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You installed Oracle Database 11g and are performing a manual upgrade of the Oracle9i database. As a part of the upgrade process, you execute the following script:SQL>@utlu111i.sqlWhich statement about the execution of this script is true?()

A. It must be executed from the Oracle Database 11g environment.

B. It must be executed only after the SYSAUX tablespace has been created.

C. It must be executed from the environment of the database that is being upgraded.

D. It must be executed only after AUTOEXTEND is set to ON for all existing tablespaces.

E. It must be executed from both the Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Database 9i environments.


更多 “ You installed Oracle Database 11g and are performing a manual upgrade of the Oracle9i database. As a part of the upgrade process, you execute the following script:SQL@utlu111i.sqlWhich statement about the execution of this script is true?()A. It must be executed from the Oracle Database 11g environment.B. It must be executed only after the SYSAUX tablespace has been created.C. It must be executed from the environment of the database that is being upgraded.D. It must be executed only after AUTOEXTEND is set to ON for all existing tablespaces.E. It must be executed from both the Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Database 9i environments. ” 相关考题
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