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Which of the following protocols is commonly used for VoIP technology?()






更多 “ Which of the following protocols is commonly used for VoIP technology?() A.TelnetB.SMTPC.SIPD.SNMP ” 相关考题
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考题 commonly, two approaches are frequently used to describe different processes of listening. they are _____________. A. bottom-up model and top-down modelB. before-class model and after-class modelC. pre-listening model and post-listening modelD. pre-listening model and while-listening model

考题 commonly, two approaches are frequently used to describe different processes of listening. they are ______. A、pre-listening model and post-listening modelB、bottom-up mo del and top-down modelC、pre-listening model and while-listening modelD、before- class model and after-class model

考题 For data transmission to be successful,sending and receiving devices must follow a set of communication rules for the exchange of information. These rules are known as( ).A.E-mail B.Intemet C.network D.protocols

考题 For data transmission to be successful,sending and receiving devices must follow a set of communication rules for the exchange of information. These rules are known as ( ).A.E-mail B.Internet C.network D.protocols

考题 For data transmission to be successful,sending and receiving devices must follow a set of communication rules for the exchange of information.These rules are known as______.A.E-mail B.Internet C.network D.protocols

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