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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Critically evaluate Vincent Viola’s view that corporate governance provisions should vary by country.

(8 marks)

(c) Corporate governance provisions varying by country
There is a debate about the extent to which corporate governance provisions (in the form. of either written codes, laws or
general acceptances) should be global or whether they should vary to account for local differences. In this answer, Vincent
Viola’s view is critically evaluated.
In general terms, corporate governance provisions vary depending on such factors as local business culture, businesses’
capital structures, the extent of development of capital funding of businesses and the openness of stock markets. In Germany,
for example, companies have traditionally drawn much of their funding from banks thereby reducing their dependence on
shareholders’ equity. Stock markets in the Soviet Union are less open and less liquid than those in the West. In many
developing countries, business activity is concentrated among family-owned enterprises.
Against Vincent’s view
Although business cultures vary around the world, all business financed by private capital have private shareholders. Any
dilution of the robustness of provisions may ignore the needs of local investors to have their interests adequately represented.
This dilution, in turn, may allow bad practice, when present, to exist and proliferate.
Some countries suffer from a poor reputation in terms of endemic corruption and fraud and any reduction in the rigour with
which corporate governance provisions are implemented fail to address these shortcomings, notwithstanding the fact that they
might be culturally unexpected or difficult to implement.
In terms of the effects of macroeconomic systems, Vincent’s views ignore the need for sound governance systems to underpin
confidence in economic systems. This is especially important when inward investment needs are considered as the economic
wealth of affected countries are partly underpinned by the robustness, or not, of their corporate governance systems.
Supporting Vincent’s view
In favour of Vincent’s view are a number of arguments. Where local economies are driven more by small family businesses
and less by public companies, accountability relationships are quite different (perhaps the ‘family reasons’ referred to in the
case) and require a different type of accounting and governance.
There is a high compliance and monitoring cost to highly structured governance regimes that some developing countries may
deem unnecessary to incur.
There is, to some extent, a link between the stage of economic development and the adoption of formal governance codes.
It is generally accepted that developing countries need not necessarily observe the same levels of formality in governance as
more mature, developed economies.
Some countries’ governments may feel that they can use the laxity of their corporate governance regimes as a source of
international comparative advantage. In a ‘race to the bottom’, some international companies seeking to minimise the effects
of structured governance regimes on some parts of their operations may seek countries with less tight structures for some

Bonar Paint to date has had no formal strategic planning process.

(d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing a formal mission statement to guide Bonar Paint’s

future direction after the buyout? (10 marks)

(d) The change in ownership represents a major change in the life of any organisation and the opportunity to convince the various
stakeholders of the strategic direction the firm is going in should not be missed. Mission statements are not something that
can be created at five minutes notice and once created need to be revisited to ensure they are still relevant and engaging.
Some experts argue that the mission can only be developed once the firm’s competitive strategy has been developed. Others
argue that it is the starting point for the whole strategic planning process.
A mission statement expresses the purpose of the business and great care will need to be taken to clarify the new role and
status of the buyout directors. Two other critical stakeholders are the workforce and the customers – alienation of either group
will have serious consequences for the firm. Customers need to be convinced that they should stay with the firm and staff
that there is a future for them in the new set up. Bonar Paint needs to ensure that its reputation for customer care is part of
the statement.
The strategy of the firm in terms of where and how it is going to compete again should create confidence in the key
stakeholders. Developing this clear sense of where Bonar Paint is going and how it is going to get there will be of particular
interest to its financial backers. Expressing the mission of the business will be a key part of any business plan. Bonar Paint
may also choose to emphasise the standards of behaviour that will underpin the way it does business. This may include an
explicit commitment to innovative products and customer service. Once again the impact and relevance to both internal and
external stakeholders is important.
Finally, the buyout managers have to convince stakeholders that the culture and values associated with that culture will be
retained after the change in ownership. Bonar Paint, under the Bonar brothers’ ownership and direction, did not feel that
strategic planning was a necessary activity. A succinct and meaningful mission statement may be an excellent way to
communicate the new ownership and sense of purpose in Bonar Paint.
Creating mission statements that convey a sense of purpose may not be easy for the buyout team. The time spent creating
the statement has to have positive outcomes or it will be time wasted. Creating such a statement with no previous experience
increases the difficulties. Seeing it as an integral part of a strategic planning process is important. Care must be taken to
involve other stakeholders in the process or statements may be made with little meaning for them. The degree of involvement
is also significant; most stakeholders are more likely to be useful as ‘sounding boards’ for testing and refining the statement.
The danger is that a statement is produced that few stakeholders buy into and does not affect attitudes or behaviours towardBonar Paint.

(b) Briefly explain THREE limitations of negotiated transfer prices. (3 marks)

(b) Negotiated transfer prices suffer from the following limitations:
– The transfer price which is the final outcome of negotiations may not be close to the transfer price that would be optimal
for the organisation as a whole since it can be dependent on the negotiating skills and bargaining powers of individual
– They can lead to conflict between divisions which may necessitate the intervention of top management to mediate.
– The measure of divisional profitability can be dependent on the negotiating skills of managers who may have unequal
bargaining power.
– They can be time-consuming for the managers involved, particularly where large numbers of transactions are involved.

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