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The number of home users and small businesses that want to use the Internet is ever increasing. The shortage of addresses is becoming a serious problem. A quick solution to this problem is called network address translation(NAT).NAT enables a user to have a large set of addresses( )and one address, or a smallset of addresses,externally. The traffic inside can use the large set; the traffic( ), the small set. To separate the addresses used inside the home or business and the ones used for the Internet, the Internet authorities have reserved three sets of addresses as (请作答此空) addresses. Any organization can use an address out of this set withoutpermission from the Internet authorities. Everyone knows that these reserved addresses are for private networks.They are () inside the organization, but they are not unique globally. No router will () a packet that has one of these addresses as the destination address.The site must have only one single connection to the global Internet through a router that runs the NAT software.



更多 “The number of home users and small businesses that want to use the Internet is ever increasing. The shortage of addresses is becoming a serious problem. A quick solution to this problem is called network address translation(NAT).NAT enables a user to have a large set of addresses( )and one address, or a smallset of addresses,externally. The traffic inside can use the large set; the traffic( ), the small set. To separate the addresses used inside the home or business and the ones used for the Internet, the Internet authorities have reserved three sets of addresses as (请作答此空) addresses. Any organization can use an address out of this set withoutpermission from the Internet authorities. Everyone knows that these reserved addresses are for private networks.They are () inside the organization, but they are not unique globally. No router will () a packet that has one of these addresses as the destination address.The site must have only one single connection to the global Internet through a router that runs the NAT software.A.private B.common C.public D.external” 相关考题
考题 在计算机软件质量保证计划规范GB/T1250-2008中规定,为了保证软件的实现满足需求,需要的基本文档中可以不包括()。A.软件需求规格说明书 B.软件设计说明书 C.软件验证和确认计划 D.项目进度报告

考题 (11)不属于瀑布式开发模型的特点。A.严格区分工作阶段,每个阶段有明确的任务和取得的成果 B.强调系统开发过程的整体性和全局性 C.基于客户需求的演进,快速迭代开发 D.系统开发过程工程化,文档资料标准化

考题 某项目有 A~H 八个作业,各作业所需时间(单位:周)以及紧前作业如下表: 该项目的工期为(请作答此空)周。如果作业 C 拖延 3 周完成,则该项目的工期( )。A.12 B.13 C.14 D.15

考题 为了保证信息传输的安全性,SET使用数字信封的方式更换专用传输密钥。其方法是:由发送方自动生成专用传输密钥,并将其用( )加密传送给接收方;接收方用(请作答此空)解密,得到专用传输密钥。A.发送方公钥 B.接收方公钥 C.发送方私钥 D.接收方私钥

考题 系统响应时间和作业吞吐量是衡量计算机系统性能的重要指标。对于一个持续处理业务的系统而言,其( )。A. 响应时间越短,作业吞吐量越小 B. 响应时间越短,作业吞吐量越大 C. 响应时间越长,作业吞吐量越大 D. 响应时间不会影响作业吞吐量

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考题 关于项目招投标的说法,不正确的是( )。A.中标人确定后,招标人应当向中标人发出中标通知书,并同时将中标结果通知所有未中标的投标人 B.依法必须进行招标的项目。招标人应当自收到评标报告之日起3日内公示中标候选人 C.招标人在招标文件中要求投标人提交投标保证金的,投标保证金有效期应当与投标有效期一致 D.投标人少于4个的,不得开标;招标人应当重新招标

考题 以下关于结构化开发方法的叙述中,不正确的是( )。A.总的指导思想是自顶向下,逐层分解 B.基本原则是功能的分解与抽象 C.比面向对象开发方法更适合于开发大规模的、特别复杂的项目 D.特别适合解决数据处理领域的问题

考题 在Linux系统中,使用Apache服务器时默认的Web根目录是( )。A.\htdocs B./var/www/html C./var/www/usage D.\conf

考题 Earned value management(EVM)integrates the scope baseline with the()baseline,along with schedule baseline,to form the performance,which helps the project management team assess and measure project performance and progress.A.qulity B.risk C.change D.cost

考题 ( )的任务是根据系统说明书规定的功能要求考虑实际条件,具体设计实现逻辑模型的技术方案。A.系统规划阶段 B.系统分析阶段 C.系统设计阶段 D.系统实施阶段