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Text 2 In a former leather factory just off Euston Road in London,a hopeful firm is starting up.BenevolentAI's main room is large and open-plan.In it,scientists and coders sit busily on benches,plyinS their various trades.I\e firm's star,though,has a private,temperature.controlled office.Thal star is a powerful computer that runs the software which sits at the heart of BenevolentAl's business.This software is an artificial-intelligence system.AI,as it is known for short,comes in several forms.But BenevolentAI's version of it is a form of machine learning that can draw inferences about wh8t it has leamed.In particular,it can process natural language and formulate new ideas from what it reads.Its job is to sift through vast chemical libraries,medical databases and conventionally presented scientific papers,looking for potential drug molecules.Nor is BenevolentAI a one-off.More and more people and firms believe that AI is well placed to help unpick biology and advance human health.Indeed,as Chris Bishop of Microsoft Research,in Cambridge,England,observes,one way of thinking aboui living organisms is to recognize that they are,in essence.complex systems which process informalion using a combination of hardware and software.That thought has consequences.Whether it is the new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(CZI),from the founder of Facebook and his wife,or the biological subsidiaries being set up by firms such as Alphabet(Google's parent company),IBM and Microsofi,the new Big Idea in Silicon Valley is that in the worlds of biology and disease there are problems its software engineers can solve.The discovery of new drugs is an early test of the belief that AI has much to offer biology and medicine.Pharmaceutical companies are finding il increasingly difficult lo make headway in their search for novel products.The conventional approach is to screen larf;e numbers of molecules for signs of relative biological effect,and then weed out the useless partin a series of more and more expensive tests and trials,in the hope of coming up with a golden nugget at the end.This way of doing things is,however,declining in productivity and rising in cost.
A growing number of companies believe that AI can be used to____

A.exploit human potential
B.impair physical health
C.solve social problems
D.benefit human beings


解析:观点题。定位到第三段。其中a growing number of comparues=more and more people and firms;AI can be used to=AI is well placed to.故该题答案句为:to help unpick biology and advance human health“有助于破解生物学的奥秘,促进人类健康”。选项[A]exploit human potential“开发人类潜力”,该项的human potential一词属于无中生有,故排除。选项[B]impair physical health“损害身体健康”,该项与原文advance human health“促进人类健康”完全相反,故排除。选项[C]solve social problems“解决社会问题”,该项同样属于无中生有,可以排除。选项[D]benefit human beings“对人类有益”与原文advance human health“促进人类健康”是同义替换关系,故[D]项为正确答案。
更多 “Text 2 In a former leather factory just off Euston Road in London,a hopeful firm is starting up.BenevolentAI's main room is large and open-plan.In it,scientists and coders sit busily on benches,plyinS their various trades.I\e firm's star,though,has a private,temperature.controlled office.Thal star is a powerful computer that runs the software which sits at the heart of BenevolentAl's business.This software is an artificial-intelligence system.AI,as it is known for short,comes in several forms.But BenevolentAI's version of it is a form of machine learning that can draw inferences about wh8t it has leamed.In particular,it can process natural language and formulate new ideas from what it reads.Its job is to sift through vast chemical libraries,medical databases and conventionally presented scientific papers,looking for potential drug molecules.Nor is BenevolentAI a one-off.More and more people and firms believe that AI is well placed to help unpick biology and advance human health.Indeed,as Chris Bishop of Microsoft Research,in Cambridge,England,observes,one way of thinking aboui living organisms is to recognize that they are,in essence.complex systems which process informalion using a combination of hardware and software.That thought has consequences.Whether it is the new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(CZI),from the founder of Facebook and his wife,or the biological subsidiaries being set up by firms such as Alphabet(Google's parent company),IBM and Microsofi,the new Big Idea in Silicon Valley is that in the worlds of biology and disease there are problems its software engineers can solve.The discovery of new drugs is an early test of the belief that AI has much to offer biology and medicine.Pharmaceutical companies are finding il increasingly difficult lo make headway in their search for novel products.The conventional approach is to screen larf;e numbers of molecules for signs of relative biological effect,and then weed out the useless partin a series of more and more expensive tests and trials,in the hope of coming up with a golden nugget at the end.This way of doing things is,however,declining in productivity and rising in cost. A growing number of companies believe that AI can be used to____A.exploit human potential B.impair physical health C.solve social problems D.benefit human beings” 相关考题
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考题 The next day Mr.Smith went with the text just where he had left off.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 The main idea of paragraph 2 is______.A. colors may have effect on our work and studyB. colors do have effect on our moods (情绪)C. light and bright colors make people happyD. factory workers can work better in a bright room

