



巧记商务英语词汇——联想记忆记得快 一 .归类法 在记忆商务英语词汇时,建议同学采用归类联想记忆法,即一个topic下,涉及到的词汇同时记忆掌握.例如:与网络有关的词汇,download(下载),e-mail(电子邮件),Global Area Network(全球局域网),netizen(网民),website(网页),log in(登录),hacker(黑客),modem(调制解调器),web page(网页),webzine(网络杂志),host(主机)等;与营销有关的词汇,hot product(热销产品),buying power(购买力),seller's market(卖方市场),buyer's market(买方市场),second hand(二手的),target customer(目标客户),nichemarket(缝隙市场)等.在归类的时候,如能总结出单词之间的内在联系就更好了.例如:insurance company(保险公司)包含sales(销售),accounts(账目),claims(索赔)等,sales又包含direct sales(直接销售),brokers(经纪人),agents(代理人)等.可以将单词画成树形来记忆(或者其他能表示单词间关系的思维导图).现在市面上也能买到很多分类词汇手册,比如《剑桥商务英语中级词汇语境记忆手册》,《剑桥商务英语BEC核心词汇(初级、中级、高级)》等.可以买一本来,根据单元(话题)来背诵.二 .衍生法 有一些单词是基础词汇,只不过在商务场合含义发生了变化.例如balance n./v.平衡,在会计领域有“结余、差额”的意思;对于这部分词汇,除了上述归类联想记忆法,还需要平时在阅读中多积累.遇到一个新的生词,结合上下文猜测意思,然后通过查字典得到准确的含义.接着联系该单词本义,找到“为什么它有这个含义”.一般来说,一个单词意思再多,也是从基本词义上拓展出来的,比如上文中提到的balance,由“平衡”想到“收支平衡”再到“结余、差额”,一步步来,总能找到共通点帮助记忆.三 .情境法 同学也可以采用在情境中学习词汇(通过阅读、听力等方式);图示法辅助学习(在图片上标注出单词)等.但是无论采用哪种方法,学习者都应该静下心来认真记忆单词,反复多次,加强巩固,可以参考记忆遗忘曲线来合理安排背单词时间.

下面小编为大家准备了 商务英语考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

? Read this part of a note from Emma Jackson, boss of a French travel agency.

We are thinking of printing a brochure to introduce tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe. Please contact the major hotels and scenic spots and the like and invite them to make advertisements.

? Write a letter to Hotel Mecure:

? giving a brief self-introduction

? saying what kind of brochure you are going to print

? stating the rate of advertising

? asking for a prompt reply.

? Write 60-80 words.

? Write on your Answer Sheet.

正确答案:Dear Manager We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading travel agencies in France. We are going to print a brochure to introduce some tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe for distribution at Hong Kong International Tourist Fair this year. Would you like to advertise your hotel in our brochure? The rate is 1000 for 1/2 page. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully
Dear Manager, We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading travel agencies in France. We are going to print a brochure to introduce some tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe for distribution at Hong Kong International Tourist Fair this year. Would you like to advertise your hotel in our brochure? The rate is 1,000 for 1/2 page. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,

You can go to every part of America from this city.


— You are the manager of the marketing department in your company. A new assistant manager has recently been appointed and will start work soon.

— Write an email to all staff in the department:

— explaining the need for the appointment

— saying when the assistant manager will start work

— describing the experience the assistant manager has.

— Write 40 - 50 words.

From: Candace Woodward

To: All marketing staff

Subject: New assistant manager

正确答案:To support our strategy of growing sales in our Asian and African markets a new position of assistant manager has been created. Paul Fisher has been appointed and will start on 1st September Paul has worked for several years in marketing toys concentrating on the Far East.
To support our strategy of growing sales in our Asian and African markets, a new position of assistant manager has been created. Paul Fisher has been appointed, and will start on 1st September Paul has worked for several years in marketing toys, concentrating on the Far East.

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