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The dog was tearing the cloth()its teeth.









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更多 “单选题The dog was tearing the cloth()its teeth.A withB byC throughD in” 相关考题
考题 They sell() , such as cotten cloth, silk cloth, and woolen cloth. A、clothesB、clothC、clothsD、clothing

考题 “Is your dog 2 years old?” “Yes,().” A、it’sB、dog isC、it isD、its

考题 The dog looked ( ), but its weak breath suggested that it ( ) still ( ). A、died/ was/ livingB、died/ was/ aliveC、dead/ was/ aliveD、dead/ be/ living

考题 There are many cavities in your teeth. You must go to ( ) now. A、dentistB、the dentists'C、the dentist'sD、the dentist

考题 A: Whose dog is it? B: ( )our dog. ( )name is Rex.A. It's…It'sB. Its… ItsC. It's… Its

考题 "i don't have money to fight him. these people are all the time in court, anyway." philip says. "but _______ and i have lots of patience," A、every cat is luckyB、every dog has its dayC、every cat has its dayD、every dog is fortunate

考题 I want to buy that kind of cloth because I( )the cloth ( ) well. A. have told; washes B. have been told; washes C. was told; washed D. have been told; is washed

考题 Chinese table cloth is ____for its fine quality, exquisite workmanship and compelling style.A.distinctive B.nominated C.notable D.deviated

考题 共用题干 Every Dog Has Its SayKimiko Fukuda,a Japanese girl,always wondered what her dog was trying to say.Whenever she put on makeup,it would pull at her sleeve._______(46)When the dog barks,she glances at a small electronic gadget(装置).The following“ human” translation appears on its screen:“ Please take me with you .I realized that's how he was feeling.”said Fukuda.The gadget is called Bowlingual,and it translates dog harks into feelings .People laughed when the Japanese toymaker Takara Company made the world's first dog-human translation ma- chine in 2002 .But 300,000 Japanese dog owners bought it.________(47)“Nobody else had thought about it,”said Masahiko Kajita,who works for Takara. We spend so much time training dogs to understand our orders;what would it be like if we could understand dogs?Bowlingual has two parts.________(48)The translation is done in the gadget using a data- base(资料库)containing every kind of bark. Based on animal behaviour research,these noises are divided into six categories:happiness,sadness,frustration,anger,declaration and desire.________ (49)In this way,the database scientifically matches a bark to an emotion,which is then translated into one of 200 phrases.When a visitor went to Fukuda's house recently,the dog barked a loud“bow wow”.This translated as“Don't come this way”.________(50)The product will be available in US pet stores this summer for about US$120 .It tail store up to 100 barks,even recording the dog's emotions when the owner is away.________(48)A: A wireless microphone is attached to the dog's collar,which sends information to the gadget held by the owner.B: Nobody really knows how a dog feels.C: It was followed by“I'm stronger than you”as the dog growled(嗥叫)and sniffed(嗅)at the visitor.D: More customers are expected when the English version is launched this summer.E: Now,the Japanese girl thinks she knows.F: Each one of these emotions is then linked to a phrase like“Let's play”.“Look at me”or “Spend more time with me”.

考题 The dog was tearing the cloth()its teeth.AwithBbyCthroughDin

考题 A: Whose dog is it? B:()our dog. () name is RexAIt’s;It’sBIts;ItsCIt’s;Its

考题 手套()A、gloveB、coatC、axeD、cloth

考题 A: Whose dog is it? B:()our dog. () name is RexA、It’s;It’sB、Its;ItsC、It’s;Its

考题 The dog was tearing the cloth()its teeth.A、withB、byC、throughD、in

考题 Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()A、class Man extends Dog{}B、class Man implements Dog{}C、class Man{private BestFriend dog;}D、class Man{private Dog bestFriend;}E、class Man{private Dog;}F、class Man{private BestFriend;}

考题 Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()A、class Man extends Dog { }B、class Man implements Dog { }C、class Man { private BestFriend dog; }D、class Man { private Dog bestFriend; }E、class Man { private DogbestFriend; }F、class Man { private BestFrienddog; }

考题 单选题The dog has _____ its affection to its new master.A transferredB transformedC transportedD transmitted

考题 单选题According to what you have read above, working too hard can make people ______.A let a sleeping dog lie.B become a lucky dogC live in a dog-eat-dog worldD work like a dog

考题 单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship “Man has a best friend who is a Dog”?()A  class Man extends Dog { }B  class Man implements Dog { }C  class Man { private BestFriend dog; }D  class Man { private Dog bestFriend; }E  class Man { private Dog }F  class Man { private BestFriend }

考题 单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()A class Man extends Dog { }B class Man implements Dog { }C class Man { private BestFriend dog; }D class Man { private Dog bestFriend; }E class Man { private DogbestFriend; }F class Man { private BestFrienddog; }

考题 单选题A: Whose dog is it? B:()our dog. () name is RexA It’s;It’sB Its;ItsC It’s;Its

考题 单选题If we say a person lives a dog’s life, he might be ______.A a sudent who does quite well in English.B a baby that is well taken care of by its motherC a person who has endless work to do.D an old person who refuses to accept new things.

考题 单选题Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _____.A essential to solve the dog’s behavior problemsB the foundation for dogs to perform tasksC a good way to teach the dog new tricksD an extreme measure in obedience training

考题 单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()A class Man extends Dog{}B class Man implements Dog{}C class Man{private BestFriend dog;}D class Man{private Dog bestFriend;}E class Man{private Dog;}F class Man{private BestFriend;}

考题 单选题The best title for this piece might be _____.A Human-dog InteractionB Human-dog FriendshipC Human-dog AntagonismD Human-dog Relations

考题 单选题The primary purpose of obedience training is to _____.A teach the dog to perform clever tricksB make the dog aware of its owner’s authorityC provide the dog with outlets for its wild behaviorD enable the dog to regain its normal behavior

考题 单选题A dog responds when it sees the following act of its owner _____.A shoutsB hitsC body movementD foot gesture