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考题 材料:At 0840 hrs,with the ships head on 180°,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her starboard side.A spout of water mixed with oil about 60cm in diameter and 2.5-3m high above the engine room bottom plating was observed,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow down.The engine room flooded rapidly and the water level soon reached the electro-magnetic couplings,stopping the main engine.In the meantime,on being apprised of the situation,the Master ordered the evacuation of the engine room,which was successfully carried out under the supervision of the 2/E engineer,and the engine room crew were mustered on the boat deck wearing life jackets.Shortly thereafter,the emergency air cut-off to the engine room and the emergency fuel shut-off were actuated causing the main generator to stop at 0845 hrs.The emergency generator then started up automatically.The starboard anchor was dropped in an attempt to prevent further westward drift.The vessel was by this time being subjected to pounding on the rocks,eventually breaking her back at 0930 hrs after which the violent motion ceased. Evacuation of the vessel commenced at 1045 hrs using 2 SAR helicopters with a Buffalo fixed-wing aircraft in attendance,and was completed at 1220 hours.问题:The main engine was caused to stop by the loss of the function of ________.A.engine room bottom platingB.emergency fuel shut-offC.emergency air cut-offD.electro-magnetic couplingsThe reason that the violent motion of the vessel ceased was that ________.A.the starboard anchor was dropped properly to prevent further westward driftB.the winds and/or seas decreased in a considerable extentC.the vessel was held fast on the grounding rocksD.the vessel's back was brokenThis report is most likely prepared by ________.A.the master of the vesselB.the cargo owners of the vesselC.the shippers of the vesselD.the independent investigator of the accidentThe crew were taken off the vessel by ________.A.air-planesB.helicoptersC.an fixed-wing aircraftD.the boat under the supervision of the 2/E engineer请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 Text 2 In a former leather factory just off Euston Road in London,a hopeful firm is starting up.BenevolentAI's main room is large and open-plan.In it,scientists and coders sit busily on benches,plyinS their various trades.I\e firm's star,though,has a private,temperature.controlled office.Thal star is a powerful computer that runs the software which sits at the heart of BenevolentAl's business.This software is an artificial-intelligence system.AI,as it is known for short,comes in several forms.But BenevolentAI's version of it is a form of machine learning that can draw inferences about wh8t it has leamed.In particular,it can process natural language and formulate new ideas from what it reads.Its job is to sift through vast chemical libraries,medical databases and conventionally presented scientific papers,looking for potential drug molecules.Nor is BenevolentAI a one-off.More and more people and firms believe that AI is well placed to help unpick biology and advance human health.Indeed,as Chris Bishop of Microsoft Research,in Cambridge,England,observes,one way of thinking aboui living organisms is to recognize that they are,in essence.complex systems which process informalion using a combination of hardware and software.That thought has consequences.Whether it is the new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(CZI),from the founder of Facebook and his wife,or the biological subsidiaries being set up by firms such as Alphabet(Google's parent company),IBM and Microsofi,the new Big Idea in Silicon Valley is that in the worlds of biology and disease there are problems its software engineers can solve.The discovery of new drugs is an early test of the belief that AI has much to offer biology and medicine.Pharmaceutical companies are finding il increasingly difficult lo make headway in their search for novel products.The conventional approach is to screen larf;e numbers of molecules for signs of relative biological effect,and then weed out the useless partin a series of more and more expensive tests and trials,in the hope of coming up with a golden nugget at the end.This way of doing things is,however,declining in productivity and rising in cost. The traditional way to find new drugs can be characterized by being____.A.hopeful B.expensive C.inefficient D.productive

