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When I heard the noise in the next room,I couldn't resist having a peep.

A: chance
B: visit
C: look
D: try


解析:题干意为“当我听到隔壁的响声的时候,忍不住要偷看几眼。” 句中划线词意为“窥视,偷看”。C项意为“看,瞧”;例句:Let's have a look at your elec- tronic computer.让我们瞧一瞧你们的电子计算机。A项意为“机会,机遇”;B项意为“访问, 探望”;D项意为“尝试,试验,努力”;故选C。
更多 “When I heard the noise in the next room,I couldn't resist having a peep.A: chanceB: visitC: lookD: try” 相关考题
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