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When you keep a ()(舷梯班), what are your duties?

deck watch


navigational watch


gangway watch


engine watch


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题When you keep a ()(舷梯班), what are your duties?A deck watchB navigational watchC gangway watchD engine watch” 相关考题
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考题 When sit the immobile patient up in bed, you should . () A. place your knee on the bedB. cup your hand behind the patient’s shoulderC. keep your back straightD. sit the person up directly

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考题 BWe know good manners are important . Today I am going to tell you something about manners in different countries . I think you already know that people in different countries usually have different ways of doing things . Something that is rude in one country may be quite polite in another . For example , in Britain you mustn’t lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having liquid food . That is considered bad manners in Britain . But in Japan you needn’t worry about making a noise when you drink something . It shows that you are enjoying it . In Britain we try not to put our hands on the table at all during a meal . In Mexico , however , guests are expected to keep their hands on the tablethroughout a meal . In Arabic countries we must be careful with our hands . You see , in Arabic countries you mustn’t eat with your left hand. This is considered to be very impolite . So, what should you do if you visit a foreign country ? Well , you needn’t worry . You can ask the native people there to help you and you can just watch carefully and try to do what they do .( )61. In Arabic countries you must be careful with your _____.A. feetB. mouthC . eyesD. hands

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考题 As you start writing, new ideas will naturally emerge, but always keep them focused on your targeted customer, so you won't go off the track of what your customer wants.

考题 keep a gangway watchA.值甲板班B.值班C.值航海班D.值舷梯班

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考题 If you must enter water on which there is an oil fire, you should ______.A.protect your life preserver by holding it above your headB.enter the water on the windward side of the vesselC.keep both hands in front of your face to break the water surface when diving head firstD.wear very light clothing

考题 Above all know your audience and match what you say to their needs.Creating your presentation with your audience in mind will assure that your audience will follow you.If your presentation doesn't appeal to your audience-no matter how well you have developed your presentation--your presentation will fall on deaf ears.This leads us to the next rule:Know your material thoroughly.Your material needs to be second nature to you.Practice and rehearse your presentation with friends,in front of a mirror,and with colleagues.If you are speaking in a second language,make sure that you record yourself and listen to a number of times before going to practice with a native speaker(if possible). Remember that you are an actor when presenting.Make sure that not only your physical appearance is appropriate to the occasion,but also the tone you use is well chosen.If your topic is serious,be solemn.However,it's always a good idea to begin your presentation with an ice-breaker.Don't worry about making friends,rather lead the audience through your materials in a calm and relaxed manner.Speak slowly and clearly,and remember to address everyone in the audience-even the person the farthest away from you. To achieve the above goals follow these tips when giving your presentation: ●Speak with conviction.Believe what you are saying and you will persuade your audience. ●Do not read from notes.Referring to notes is fine,but do so only briefly. ●Maintain eye contact with your audience.Making direct eye contact with individuals will help them feel as if they are participating in your presentation. ●Bring handouts.Don't just use a PowerPoint presentation.Provide audience members with handouts of the most important materials so they can keep your most important takeaways in mind. ●Know when to stop.This cannot be underestimated.You need to make your case,but continuing for too long will only ensure that the audience forgets what you have said. Why should you know when to stop?A.Because you need res B.Because audience may fall aslee C.Because you may be tired for talking too lon D.Because it can make audience remember what you sai

