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Mr. Smith: I’d like a double room for tonight.Clerk: _________________________Mr. Smith: Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Smiths.

A.Do you have a reservation?

B.Have you paid beforehand?

C.Have you made an order?

D.Do you have an appointment?


更多 “ Mr. Smith: I’d like a double room for tonight.Clerk: _________________________Mr. Smith: Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Smiths. A.Do you have a reservation?B.Have you paid beforehand?C.Have you made an order?D.Do you have an appointment? ” 相关考题
考题 Hello. my name is Edward Green. I _________to speak to Mr. Smith, please. A.would likeB.wantC.want toD.glad

考题 下列哪个语句查出雇员表(employees)里的雇员名字(ename)是‘SMITH’的信息,并且给雇员名字(ename)列定义一个别名Name()。 A.select employeesno,ename Name,job from employees where ename=‘SMITH’B.select employeesno,ename ‘Name’,job from employees where ename=SMITHC.select employeesno,ename “Name”,job from employees where ename=‘SMITH’D.select employeesno,ename ‘Name’,job frome mployees wheree name=‘SMITH’

考题 - When will you meet the general manager of Nile Co., Mr. Smith -() A、I’ll meet the president of Bestway Co.B、I’ll leave for Shanghai.C、At 10:00 tomorrow morning.

考题 —When will you be free this month, Mr. Smith? ( ), maybe we'll be free next Sunday.A. Let me beB. Let me seeC. I'm afraidD. Think it over

考题 publicclassEmployee{privateStringname;publicEmployee(Stringname){this.name=name;}publicvoiddisplay(){System.out.print(name);}}publicclassManagerextendsEmployee{privateStringdepartment;publicManager(Stringname,Stringdepartment){super(name);this.department=department;}publicvoiddisplay(){System.out.println(super.display()+”,”+department);}}执行语句newManager(smith”,”SALES”)后程序的输出是哪项?()A.smith,SALESB.null,SALESC.smith,nullD.null,null

考题 共用题干 第二篇Call American Their NamesA great difference between American social customs and those of other countries is the way in which names are used.Americans have little concern for"rank",especially socially. Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way because of their age or social rank;it makes them feel uncomfortable.Many Americans even find the terms"Mr.","Mrs."or"Miss" too formal.People of all ages may prefer to be called by their first names."Don't call me Mrs. Smith.Just call me Sally."Using only first names usually indicates friendliness and acceptance. However,if you do not feel comfortable using only first names,it is quite acceptable to be more formal.Just smile and say that after a while you will use first names but you are accustomed to being more when you first meet someone.Very often,introductions are made using both first and last names:"Mary Smith,this is John Jones."In this situation you are free to decide whether to call the lady"Mary"or"Miss Smith". Sometimes both of you will begin a conversation using last names,and after a while one or both of you may begin using first names instead.You have a choice:if you don't want to use first names so quickly, no one will think it impolite if you continue according to your own custom.if an American lady says"Don't call me Mrs. Smith,just call me Sally."that shows______. A:she is not a married womanB:she prefers to be called"Sally"C:she is not Mrs.SmithD:she likes to be more formal

考题 Hello. my name is Edward Green. I()to speak to Mr. Smith, please.AwouldlikeBwantCwanttoDglad

考题 【单选题】接线员:史密斯先生,我把Jew的电话接过来,可以吗? Smith: 好的。 Receptionist: Mr. Smith, I’ll put Jew _____, ok? Smith: Ok.A.upB.onC.through

考题 假设从键盘输入字符串Smith,以下程序的运行结果是()。 name=input() print("Hello,%s!"%name)A.Hello,%s!B.Hello,name!C.Hello,SmithD.Hello,Smith!