



国际注册内部审计师(CERTIFIED INTERNAL AUDITOR)的英文简称是CIA,它不仅是国际内部审计领域专家的标志,也是目前国际审计界唯一公认的职业资格。CIA需经国际内部审计师协会(INSTITUTE OF INTERNAL AUDITORS 简称 IIA)组织的考试取得。

下面小编为大家准备了 国际内部审计师(CIA考试) 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

You are requested to send us ______ to authenticate the cable L/C issued by your bank in the future.

A.your specimen signatures book

B.your telegraphic test key

C.your tariffs

D.your terms and conditions

解析:由银行开出的电开信用证需要签名进行鉴别真假。specimen signatures book签名样本。telegraphic test key电报测试密匙。terms and conditions条款。tariffs关税。

According to the passage, the main purposes of futures contracts are ______.

A.to hedge

B.to speculate

C.to arbitrage

D.all of the above

解析:文章第一段提到Futures are used...and arbitraging. 期货合同的主要目的有三个:保值、投机和套利。

According to the passage, preferred stockholders are guaranteed ______.

A.a voting rate per share

B.a promise to buy back the stocks made by the company

C.a withdrawal of investment principal in time of liquidation

D.a fixed dividend receipt

解析:文章第三段提到with preferred shines investors…common stock.优先股股东可以保证得到一定水平的优先股股利,这是区别于普通股的一个特点。

听力原文:A bank or insurance company issues a document to guarantee that exporter will supply the goods or services as the required standard.


A.A bank or insurance company issues an advance payment bond.

B.A bank or insurance company issues a tender bond.

C.A bank or insurance company issues a maintenance bond.

D.A bank or insurance company issues a performance bond.

解析:单句的意思为“银行和保险公司发行单据以保证出口商按照规定的标准提供货物和服务。”performance bond履约保函。advance payment bond预付款保函。tender bond投标保证金。maintenance bond保修协议。

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