考题 Above all know your audience and match what you say to their needs.Creating your presentation with your audience in mind will assure that your audience will follow you.If your presentation doesn't appeal to your audience-no matter how well you have developed your presentation--your presentation will fall on deaf ears.This leads us to the next rule:Know your material thoroughly.Your material needs to be second nature to you.Practice and rehearse your presentation with friends,in front of a mirror,and with colleagues.If you are speaking in a second language,make sure that you record yourself and listen to a number of times before going to practice with a native speaker(if possible). Remember that you are an actor when presenting.Make sure that not only your physical appearance is appropriate to the occasion,but also the tone you use is well chosen.If your topic is serious,be solemn.However,it's always a good idea to begin your presentation with an ice-breaker.Don't worry about making friends,rather lead the audience through your materials in a calm and relaxed manner.Speak slowly and clearly,and remember to address everyone in the audience-even the person the farthest away from you. To achieve the above goals follow these tips when giving your presentation: ●Speak with conviction.Believe what you are saying and you will persuade your audience. ●Do not read from notes.Referring to notes is fine,but do so only briefly. ●Maintain eye contact with your audience.Making direct eye contact with individuals will help them feel as if they are participating in your presentation. ●Bring handouts.Don't just use a PowerPoint presentation.Provide audience members with handouts of the most important materials so they can keep your most important takeaways in mind. ●Know when to stop.This cannot be underestimated.You need to make your case,but continuing for too long will only ensure that the audience forgets what you have said. What is the most important thing to remember when making a presentation?A.Match your presentation to the needs of your audienc B.Make sure to wear your best clothe C.Bring detailed handout D.Know your material thoroughl

考题 Above all know your audience and match what you say to their needs.Creating your presentation with your audience in mind will assure that your audience will follow you.If your presentation doesn't appeal to your audience-no matter how well you have developed your presentation--your presentation will fall on deaf ears.This leads us to the next rule:Know your material thoroughly.Your material needs to be second nature to you.Practice and rehearse your presentation with friends,in front of a mirror,and with colleagues.If you are speaking in a second language,make sure that you record yourself and listen to a number of times before going to practice with a native speaker(if possible). Remember that you are an actor when presenting.Make sure that not only your physical appearance is appropriate to the occasion,but also the tone you use is well chosen.If your topic is serious,be solemn.However,it's always a good idea to begin your presentation with an ice-breaker.Don't worry about making friends,rather lead the audience through your materials in a calm and relaxed manner.Speak slowly and clearly,and remember to address everyone in the audience-even the person the farthest away from you. To achieve the above goals follow these tips when giving your presentation: ●Speak with conviction.Believe what you are saying and you will persuade your audience. ●Do not read from notes.Referring to notes is fine,but do so only briefly. ●Maintain eye contact with your audience.Making direct eye contact with individuals will help them feel as if they are participating in your presentation. ●Bring handouts.Don't just use a PowerPoint presentation.Provide audience members with handouts of the most important materials so they can keep your most important takeaways in mind. ●Know when to stop.This cannot be underestimated.You need to make your case,but continuing for too long will only ensure that the audience forgets what you have said. What should you do before your practice in a second language?A.Take photos of you presentin B.Record yourself presentin C.Read through your presentatio D.Read aloud to your foreign friend

考题 共用题干 第三篇Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in you mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat.Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that your are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a life- time.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.What did Goethe say about skating and swimming?A:He said people could learn to skate when it was hot and swim when it was cold.B:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was hot.C:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was cold.D:He said people could learn to skate when it was cold and swim when it was hot.

考题 How to Start Your Own Business I have recently started a business and have learned some crucial lessons in the process that I feel privileged to share with you. 1. Identify your motivation. __1__ To have more time? To make more money? To be your own boss? To have creative control over what you love to do? Write out all of your motivating factors and prioritize them. When you see them listed, you might see a pattern in that you're just unhappy at your current job and starting your own business isn't the answer. 2. Identify your passion. What do you love to do? What skills and knowledge do you uniquely bring to the table? What gets you excited about your work? __2__ If you keep your passion in plain sight, you will stay focused on the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics. 3. Identify your market. If you are starting your business locally, research your competitors. Determine if there is room in the market for your business. What will you do differently to draw in customers? What niche market are the other businesses missing? __3__ Your business cannot survive without customers, so do enough research on the front end to determine if there are enough potential clients to keep your business alive. 4. Identify your finances. __4__ You have to buy furniture, trash cans, a garage door opener, light fixtures and landscaping equipment, and before you know it, you've far exceeded your financial boundaries. That can happen just as easily in a business. Do exhaustive financial planning. Meet with a financial advisor or someone at your bank to examine the financial viability of your business and the process of getting it up and running. __5__ Be prepared for financial loss and get advice on how to alleviate that burden in the future. __4__内应为()A、Plan wisely and do not assume the best about your business.B、Why do you want to start your own business?C、The tragic reality is that when business fail, the passion often dies with it.D、Keep that passion at the forefront of your business plan, your marketing strategies, and your daily routine.E、If you have ever purchased a new home, you know that the financial obligations extend beyond the down payment and the mortage.F、If you are starting an Internet company, research the requirements for your own unique Web presence.

