营销师 2021_05_11 每日一练

In Beijing there are ______ hotels with stars at present.



C.about 400

D.more than 800


Jim: I have a pair of tickets for an opera Saturday night. Would you like to go? Cindy: I don't think so. ______.

A.I'm not too wild about opera

B.I'm not too interested about opera

C.I'm not very excited about opera

D.I'm not very anxious about opera


When the manager told her that she was the lucky customer, Mrs. White would be ______.

A.very tired

B.happier than ever before

C.rather sad



Mrs. White's husband tried to ______.

A.cheer her up

B.stop her from going to the supermarket

C.stop her from buying unnecessary things

D.make her less happy


Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized how late it was. I'm afraid I'll have to be going. Host: Oh, not yet. I'm just going to make some coffee. Guest: ______ , though I'd really love to stay. I've got to be up by six tomorrow morning, unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.

A.I'm sorry, but I must

B.Excuse me, but I have to go

C.Pardon me, but I should go

D.It's a pity, but no way out
