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When I was a child, we( )wear a uniform. for school.

A. have to

B. must

C. 不填

D. had to


更多 “ When I was a child, we( )wear a uniform. for school.A. have toB. mustC. 不填D. had to ” 相关考题
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考题 计划的主要内容包括______计划必须清楚的确定和描述这些内容。A.What,Why,Who,Where,When,How many,How muchB.What,Why,We,Where,When,How to,How muchC.What,Why,We,Where,When,How,How muchD.What,Why,Who,Where,When,How,How much

考题 计划的主要内容包括______,计划必须清楚地确定和描述这些内容。A.What, Why, Who, Where, When, How many, How muchB.What, Why, We, Where, When, How to, How muchC.What, Why, We, Where, When, How, How muchD.What, Why, Who, Where, When, How, How much