考题 Text 2 In a former leather factory just off Euston Road in London,a hopeful firm is starting up.BenevolentAI's main room is large and open-plan.In it,scientists and coders sit busily on benches,plyinS their various trades.I\e firm's star,though,has a private,temperature.controlled office.Thal star is a powerful computer that runs the software which sits at the heart of BenevolentAl's business.This software is an artificial-intelligence system.AI,as it is known for short,comes in several forms.But BenevolentAI's version of it is a form of machine learning that can draw inferences about wh8t it has leamed.In particular,it can process natural language and formulate new ideas from what it reads.Its job is to sift through vast chemical libraries,medical databases and conventionally presented scientific papers,looking for potential drug molecules.Nor is BenevolentAI a one-off.More and more people and firms believe that AI is well placed to help unpick biology and advance human health.Indeed,as Chris Bishop of Microsoft Research,in Cambridge,England,observes,one way of thinking aboui living organisms is to recognize that they are,in essence.complex systems which process informalion using a combination of hardware and software.That thought has consequences.Whether it is the new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(CZI),from the founder of Facebook and his wife,or the biological subsidiaries being set up by firms such as Alphabet(Google's parent company),IBM and Microsofi,the new Big Idea in Silicon Valley is that in the worlds of biology and disease there are problems its software engineers can solve.The discovery of new drugs is an early test of the belief that AI has much to offer biology and medicine.Pharmaceutical companies are finding il increasingly difficult lo make headway in their search for novel products.The conventional approach is to screen larf;e numbers of molecules for signs of relative biological effect,and then weed out the useless partin a series of more and more expensive tests and trials,in the hope of coming up with a golden nugget at the end.This way of doing things is,however,declining in productivity and rising in cost. According to Paragraph 2,BenevolentAI's version of Al can_____A.make some inferences B.think like human beings C.teach machines to learn D.leam complex language

考题 Text 2 In a former leather factory just off Euston Road in London,a hopeful firm is starting up.BenevolentAI's main room is large and open-plan.In it,scientists and coders sit busily on benches,plyinS their various trades.I\e firm's star,though,has a private,temperature.controlled office.Thal star is a powerful computer that runs the software which sits at the heart of BenevolentAl's business.This software is an artificial-intelligence system.AI,as it is known for short,comes in several forms.But BenevolentAI's version of it is a form of machine learning that can draw inferences about wh8t it has leamed.In particular,it can process natural language and formulate new ideas from what it reads.Its job is to sift through vast chemical libraries,medical databases and conventionally presented scientific papers,looking for potential drug molecules.Nor is BenevolentAI a one-off.More and more people and firms believe that AI is well placed to help unpick biology and advance human health.Indeed,as Chris Bishop of Microsoft Research,in Cambridge,England,observes,one way of thinking aboui living organisms is to recognize that they are,in essence.complex systems which process informalion using a combination of hardware and software.That thought has consequences.Whether it is the new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(CZI),from the founder of Facebook and his wife,or the biological subsidiaries being set up by firms such as Alphabet(Google's parent company),IBM and Microsofi,the new Big Idea in Silicon Valley is that in the worlds of biology and disease there are problems its software engineers can solve.The discovery of new drugs is an early test of the belief that AI has much to offer biology and medicine.Pharmaceutical companies are finding il increasingly difficult lo make headway in their search for novel products.The conventional approach is to screen larf;e numbers of molecules for signs of relative biological effect,and then weed out the useless partin a series of more and more expensive tests and trials,in the hope of coming up with a golden nugget at the end.This way of doing things is,however,declining in productivity and rising in cost. According to the lasc paragraph,which of the following is true?A.AI has made a great contribution to biology and medicine. B.Whether AI can serve mucb to medicine is not yet clear. C.Drug firms find it unaffordable to discover new products. D.Pharmaceutical companies hope to find real gold in the tests.

