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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) Briefly discuss THREE disadvantages of using EVA? in the measurement of financial performance.

(3 marks)

(ii) Disadvantages of an EVA approach to the measurement of financial performance include:
(i) The calculation of EVA may be complicated due to the number of adjustments required.
(ii) It is difficult to use EVA for inter-firm and inter-divisional comparisons because it is not a ratio measure.
(iii) Economic depreciation is difficult to estimate and conflicts with generally accepted accounting principles.
Note: Other relevant discussion would be acceptable.

(ii) authority; (3 marks)

(ii) AUTHORITY is the scope and amount of discretion given to a person to make decisions by virtue of the position held within the organisation. The authority and power structure of an organisation defines the part each member of the organisation is expected to perform. and the relationship between the organisation’s members so that its efforts are effective. The source of authority may be top down (as in formal organisations) or bottom up (as in social organizations and politics). In the scenario, authority is from the top and should be delegated downwards.

5 Your manager has heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and how it has some relevance to motivational techniques.


(a) Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. (10 marks)


5 The way in which managers’ duties are undertaken can significantly influence the satisfaction that employees derive from their work. Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals have a hierarchy of personal needs which are identifiable, universally applicable and can be satisfied in the workplace. Understanding this concept provides guidance to management as to the appropriateness of
motivational techniques.
(a) Maslow’s theory of motivation is a content theory. Its basic idea is that each individual has a set of needs which have to be
satisfied in a set order of priority.
Maslow suggested that individuals have five needs:
(or self fulfilment)
Esteem needs
(or ego)
Social needs
Safety needs
Physiological needs
These needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance and movement is upwards, from physiological needs to selfactualisation.Any individual will always want more; each need must be satisfied before the next is sought. However – andcritically so far as motivation in the workplace is concerned – a satisfied need is no longer a motivator.
The theory is usually presented in the shape of a triangle, with physiological needs at its base and self-actualisation at itsapex. The triangle shape has a clear significance. As an individual moves up toward the apex, the needs thin out, that isphysiological needs are far greater than self-actualisation needs. For many individuals, reaching social needs is often thehighest need to be satisfied. The theory is sometimes presented as a staircase; again with self-actualisation at the top. Thissecond diagrammatic form. reflects the application of the theory to more modern situations, where it can reasonably beassumed that those within the organisation have already achieved physiological and safety needs. For such individuals, socialand esteem needs may well be greater.
Physiological needs are the basic survival needs which, although part of the theory, probably have less relevance today. Theseneeds are usually seen as food, shelter (which is sometimes noted as a safety need), warmth and clothing.
Safety needs are the desire for security, order, certainty and predictability in life and freedom from threat. The above two so-called ‘lower order needs’ dominate until satisfied.
Social needs are the gregarious needs of mankind, the need for friendship, relationships and affection. This is often seen as the desire to be part of a family.
Esteem needs are the desire for recognition and respect, often associated with status, especially in the modern world.
Self-actualisation (self fulfilment) is the ultimate goal. Once this state is achieved the individual has fulfilled personal potential.
However, later work by Maslow has suggested that there are two additional needs; freedom of enquiry (free speech and justice) and knowledge (the need to explore and learn). These additional needs are a further development of social needs and recognise the changing nature of modern life.

(b) Explain the major benefits of pursuing a policy of internal development. (4 marks)

(b) The major benefits of pursuing a policy of internal development that may accrue to Taliesin Ltd are as follows:
– By confining their activities to its internal environment the company avoids the need to manage the integration of
businesses which is necessitated by an acquisition. Management teams, when considering the acquisition of another
organisation, very often underestimate the costs of integration.
– There is no need for the board of directors of Taliesin Ltd to familiarise itself with different organisational and national
cultures, values etc, thereby avoiding many potential problems.
– The board of directors of Taliesin Ltd is better able to control the activities of the business and the need for more complex
supply chains and strategic alliances with foreign organisations is rendered unnecessary.
– All investments are made at market price whereas if the board of directors was to attempt to grow the business
acquisition then significant outlays would probably be made in respect of purchased goodwill.
– As the organisation develops and expands, staff are provided with development and learning activities that may
precipitate an increase in the level of their commitment to the organisation.

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