




(1) 凡具有教育部承认的大专以上学历,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;(自考本科的学历也可以哦,只要有相应的学历证书)

(2) 教育部认可的高等院校在校生,顺利完成大一所有课程考试,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;(换句话说就是你在大一的时候成绩不挂科不重修,进入大二学期就可以报考ACCA了)

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在校学员所需准备的注册资料 (原件、复印件和译文)


(1) 中英文在读证明(由学校教务部门开具,加盖公章,在读证明及成绩单加盖的公章必须一致),

(2) 中英文在校期间各年级成绩单,至少要提供大一成绩单,并加盖所在学校或学校教务部门公章(可先到学员辅导员处打印成绩单,再到学校的教务处盖章即可)

(3) 中英文个人身份证件或护照(护照办理一般和身份证办理在同一地点)

 (4) 2寸彩色证件照一张 (建议多准备几张照片,以防出现意外情况) 

(5) 注册报名费(现金代缴或信用卡支付)   

非在校学员所需准备的注册资料 (原件、复印件和译文)

(1) 中英文个人身份证件或护照   

(2) 中英文学历证明(毕业证及学位证) (大专及其以上的学历)  

(3) 2寸彩色证件照一张(同样建议多备几张以备不时之需)  




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(5) 可使用支付宝

(6) 可使用银联借记卡


将填写完整的网上报名注册表(在英文网站上注册完成后可以打印出两页的PDF文件)、中文学员登记表请先打印再点击提交,以及其他相关材料交至代表处或直接寄往英国总部。北京、上海和广州的学员报名注册后,领取学员手册,外地学员通过邮寄到代表处注册的学员由当地代表处寄发。 (需要注意的事,因为相关注册表是寄往国外,因此花费的时间相对来说可能较长,请大家耐心等待)


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

6 An important part of managing people in a professional organisation is to be able to distinguish between aggressiveness and assertiveness in an employee.


(a) Explain and give examples of aggressive behaviour. (8 marks)

6 To get the best out of people, managers need to have effective communication skills. Professional accountants as managers need to understand the difference between aggressive and assertive behaviour. Often an exchange of communication can be interpreted as a belligerent response from an employee. However, a slight difference in approach can communicate different feelings and achieve a more positive result.
(a) Aggressive behaviour is competitive and directed at defeating someone else. It is standing up for oneself at the expense of other people. It is defending one’s rights but doing so in such a way that violates the rights of other people. Aggressive behaviour ignores or dismisses the needs, wants, opinions, feelings or beliefs of others.
Characteristics of aggressive behaviour include excessive ‘I’ statements, boastfulness, and the individual’s opinions expressed as fact, threatening questions or postures from the individual, sarcasm and other throw-away remarks and a constant blaming of others.
Aggressive behaviour can be self defeating. It may cause such antagonism in the others in the organisation that they will refuse to co-operate or work with the person showing aggressive behaviour.

(b) Identify and explain THREE approaches that the directors of Moffat Ltd might apply in assessing the

QUALITATIVE benefits of the proposed investment in a new IT system. (6 marks)

(b) One approach that the directors of Moffat Ltd could adopt would be to ignore the qualitative benefits that may arise on the
basis that there is too much subjectivity involved in their assessment. The problem that this causes is that the investment will
probably look unattractive since all costs will be included in the evaluation whereas significant benefits and savings will have
been ignored. Hence such an approach is lacking in substance and is not recommended.
An alternative approach would involve attempting to attribute values to each of the identified benefits that are qualitative in
nature. Such an approach will necessitate the use of management estimates in order to derive the cash flows to be
incorporated in a cost benefit analysis. The problems inherent in this approach include gaining consensus among interested
parties regarding the footing of the assumptions from which estimated cash flows have been derived. Furthermore, if the
proposed investment does take place then it may well be impossible to prove that the claimed benefits of the new system
have actually been realised.
Perhaps the preferred approach is to acknowledge the existence of qualitative benefits and attempt to assess them in a
reasonable manner acceptable to all parties including the company’s bank. The financial evaluation would then not only
incorporate ‘hard’ facts relating to costs and benefits that are quantitative in nature, but also would include details of
qualitative benefits which management consider exist but have not attempted to assess in financial terms. Such benefits might
include, for example, the average time saved by location managers in analysing information during each operating period.
Alternatively the management of Moffat Ltd could attempt to express qualitative benefits in specific terms linked to a hierarchy
of organisational requirements. For example, qualitative benefits could be categorised as being:
(1) Essential to the business
(2) Very useful attributes
(3) Desirable, but not essential
(4) Possible, if funding is available
(5) Doubtful and difficult to justify.