考题 The main idea of the last paragraph is that( ) A.London still keeps buildings familiar to Dickens so as to commemorate him B.many places in London offered inspirations to Dickens C.a museum has been set up in honor of Dickens D.for all the drastic changes,some places are still reminiscent of London in Dickens’s time

考题 变量S为字符型,若在文本框Text1、Text2中分别输入数字23和35,再执行以下语句,S的值为“58”的是()A、S=Text1.TextText2.TextB、S=Text1.Text+Text2.TextC、S=Val(Text1.Text)+Text2.TextD、S=Val(Text1.Text)Text2.Text

考题 单选题The opening or closing of the cylinder starting valve is controlled by ().A the starting air distributorB the cut-off valve on the air mainC the main starting valveD the air bottle control valve

考题 单选题When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it ().A gives up large amount of heatB gives off large amount of heatC gives up large amount of steamD gives off large amount of steam

考题 单选题The main purpose of an electric space heater installed in a large AC generator is to ()A prevent the windings from becoming brittleB prevent moisture from condensing in the windings during shutdownC prevent acidic pitting of the slip ringsD keep the lube oil warm for quick starting

考题 单选题What is the main topic of this passage?A The increasing rate of crime in London.B The center of England’s cultural diversity.C The people’s criticism of London police.D The poor inter-racial relations in London.

考题 单选题What’s the main idea of the passage?A Sit less, live longer.B Exercise more for a healthier life.C Watching TV is harmful.D Never sit down.

考题 单选题During maneuvering operations for a direct reversing large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine, which of the following actions is used to stop the shaft from turning prior to reversing the engine rotation?()A Flywheel inertiaB Admission of starting airC The way of the vesselD securing of fuel to the cylinders

考题 单选题After finished the engine, which of valves cannot be shut off by the duty engineer?()A fuel valveB the starting air valveC the sea chestD the main sea pump inlet valve

考题 单选题If the main engine starting consecutively failed () times, it should be found the cause before another starting.A 2B 3C 4D 5

考题 单选题Which of the listed types of starting systems is often used on large, low-speed, direct reversing, main propulsion diesel engines?()A ElectricB HydraulicC AirD All of the above

考题 单选题When the diesel is stopped, which of the following items is wrong?()A keep all systems in normally runningB the main engine is stand-byC shut off the starting air bottle outlet valveD pay attention to the changes of the system parameters

考题 单选题Why is the US not getting on well with the Czech?A The (former) Czech Prime Minister criticized the Obama economic strategy as a “road to hell”.B They were at war during the World War II.C The government backs former President Bush’s missile defence shield.D The US is using the Czech as a bargaining chip as the White House ponders its relations with Russia.

考题 单选题Your vessel is equipped with a fixed CO2 system and a fire main system. In the event of an electrical fire in the engine room what is the correct procedure for fighting the fire?()A Use the CO2 system and evacuate the engine roomB Use the fire main system and evacuate the engine roomC Evacuate the engine room and use the CO2 systemD Evacuate the engine room and use the fire main system

考题 单选题______ the former president's supporters went out in the streets to express their anger and dissatisfaction.A A small amount ofB A large number ofC A little bit ofD A great deal of

考题 单选题有如下程序:#include struct person{ char name[10]; int age;};main(){ struct person room[2] = {{Wang,19},{Li,20}}; printf(%s:%d,(room+1)-name, room-age);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。A Li:19B Wang:19C Li:20D Wang:17