看出,过去一个好的职员很容易获得事业保险(job security)和晋升的机会(opportunity to climb the corporate ladder),工作上的竞争并不残酷,所以 B“必须和别人竞争”不对, C“必须总是接受培训”过去没有,D故意曲解了句子的意思。因此答案应该是 A。

4、The passage tells us that some manufacturers, instead of changing their product, would prefer to change its ().【阅读理解A】

A.production cost


C.market value



答案解析:第三段If, therefore, forone reason oranother, some alteration seems called for, how much better to change the image, the packet orthe pitch made by the product, rather than go to all the inconvenience of changing the product itself. 一旦需要改变产品,最好的办法莫过于改变外观形象、包装或产品定位而不是不辞辛苦改变产品本身。“改变外观形象、包装或产品定位”都是指D。

5、Seventy-eight percent of left-handed mothers hold their babies on the left side. This fact contradict the theory().【阅读理解A】

A.that the holding of the babies on the left is the result of the heart-beating on the left

B.that the holding of the babies on the left is the result of the predominance of right-handedness in the population

C.that the holding of the babies on the left is the result of the predominance of left-handedness in the population

D.that the holding of the babies on the left is the result of the heart-beating on the right


答案解析:推断题。78%的以左手为主的母亲也是左手兜住自己的孩子,与…it is obviously the result of the predominance of right-handedness in the population. By holding the babies in their left arms, the mothers keep their dominant arm free formanipulations. “人们以右手为主的这种优势造成的结果。母亲用自己的左手抱住婴儿,从而就能腾出自己主要的手臂来从事各种操作。”相悖。因此选B。

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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