



注意:Dictation部分今年有所改革,改革后的全文大约70词,第一句事先给出,考生只需要听写后面5个意群即可。可根据给出的听力文摘第一句了解材料主题,不至于完全听不懂。第一遍和第四遍朗读全文,第二遍和第三遍从第二句开始。没有时间打草稿,直接整齐的写在答题卡上。伴随结构(with)/从句/however/for example/时间状语在前,主干句子在后时,中间需要有逗号。失去爆破的两个单词,别忘了第一个后面要有ed(播音不会播出ed的音)可数名词泛指的时候注意写其复数形式。不要以播音员的短句来决定断句,如:播音员念某一节是从句,那就不能用句号结尾。被动语态记得动词部分写成过去分词单词如果不会写,请根据发音知识尽力拼写,不要完全不写。不要拘泥于是****. And **** 还是 ****,and **** 保证意思语法合理就好。




注意:先读选项,竖着读选项,快速看出选项的相同处,不同点,大概预测会问什么。适当在各个选项旁边做一些简单的备注,以防稍后忘记每个选项对应的事物。出题顺序与录音播读顺序一致,请不要跟丢。如果跟丢,尽快保住剩下来的题目。对于数字、日期。行程表特别要记录清楚。注意but/however/because/first/so/finally/the study shows/I think 等信号,后面可能会播读答案。


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


optimist改成optimism 解析:optimist意为“乐观主义者”,句前有介词with,与其搭配不当。optimism意为“乐观,乐观主义”,可以与with搭配。

During the first half of the seventeenth century, when the nations of Europe were quarreling over who owned the New World, the Dutch and the Swedes founded competing villages ten miles apart on the Delaware River. Not long afterward, the English took over both places and gave them new names, New Castle and Wilmington.

For a century and a half the two villages grew rapidly, but gradually Wilmington gained all the advantages. It was a little closer to Philadelphia, so when new textile mills opened, they opened in Wilmington, not in New Castle. There was plenty of water power from rivers and creeks at Wilmington, so when young Irenee DuPont chose a place for his gunpowder mill, it was Wilmington he chose, not New Castle. Wilmington became a town and then a city —a rather important city, much the largest in Delaware. And New Castle, bypassed by the highways and waterways that made Wilmington prosperous, slept ten miles south on the Delaware River. No two villages with such similar pasts could have gone such separate ways. Today no two pieces could be more different.

Wilmington, with its expressways and parking lots and all its other concrete ribbons and badges, is a tired old veteran of the industrial wars and wears a vacant stare. Block after city block where people used to live and shop is broken and empty.

New Castle never had to make way for progress and therefore never had any reason to tear down its seventeenth-and eighteenth-century houses. So they are still here, standing in tasteful rows under ancient elms around the original town green. New Castle is still an agreeable place to live. The pretty buildings of its quiet past make a serene setting for the lives of 4,800 people. New Castle may be America's loveliest town, but it is not an important town at all. Progress passed it by.

Poor New Castle.

Lucky Wilmington.

Which is the major factor that made the difference between Wilmington and New Castle?

A.Convenience for traffic.

B.The Delaware River.

C.The investment of Irenee DuPont.

D.The textiles mills.


Which of the following is NOT among the reasons that India is creating a secondary sanctuary for the Asiatic lions?

A.Too many of them in the present sanctuary.

B.Possible outbreak of disease.

C.Clashing with people.

D.Food shortage.


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