


1. Joseph has just started his first job in an accountancy department. A qualified senior member of staff explains to him what the main aim of accounting is. Which of the following options is the correct aim of accounting?

A To maintain ledger accounts for every asset and liability

B To provide financial information to users of such information

C To produce a trial balance

D To record every financial transaction individually


2. Which of the following statements about accounting information is incorrect?

A Some companies voluntarily provide specially-prepared financial information to employees.

B Accounting information should be relevant, reliable, complete, objective and timely.

C Accountants have a strong obligation to ensure that company accounts conform to accounting standards

D Charities and professional bodies do not have to produce financial statements in the same way as businesses.


3. In a typical finance function, preparation of budgets and budgetary control would usually be the responsibility of which of the following roles?

A The Financial Controller

B The Management Accountant

C The Treasurer


4. Three of the following are outputs of a payroll system, and one is an input to the system. Which is the input?

A Credit transfer forms

B Time sheets

C Payroll analysis

D Pay slips


5. Which of the following is an aim of the control system relating to accounts payable and purchases?

A To ensure that all credit notes received are recorded in the general and payables ledger

B To ensure that goods and services are only supplied to customers with good credit ratings

C To ensure that all credit notes that have been issued are recorded in the general and receivables ledgers

D To ensure that potentially doubtful debts are identified



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Good Sports Limited has successfully followed a niche strategy to date.

Assess the extent to which an appropriate e-business strategy could help support such a niche strategy.

(8 marks)

(b) Good Sports has pursued a conscious niche or focus differentiation strategy, seeking to serve a local market in a way that
isolates it from the competition of the large national sports good retailers competing on the basis of supplying famous brands
at highly competitive prices. Does it make strategic sense for Good Sports to make the heavy investment necessary to supply
goods online? Will this enhance its ability to supply their chosen market?
In terms of price, e-business is bringing much greater price transparency – the problem for companies like Good Sports is
that customers may use their expertise to research into a particular type and brand of sports equipment and then simply
search the Internet for the cheapest supply. Porter in an article examining the impact of the Internet argues that rather than
making strategy obsolete it has in fact made it more important. The Internet has tended to weaken industry profitability and
made it more difficult to hold onto operational advantages. Choosing which customers you serve and how are even more
critical decisions.
However the personal advice and performance side of the business could be linked to new ways of promoting the product
and communicating with the customer. The development of customer communities referred to above could be a real way of
increasing customer loyalty. The partners are anxious to avoid head-on competition with the national retailers. One way of
increasing the size and strength of the niche they occupy is to use the Internet as a means of targeting their particular
customers and providing insights into the use and performance of certain types of equipment by local clubs and users. There
is considerable scope for innovation that enhances the service offered to their customers. As always there is a need to balance
the costs and benefits of time spent. The Internet can provide a relatively cost effective way of providing greater service to
their customers. There is little in the scenario to suggest they have reached saturation point in their chosen niche market.
Overall there is a need for Good Sports to decide what and where its market is and how this can be improved by the use ofe-business.

(b) Provide the directors of Acrux Ltd with a detailed explanation of the maximum rate of tax that will be suffered

on both the distributed and non-distributed profits of the non-UK resident investee companies where:

(1) there is a double tax treaty between the UK and the country in which the individual companies are

resident; and

(2) there is no such double tax treaty.

Note: you are not required to explain the position of the overseas resident branches. (6 marks)

(b) Rate of tax on profits of non-UK resident investee companies
Undistributed profits
The companies will be subject to tax in the countries in which they are resident; this is because of their residency status or
because they have a permanent establishment in that country. Undistributed profits will not be taxed in the UK.
The rate of tax on undistributed profits will therefore be the rate of tax in the country of residency of the respective companies.
Distributed profits with double tax treaty
The dividends received by Acrux Ltd from each of the overseas companies will be grossed up in respect of underlying tax (the
overseas corporation tax paid on the distributed profits) because Acrux Ltd will own at least 10% of the overseas companies.
The gross amount will then be included in Acrux Ltd’s profits chargeable to corporation tax.
The treaty will provide double tax relief in the UK for the overseas tax suffered in respect of each dividend up to a maximum
of the UK tax on the grossed up overseas dividend. As a result of the double tax relief, the overall rate of tax suffered will be
the higher of the UK rate paid by Acrux Ltd and the overseas tax rate borne by the overseas company.
Where the rate of overseas tax in respect of a particular dividend exceeds the rate of corporation tax in the UK, excess foreign
tax will arise. This can be relieved, via onshore pooling, against the UK tax due on those dividends where the rate of tax in
the UK exceeds the rate overseas. This will reduce the overall rate of tax suffered on the total overseas profits of the overseas
companies as a whole.
Distributed profits with no double tax treaty
Where there is no double tax treaty, unilateral double tax relief will be available in the UK. This relief will operate in the same
way as double tax relief under a double tax treaty such that the overall rate of tax on each dividend will be the higher of the
UK rate paid by Acrux Ltd and the overseas rate borne by the overseas company. Relief via onshore pooling will also be

