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下面小编为大家准备了 国际内部审计师(CIA考试) 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

听力原文:Each month the cardholder receives a statement from the bank, which lists the details of all the transactions in the month, together with the total amount outstanding.


A.Each month the cardholder receives a statement and the amount of all the transactions.

B.Each month the bank gives the cardholder a statement showing the total amount outstanding.

C.Each month the bank gives the cardholder a statement showing the compound interest.

D.Each month the bank gives the cardholder a statement showing any minimum amount that needs to be paid.

解析:statement与the amount of all the transactions不是并列关系,而是包含关系,A项错误;C、D项未提及。

听力原文: It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financial instruments. If an investor plans to have an investment for a long period of time, then their portfolio should be comprised mostly of stocks ; however, investors who don't have this kind of time should diversify their portfolios. For this reason, the concept of "asset allocation" was developed. Asset allocation is an investment portfolio technique that aims to balance risk and create diversification by dividing assets among major categories. The underlying principle of asset allocation is that the older a person gets, the less risk he or she should face. After you retire you may have to depend on your savings as your only source of income.

28. Throughout history, what kind of stock has outperformed most financial instruments?

29.What is the purpose of asset allocation?

30.What is the principle underlying the concept of asset allocation?


A.preferred stock

B.common stock

C.concept stock

D.cynical stock

解析:录音原文一开始就提到It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financial instruments,纵观历史,普通股表现优于其他绝大多数金融工具不是秘密。

听力原文:M: CDs can be traded in the money market at any time. They are more flexible than fixed-term deposits.

W: That's right. So banks usually offer slightly lower interest rates on them.

Q: Which of the following has a higher rate?



B.Demand deposits.

C.Fixed-term deposits.

D.Building societies deposits.

解析:根据对话可知,CDs比定期存款(fixed-term deposit)更加灵活,但利率较CDs低,也就是定期存款利率要高。

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