考题 keep a gangway watch()A、值甲板班B、值班C、值航海班D、值舷梯班

考题 You must keep a gangway watch.()A、你必须值甲板班。B、你必须接待来访者。C、你必须值班。D、你必须值舷梯班。

考题 When you keep a ()(舷梯班), what are your duties?A、deck watchB、navigational watchC、gangway watchD、engine watch

考题 Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost. Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all. So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping? If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long () Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular () Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates. 请在第()处填上正确答案。A、reserveB、decorateC、storeD、keep

考题 You executed the following query in your database:  FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;  What would you determine from the output?()A、the time when the last flashback operation in your database was performedB、the time when the first flashback operation in your database was performedC、a list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and timeD、the approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database

考题 填空题What should you take into consideration when choosing a life insurance policy?Both your needs and the ____.

考题 单选题How to Start Your Own Business I have recently started a business and have learned some crucial lessons in the process that I feel privileged to share with you. 1. Identify your motivation. __1__ To have more time? To make more money? To be your own boss? To have creative control over what you love to do? Write out all of your motivating factors and prioritize them. When you see them listed, you might see a pattern in that you're just unhappy at your current job and starting your own business isn't the answer. 2. Identify your passion. What do you love to do? What skills and knowledge do you uniquely bring to the table? What gets you excited about your work? __2__ If you keep your passion in plain sight, you will stay focused on the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics. 3. Identify your market. If you are starting your business locally, research your competitors. Determine if there is room in the market for your business. What will you do differently to draw in customers? What niche market are the other businesses missing? __3__ Your business cannot survive without customers, so do enough research on the front end to determine if there are enough potential clients to keep your business alive. 4. Identify your finances. __4__ You have to buy furniture, trash cans, a garage door opener, light fixtures and landscaping equipment, and before you know it, you've far exceeded your financial boundaries. That can happen just as easily in a business. Do exhaustive financial planning. Meet with a financial advisor or someone at your bank to examine the financial viability of your business and the process of getting it up and running. __5__ Be prepared for financial loss and get advice on how to alleviate that burden in the future. __5__内应为()A Plan wisely and do not assume the best about your business.B Why do you want to start your own business?C The tragic reality is that when business fail, the passion often dies with it.D Keep that passion at the forefront of your business plan, your marketing strategies, and your daily routine.E If you have ever purchased a new home, you know that the financial obligations extend beyond the down payment and the mortage.F If you are starting an Internet company, research the requirements for your own unique Web presence.

考题 填空题What does your doctor usually advise you to do when you’re quite sick?To ____.

考题 单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality definitely means().A When was your vessel builtB At what time is your vessel buildingC When is your vessel builtD At what time you built your vessel

考题 单选题You executed the following query in your database:  FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;  What would you determine from the output?()A the time when the last flashback operation in your database was performedB the time when the first flashback operation in your database was performedC a list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and timeD the approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database

考题 单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality means().A when was your vessel builtB at what time is your vessel buildingC when is your vessel builtD at what time you built your vessel

考题 单选题keep a gangway watch()A 值甲板班B 值班C 值航海班D 值舷梯班

考题 单选题You must keep a gangway watch.()A 你必须值甲板班。B 你必须接待来访者。C 你必须值班。D 你必须值舷梯班。