(b) Describe a framework to assess the risks to the progress of the Giant Dam Project. Your answer should

include a diagram to represent the framework. (6 marks)


(b) Framework for assessing risk
Risk is assessed by considering each identified risk in terms of two variables:
– its hazard (or consequences or impact) and,
– its probability of happening (or being realised or ‘crystallising’).
The most material risks are those identified as having high impact/hazard and the highest probability of happening. Risks
with low hazard and low probability will have low priority whilst between these two extremes are situations where judgement
is required on how to manage the risk.
In practice, it is difficult to measure both variables with any degree of certainty and so if is often sufficient to consider each
in terms of relative crude metrics such as ‘high/medium/low’ or even ‘high/low’. The framework can be represented as a ‘map’
of two intersecting continuums with each variable being plotted along a continuum.

(c) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re-structure its downstream supply chain to address the problems

identified in the scenario. (10 marks)

(c) A number of opportunities appear to exist in the downstream supply chain.
As already mentioned above, Perfect Shopper can revisit its contract distribution arrangements. At present, distribution to
neighbourhood shops is in the hands of locally appointed contract distributors. As already suggested, it may be possible to
contract one integrated logistics company to carry out both inbound and outbound logistics, so gaining economies of scale
and opportunities for branding.
One of the problems identified in the independent report was the inflexibility of the ordering and delivering system. The
ordering system appears to be built around a fixed standard delivery made every two weeks, agreed in advance for a three
month period. Variations can be made to this standard order, but only increases – not decreases. Presumably, this
arrangement is required to allow Perfect Shopper to forecast demand over a three month period and to place bulk orders to
reflect these commitments. However, this may cause at least two problems. The first is that participating shops place a
relatively low standard order and rely on variations to fulfil demand. This causes problems for Perfect Shopper. Secondly, any
unpredictable fall in demand during the three month period leads to the shop having storage problems and unsold stock. This
potentially creates problems for the shop owner, who may also begin to question the value of the franchise. Hence Perfect
Shopper might wish to consider a much more flexible system where orders can be made to match demand and deliveries
can be made as required. This would also remove the requirement for a three monthly meeting between the franchisee andthe sales representative from Perfect Shopper. Investments in IT systems will be required to support this, with participating
shops placing orders over the Internet to reflect their requirements. This move towards a more flexible purchasing arrangement
may also make the outsourcing of warehousing and distribution even more appealing.
Perfect Shopper may also wish to investigate whether they can also provide value added services to customers, which not
only simplify the ordering system but also allow the shop managers to better understand their customers and fulfil their
requirements. The supply chain may legitimately include the customer’s customers, particularly for franchisers. This is already
acknowledged because Perfect Shopper produces tailored marketing material aimed at the end-consumer. Point of Sales (PoS)
devices feeding information back to Perfect Shopper would allow sales information to be analysed and fed back to the
shopkeeper as well as allowing automatic replenishment based on purchasing trends. However, this may be culturally difficult
for independent neighbourhood shopkeepers to accept. Furthermore, it would potentially include information outside the
products offered by Perfect Shopper and the implications of this would have to be considered. However, a whole shop sales
analysis might be a useful service to offer existing and potential franchisees.
Customers are increasingly willing to order products over the Internet. It seems unlikely that individual shopkeepers would be
able to establish and maintain their own Internet-based service. It would be useful for Perfect Shopper to explore the potential
of establishing a central website with customers placing orders from local shops. Again there are issues about scope, because
Perfect Shopper does not offer a whole-shop service. However, Michael de Kare-Silver has identified groceries as a product
area that has good potential for Internet purchase. In his electronic shopping potential test any product scoring over 20 hasgood potential. Groceries scored 27.

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