


1、According to Paragraph 2, the recession has made people().【阅读理解A】

A.struggle against each other

B.realize the national dream

C.challenge their lifestyleprudence

D.reconsider their lifestyle


答案解析:A. 相互竞争;B. 实现国家的梦想;C. 向生活方式发起挑战;D. 重新审视他们的生活方式第二段第二句之后:他们不再物质至上,更加节俭;他们更加注意到其它人的辛苦。在有限的方面,萧条可以使社会得到好转。至少,使我们从暴富和大别墅的狂热幻境中苏醒过来,及时结束挥金如土的消费时代。D选项是对这些信息的概括,因而正确答案为D。

2、We may learn from Paragraph 4 that department stores were advised to ().【阅读理解A】

A.classify consumers into smaller groups

B.attach equal importance to different genders

C.focus on infant wear and older kids\' clothes

D.create some common shoppers\' terms


答案解析:A. 将消费者分为更细的群体;B. 把不同性别放在同等重要的地位;C. 聚焦于婴儿和稍大一些孩子的服装       D. 创造一些共同的消费术语Splitting kids, or adults, into ever-tinier categories has proved a sure-fire way to boost profits. (把儿童,成人分为更小的分类是增长利润的有效方法),故把消费者细分是给百货商场的建议,即A为正确答案。







答案解析:A. necessities生活必需品;B.  facilities设施,设备;C.  commodities商品;D. properties 财产根据原文who went without the ____ of food and shelter得知,of在此表示前后的从属关系,而food and shelter(食物和住处)属于生活必需品,因此答案为A。







答案解析:A. actual实际的;B. common普通的;C.  special特别的;D. normal正常的原文the G. I. was the ____ man grown into hero中,grown into hero为过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰前面the ____ man,推测应为“由普通人成长为英雄”,第5题后面的”average” 也与此题形成上下文照应。“普通人”常用表达为“common  man”,因此答案为B。

5、Benjamin Friedman believes that economic recessions may().【阅读理解A】

A. impose a heavier burden on immigrants

B. bring out more evils of human nature

C.promote the advance of rights and freedoms

D. ease conflicts between races and classes


答案解析:A. 给移民带来更大的负担; B. 展示出人类本性更多的邪恶面 ;C. 促进权利与自由的进步;D. 缓解种族与阶级之间的冲突第三段“...economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms. Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases, as does conflict between races and classes.(经济的衰退使社会变得更加狭隘,缺乏包容性,造成权利和自由的停滞不前甚至倒退。反移民运动也显著增加,种族和阶级见的斗争也增多了),这些都是人性的邪恶面,故答案选B。


A.on the contrary

B.by this means

C.from the outset

D.at that point


答案解析:A. on the contrary相反;B. by this means以这种方式;C.  from the outset从一开始;D.  at that point 从这一点讲Egypt, France and a dozen more countries(埃及,法国和其他十几个国家)是美国盟军。根据美国士兵对其盟军的影响得知,“任何一位美国士兵对他们而言都是生命中最重要的人”,因此答案为D。

7、According to Paragraph 3, one problem with the policy is that it may().【阅读理解A】

A.result in students\' indifference to their report cards

B.undermine the authority of state tests

C.restrict teachers\' power in education

D.discourage students from doing homework


答案解析:A. 导致学生对成绩报告单漠不关心;B. 削弱州举行的考试的权威性;C. 限制了教师在教育中的权利;D. 不鼓励学生完成家庭作业文章第三段第二句指出,“But with homework counting for no more than 10% of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see very little difference on their report cards. (如果家庭作业仅占分值的10%,学生很容易少做一半的家庭作业,在他们的成绩单上也不会有什么差别。)”既然成绩单上不会有区别,学生就会选择少做或不做家庭作业,故答案为为D。

8、As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whether().【阅读理解A】

A. it should be eliminated

B.it counts much in schooling

C.it places extra burdens on teachers

D. it is important for grades


答案解析:A. 它应该被免除;B. 它在学校教育中占据很大的比重;C. 它给老师带来了额外的负担;D. 它对于成绩很重要第四段的首句“the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework.(该政策未解决家庭作业真正棘手的问题)”后面的内容分析道,“如果学区认为家庭作业对应学生的学业不重要,学区应致力于减少或者免除家庭作业,使家庭作业不起任何作用;相反,如果家庭作业重要,它应该在学业中占重要的一部分。”可见项政策还未对家庭作业对于学业是否有重要作用给出确定答案,故答案选B。

9、Samuel Smiles【阅读理解B】

A.emphasized the virtue of classical heroes

B.highlighted the public glory of the leading artists

C. focused on epochal figures whose lives were hard to imitate

D.opened up new realms of understanding the great men in history.

E. held that history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle

F. dismissed virtue as unnecessary for successful leaders

G.depicted the worthy lives of engineers industrialists and explorers


答案解析:第四段“Self-help as a catalogue of the worthy lives of engineers, industrialists and explorers”, G选项是对原文的复现。

10、The research of Till Von Wachther suggests that in the recession graduates from elite universities tend to().【阅读理解A】

A. lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities

B.catch up quickly with experienced employees

C.see their life chances as dimmed as the others’

D.recover more quickly than the others


答案解析:A. 由于机会减少而落后于其他人;B. 迅速追赶上有经验的雇员;C. 像其他人一样认为前途渺茫 ;D. 比其他人更快恢复第四段第三“those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times(高等学府的毕业生能够很快调整自身,达到未遭遇危机时的状态)”。故答案选D。

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