3 Moffat Ltd, which commenced trading on 1 December 2002, supplies and fits tyres and exhaust pipes and services

motor vehicles at thirty locations. The directors and middle management are based at the Head Office of Moffat Ltd.

Each location has a manager who is responsible for day-to-day operations and is supported by an administrative

assistant. All other staff at each location are involved in fitting and servicing operations.

The directors of Moffat Ltd are currently preparing a financial evaluation of an investment of £2 million in a new IT

system for submission to its bank. They are concerned that sub-optimal decisions are being made because the current

system does not provide appropriate information throughout the organisation. They are also aware that not all of the

benefits from the proposed investment will be quantitative in nature.


(a) Explain the characteristics of THREE types of information required to assist in decision-making at different

levels of management and on differing timescales within Moffat Ltd, providing TWO examples of information

that would be appropriate to each level. (10 marks)

(a) The management of an organisation need to exercise control at different levels within an organisation. These levels are often
categorised as being strategic, tactical and operational. The information required by management at these levels varies in
nature and content.
Strategic information
Strategic information is required by the management of an organisation in order to enable management to take a longer term
view of the business and assess how the business may perform. during that period. The length of this longer term view will
vary from one organisation to another, being very much dependent upon the nature of the business and the ability of those
responsible for strategic direction to be able to scan the planning horizon. Strategic information tends to be holistic and
summary in nature and would be used by management when, for example, undertaking SWOT analysis. In Moffat Ltd
strategic information might relate to the development of new services such as the provision of a home-based vehicle recovery
service or the provision of twenty-four hour servicing. Other examples would relate to the threats posed by Moffat Ltd’s
competitors or assessing the potential acquisition of a tyre manufacturer in order to enhance customer value via improved
efficiency and lower costs.
Tactical information
Tactical information is required in order to facilitate management planning and control for shorter time periods than strategic
information. Such information relates to the tactics that management adopt in order to achieve a specific course of action. In
Moffat Ltd this might involve the consideration of whether to open an additional outlet in another part of the country or
whether to employ additional supervisors at each outlet in order to improve the quality of service provision to its customers.
Operational information
Operational information relates to a very short time scale and is often used to determine immediate actions by those
responsible for day-to-day management. In Moffat Ltd, the manager at each location within Moffat Ltd would require
information relating to the level of customer sales, the number of vehicles serviced and the number of complaints received
during a week. Operational information might be used within Moffat Ltd in order to determine whether staff are required to
work overtime due to an unanticipated increase in demand, or whether operatives require further training due to excessive
time being spent on servicing certain types of vehicle.

(b) Explain in the context of Flavours Fine Foods, what is meant by:

(i) responsibility; (4 marks)

(b) (i) RESPONSIBILITY is the liability of a person to be called to account for their actions and results, and is therefore an obligation to take some action to discharge that responsibility. Unlike authority, responsibility cannot be delegated. There is however some discussion on the extent to which this statement is true: the idea that responsibility cannot be delegated is too simplistic. Any task contains an element of responsibility. It is the idea of accountability and the direction of responsibility that is the relevant concept and is the problem at Flavours Fine Foods; ultimate responsibility resides with the owners. It is self evident that it is impossible to exercise authority without responsibility because this could lead to problems of control and therefore undesirable outcomes for the organisation. However, the superior (the owner) is always ultimately responsible for the actions of his or her subordinates. The key element here is the recognition of discretion by virtue of the person’s position. This underlines the doctrine of absolute responsibility; the superior is always ultimately accountable.

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