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The phrase “people in this age group” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.



people in their twenties


people in their thirties and forties


elderly people


语义题。“people in this age group”出现在文中第二段第三句,该句指出“One exception is found among people in their twenties…, because people in this age group are most likely to have young children.”,由于“people in this age group”出现在该句中的原因状语从句中,可知该词组指的是前面提到的people in their twenties,故选B。
更多 “单选题The phrase “people in this age group” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.A infantsB people in their twentiesC people in their thirties and fortiesD elderly people” 相关考题
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考题 问答题Practice 5扶贫开发  二十一世纪中国扶贫开发面临的难点和比较突出的问题是:第一,虽然贫困人13的收入水平明显提高,但目前中国扶贫的标准是低水平的。第二,由于受自然条件恶劣、社会保障系统薄弱和自身综合能力差等因素的掣肘,目前已经解决温饱问题的贫困人口还存在很大的脆弱性,容易重新返回到贫困状态。第三,尽管扶贫开发已使广大农村贫困地区的贫穷落后状况明显改变,但贫困农户的基本生产生活条件还没有质的变化,贫困地区社会、经济、文化落后的状况还没有根本改观。第四,由于中国人口基数很大,在今后相当长的一个时期将面临就业压力,这必然会影响到贫困人口的就业,使很多本来能够奏效的扶贫措施难以发挥出应有的作用。第五,尚未解决温饱的贫困人口一般都生活在自然条件恶劣、社会发展程度低和社会服务水平差的地区,这些地区投入与产出效益的反差较大。

考题 单选题Haburi’s business model.A is famous for its own Internet webpageB could reach $10 billion in sales annuallyC wants to borrow the concept of out-of-town shopping mallsD tends to make money by selling cheaper commercial goods.

考题 问答题Practice 5The Grand Canyon  A famous American John Muir said in 1898: “The Grand Canyon…as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star.”  Like Muir, those of us who stand along the rim are prompted to wonder about the unearthliness and the forces that created and are still changing this place.  After more than 100 years of studies, many things are still obscure. Today visitors come by the thousands—the great and simple of the earth — all in a spirit of marvel. Travelers come from every state of the Union, from every country in Europe and Asia, pilgrims to a shrine that is the same as the creed.  From the depths of the canyon comes welling silence. Seldom can you hear the roar of the river. For all sounds are swallowed in this gulf of space. ‘It makes one want to murmur. A woman once whispered to her companion. This silence is not the silence of death;rather, it is a presence. It is like a great piece of music. But music made of man works up to a climax and ceases;the Grand Canyon is all climax, a chord echoing into eternity. Perhaps the most spectacular feature of the Grand Canyon, its Redwall limestone cliff, stands about half way up the chasm and is practically vertical. Its average height is550 feet almost exactly that of the Washington Monument. Though it is actually gray-blue limestone, the surface of the cliff has been stained to a sunset hue by iron salts washing out of the rocks. Above the Redwall come alternating layers of red sandstone and shale(页岩)1, 000 feet thick, then comes the next pale-blue layer. The topmost layers are a yellowish limestone.  Now, visitors to the South Rim alone may number 18, 000 in a single day. Some of that number will travel by mule(轻型牵引机)train down Bright Angel Trail to the canyon’s floor, cross the raging fiver by a suspension bridge and amount to the North Rim.  Though the two rims face each other across only 12 miles, it is a journey of 214 miles by car from one to the other. Nor can you visit the North Rim except in summer;some 1, 200 feet higher than the South Rim, it is snow covered much of the year except in July and August.  But there is no day that you may not visit the South Rim and find the sun warm on your face and the air perfumed with the incense of smoke from an Indian hearth. The Grand Canyon is an unearthly sight. No wonder an American writer and journalist said, “I came here an atheist, and departed a devout believer.”

考题 单选题All the following terms that appear in Paragraph 2 refer roughly to the same as “tax-free shopping” EXCEPT.A shoppersB tax breaksC tax holidaysD promotions

考题 问答题Practice 1  When it comes to food, America is not just the fattest country on earth but probably the most schizophrenic as well—home to the Big Mac and Weight Watchers, the super model and the couch potato.  The love-hate relationship with food was examined in the aired documentary “Fat”, and if there is any comfort for the more than 90 million overweight Americans it’s that the rest of the world is also getting fatter.  “There is an enormous pressure on people to be thin and to be physically fit but at the same time there is a tremendous pressure and inducement to eat,” Dr. Kelly Brownell, professor of psychology at Yale University and a participant in the program, said in an interview.  “You’ll see a Baskin Robbins next to Weight Watchers. You’ll see a Family Circle magazine with a delicious chocolate on the cover beside a diet article,” said Brownell. “At the same time as we have record levels of obesity, we have record levels of eating disorders6 too,” he said.  The desire to eat fatty food came from a primitive survival instinct to store enough energy in good times to ensure survival when food was scarce. But in a modem urban society, where fast food chains appear on almost every block, the instinct to eat fat has begun to work against us.  The documentary claims that nowhere is the exposure to junk food more prevalent than in the United States, where the problem has been compounded by the increasingly sedentary modem lifestyle.  It also says that members of Arizona’s Pima Indian tribe are the fattest people in the fattest country on earth. Until recently the tribe lived a simple life, but in 1984 when the tribe won a gaming license it joined the American mainstream. Today the tribe is plagued by obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.  Just 800 kms south in Mexico, another branch of the Pima tribe continues to live a traditional life and eats a traditional diet. These Pimas have none of the problems of their American counterparts, who are on average 27 kgs heavier.  Part of the problem, according to Brownell, is the intense advertising of junk food in the United States. The average American child sees thousands of TV commercials each year, most of which advertise fast food, candy and soda.  The food environment has become so “toxic” according to the documentary, that some US schools even offer fast food such as McDonald’s and Burger King in school cafeterias.  But junk food is also proliferating overseas, resulting in increasing rates of obesity in such countries as China, where fast food restaurants have recently taken hold.  Compounding the new-found availability of junk food is the changing opinion on what is the ideal body. These days thin are king.

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is NOT true about mass communication?A It can reach no further than human voice.B It can reach a large audience.C It is rapid and efficient.D It can be trusted.

考题 单选题From the last paragraph, we can see that “a blanket podcasting license” is one that .A offers protection to a podcasting licenseB gives package protection to all podcastsC provides integrated licence to any bandD grants podcasting license to blank disks