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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

2 The activities of an organisation have to be managed and co-ordinated to ensure that its objectives are met. The organisation’s structure is designed to support this.


(a) What is meant by the term ‘organisational structure,’ often shown as an organisation chart? (5 marks)

2 All organisations of whatever size have to work in a co-ordinated way to ensure that the objectives laid down are achieved.However, for effective co-ordination to take place, the structure must be correct and understood. Very often, managers know the structure but cannot explain its significance or appropriateness.
(a) The structure of an organisation is often depicted as a chart. The structure explains the communication pattern, the linking mechanism between departments, tasks and individuals, the co-ordinating mechanism that ensures the entire organization is working toward the same objective, and who is in control of the organisation’s activities and at what level in the organisation.

(c) Describe the main stages of a formal grievance procedure that Oliver should now pursue. (10 marks)

Part (c):
Grievance procedures must be accessible to all employees of Hoopers and Henderson at any level of the organisation and
regardless of their status. Managers must have suitable training in procedures and be provided with background as to how
grievances can occur in the first place. Grievance procedures must be regarded as beneficial and not threatening.
If an employee has a grievance, he or she should be able to pursue it and have the problem which has led to the grievance resolved.
A formal grievance procedure must be available, set out in writing and accessible to all employees. The procedure should consist
of five formal stages.
The first stage states the grade of employee or employees and their rights for each type of grievance.
The second stage details the actual procedures for pursuing a grievance, and is in four parts:
– The employee must discuss the grievance with his or her immediate supervisor or line manager.
– If the grievance can not be resolved at the first level, then the employee’s manager must become involved.
– The interview between the employee and manager takes place with the employee being allowed a representative if desired.
– If the grievance remains unresolved then the matter must be referred to a higher manager.
The third stage (referral to a higher manager) requires that the Human Resources Department or, in the case of Hoopers and
Henderson the partner responsible, must be informed.
The fourth stage is that written records must be kept and be available to all employees.
Finally, the procedure must be time limited.
Allowance must be made for the involvement of a trade union, staff association or individual support (if desired) at an appropriate
stage in the procedure.
At Hoopers and Henderson, Oliver has attempted to discuss the issue with his immediate manager (David Morgan) but without
success. He has therefore followed the procedure, but to continue correctly, Oliver must have taken up his grievance with the
manager next in seniority to David Morgan, who in this case is the partner responsible for human resources.

(c) Explain what ‘fiduciary responsibility’ means and construct the case for broadening the football club board’s

fiduciary responsibility in this case. (7 marks)

(c) Fiduciary responsibility
Definition of ‘fiduciary responsibility’
A fiduciary responsibility is a duty of trust and care towards one or more constituencies. It describes direction of accountability
in that one party has a fiduciary duty to another. In terms of the case, the question refers to whose interests the directors of
the football club should act in. Traditionally, the fiduciary duty of directors in public companies is to act in the economic
interests of shareholders who invest in the company but are unable to manage the company directly. The case raises a number
of issues concerning broadening the fiduciary duties of the directors of the football club with regard to the building of the new
stadium, to other stakeholder groups.
The case for extending fiduciary responsibility
Although the primary fiduciary duty of directors in large public companies will be to shareholders, directors in businesses such
as the football club described in the case may have good reason to broaden their views on fiduciary responsibility. This would
involve taking into account, and acting in the interests of, the local wildlife centre, the residents, the school, the local
government authority and the fans. The stakeholders in the case are not in agreement on the outcome for the new stadium
and the club will need to privilege some stakeholders over others, which is a common situation whenever a proposal involving
multiple impacts is considered. The specific arguments for broadening the fiduciary duties in this case include the following:
Such an acceptance of claims made on the football club would clearly demonstrate that the club values the community of
which it considers itself a part.
It would help to maintain and manage its local reputation, which is important in progressing the stadium project.
To broaden the fiduciary responsibility in this case would be to an important part of the risk management strategy, especially
with regard to risks that could arise from the actions of local stakeholders.
It could be argued that there is a moral case for all organisations to include other stakeholders’ claims in their strategies as it
enfranchises and captures the views of those affected by an organisation’s policies and actions.

(b) Advise Sergio on the appropriateness of investing in a domestic rental property in view of his personal

circumstances and recommend suitable alternative investments giving reasons for your advice. (4 marks)

(b) Sergio’s investments
Sergio aims to leave a substantial asset to his family on his death. Accordingly, in view of his age, he is right to be considering
investing in an asset whose value is unlikely to fall suddenly, such as a domestic rental property. However, it must be
recognised that although the value of land and buildings can usually be relied on to increase over a long period of time, its
value may fall over a shorter period. The only investments that cannot fall in value are cash deposits, although they do, of
course, fall in real terms due to the effects of inflation.
Sergio should consider whether or not he wishes to increase his annual income. The return on capital invested in a domestic
rental property is unlikely to be very high due to the recent increases in property values in the UK. Also, there are likely to be
periods when the house is unoccupied during which no income will be generated. If it is important to Sergio to generate
additional income he should consider other low-risk investments with a more reliable and higher rate of return, for example,
gilt edged stocks, unit trusts and cash deposits.
Sergio must also decide whether it is important to him to be able to access capital quickly, as it is usually not possible to
realise the capital invested in land and buildings at short notice. If this is important, Sergio should consider holding some of
his capital in cash deposits or other liquid investments, eg unit trusts.
Sergio could invest up to £7,000 each year in an individual savings account (ISA). A maximum of £3,000 can be held as a
cash deposit with the balance invested in quoted shares. The income and gains arising on the funds invested would be
exempt from both income tax and capital gains tax. This would be a relatively low-risk investment and would also be
accessible quickly if required.

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