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Mike is()than Jack.





less careful


more carefuler


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更多 “单选题Mike is()than Jack.A carefulB carefullyC less carefulD more carefuler” 相关考题
考题 Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college?Mike: Yes. __1__Tom: What college do you go to?Mike: I go to Pasadena City College.Tom: Do you like it?Mike: Oh, yes. __2__Tom: why do you like it?Mike: Because it has great teachers.Tom: __3__Mike: I like all my classmates, too.Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__A. It’s not expensive!B. You bet.C. I think I do.D. what else?1______2______3______4______请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 27._______are broken.A. Mike's shoes and kiteB. Mike's watch and knifeC. Ann's shoes and kiteD. Tom's things

考题 29. Which one is wrong?A. Mike always puts his things away.B. Tom can mend the kite.C.Mike is not a careful boy.D. Mike's shoes are worn out

考题 28. Mike likes eggs and bread.

考题 一Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?--- _____.A. I'm fine ,thank youB. It was FridayC. Hi, Jack. We had a great time

考题 -- Hello, Xiaoyan. How Was the party?--- ____A. I’m fine, thank youB. It was FridayC. Hi, Jack. We had a great time

考题 -Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?-Hi, Jack. We had a great time.A. RightB. Wrong

考题 The lonely boy's name is Mike.()

考题 -Hi, Lily, what’s up with Mike I heard the boss yelling at Mike earlier today. -() A、It is better to tell someone to get it fixed.B、He was so scared.C、It’s said that Mike made a mistake and then tried to cover it up.

考题 Mike was in a () mood yesterday.

考题 根据下列材料请回答 41~45 题:CHarry was a boy of fourteen years old.He was tall and stron9.And he ran the fastest in his class.So everyone was very proud of him in his class.A new student came to his class a month ago.His name was Mike.He was thin and short.But his classmates found that he ran very fast while they were playing football.They wanted to know if Mike could run faster than Harry.Jack,one ofHarry’S friends,told Harry about it.Of course,Harry didn’t believe it.“Why not have a race with him?”said Jack.“That’s a good idea l',said Harry.“Go to tell the unlucky boy.I'll have a race with him tomorrow morning.”Early the next morning,Harry got ready for the race.He was sure that he could be first.Jack didn’t wake up on time and couldn’t go with him.That evening Jack went to see Harry.They began to talk about the race.Harry’S grandma heard them in the next room.She came in and asked,“What’S the result,Harry?”“I was the second.Grandma.”answered Harry.“Congratulations to you!”the old woman said happily.“And how was Mike?”“He was the last but one.”第 41 题 Harry”classmates were proud of him because______.A.he was tallB.he was the top student in his schoolC.he ran fastest in his classD.he was strong

考题 Harry didn't believe Jack because______.A.Jack often made jokes with himB.Mike was much shorter and thinner than heC.Mike was new in the classD.he didn't know Mike at all

考题 Mike’suncleinsists______________inthishotel.A)whateverB)whomeverC)whicheverD)whoever

考题 25. Where is the nurse-s house?A. Behind Mike's.B. Beside Jack's.C. Beside Mike's.D. Under Jack's.

考题 36. —Here is a present for you, Jack.—Wow! It looks________ nice.A. trulyB. nearlyC. reallyD. hardly

考题 Jackie Chan is Mike's f______ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.

考题 Mike is better than Peter()swimming.AforBatConDin

考题 Mike is better than Peter()swimming.A、forB、atC、onD、in

考题 单选题Jean: Mike, I’m exhausted. How much further is it?  Mike: Not far, I promise.  Jean: ______  Mike: Oh, come on, Jean.A That’s great. B But you said that half an hour ago.C Let’s quicken our pace.D Now, I’m as energetic as you.

考题 单选题Fred Herschbach and Mike Pfafflin agreed that _____.A Americans are friendlier than GermansB German food is more monotonous than American foodsC German schools are harder than American schoolsD The teacher in German is king

考题 单选题Believe it or not, Mike runs______than all the other boys in his class.A fastB fasterC fastestD more fast

考题 单选题以下是一些C#中的枚举型的定义,其中错误的用法有()。A public enum var1{Mike=100,Nike=102,Jike}B public enum var1{Mike=100,Nike,Jike}C public enum var1{Mike=-1,Nike,Jike}D public enum var1{Mike,Nike,Jike}

考题 单选题Mike: Look, Ann, it’s Wednesday already and we still haven’t decided what to buy Jill and Tony for their wedding.  Ann: ______They’re not getting married until the weekend.  Mike: Typical. You leave everything to the last minute.A Oh, let’s decide what to buy them right now.B Oh, relax, Mike, there’s plenty of time.C Don’t worry, Mike. Guess what I have bought them.D I don’t think it’s necessary to send any gift.

考题 单选题Mike is better than Peter()swimming.A forB atC onD in

考题 多选题以下是一些C#中的枚举型的定义,其中错误的用法有()。Apublicenumintvar1{Mike=100,Nike=102,Jike}Bpublicenumvar1:int{Mike=100,Nike,Jike}Cpublicenumintvar1{Mike Nike=102,Jike}Dpublicenumvar1:long{Mike,Nike,Jike}

考题 单选题Perhaps the last word is best left to his father. Bill Hayes:“When Mike first told me about his ______ , I just laughed and said that I thought it was foolish—Which shows you that he’s smarter than I am.”A dreamB ideaC problemD study

考题 单选题What information is given in the article?A Capture the Rain is Mike Johnson's debut work.B The barrels collect water as it drains from the roof.C A family's one-year savings is greater than the cost of the barrels.D The author is unconvinced of the book's value.

考题 单选题In less than a month,the Many Pennies for Mike Fund(基金)had around 2.3 million pennies. Not everyone sent ______ a penny, many even sent dollars. Money was received from every state in the United States.A onlyB almostC alsoD over