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The famous scientist was easy _____ along with.

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更多 “单选题The famous scientist was easy _____ along with.A to getB for gettingC gettingD got” 相关考题
考题 People with a strong( )are sometimes not easy to get along with. A. personB. personalityC. personificationD. personal

考题 while it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition. it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.

考题 Children need friends their own age to play with. A of B for C in D at

考题 imbue is to fill with.()

考题 Writing composition in English is not _______. A.an easy workB.the easy jobC.an easy jobD.easy job

考题 The laid-off workers are provided with necessities of life for a period of time by the companies they have worked with. (英译汉)

考题 The police are investigating the theft of a statue from the City Museum yesterday.The statue, which is made of bronze, is over 200 years old.It was given to the museum in 1969 by the famous painter Helen Payne.The statue is of a horse and is about 70cm tall and weighs about 20kgs.Who originally made the statue is not known.Police believe the statue was stolen during the night by burglars who entered the museum through a window at the back of the building.Nobody saw the burglars enter or leave the building, but neighbours said they had heard a window being broken and a car driving quickly away from the museum at one in the morning.An expert at the museum said that the statue would not be easy to sell because it was very easy to recognise(判断正误)26.The statue was given to the museum in 1969.()27.There were no witnesses to the crime ()28.The statue was made by Helen Payne ()29.The burglars entered the museum froin the door at the back of the building()30.Because the statue was easy to recognize, it would be easy to sell()

考题 At first you might think the answer is _______.A、as easy as a pieB、uneasy as pieC、easy as pieD、easier than a pie

考题 Mo Yan is ______ Nobel Prize.A: famous asB: famous forC: famous toD: famous of

考题 Man: English is a difficult language to learn.Woman: ______A: I think the grammar is easy.B: It's not very difficult to learn.C: I've found it very easy.D: True, but the grammar is quite easy.

考题 This problem is very difficult to deal with. It’s really_______.A、convincingB、seriousC、toughD、impossible

考题 Helen Keller is remembered as ______.A. a political leader.B. an example to others.C. a famous scientist.D. an extraordinary doctor.

考题 In the last but one paragraph,the writer indicates that the“white-haired boy”________.A.is loved by all peopleB.is not very popular among ordinary peopleC.is easy to get along withD.is too hard on the employees

考题 Lucy is great to work with. I really couldn't find a __________ partner. A.better B.good C.worse D.bad

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考题 China is()the Great Wall.A、onB、famousC、famous forD、famous as

考题 What is Lloyd.s?()A、It is a famous bank.B、It is a big department store.C、It is a famous insurance company.D、It is a large hotel.

考题 下面关于Easy IP的说法中,错误的是()A、Easy IP是NAPT的一种特例B、配置Easy IP时不需要配置ACL来匹配需要被NAT 转换的报文C、配置Easy IP时不需要配置NAT地址池D、Easy IP适合用于NAT设备拨号或动态获得公网IP地址的场合

考题 What should an administrator do to allow the logon of a user to a local system without limitations from the host ‘webserver’?()A、configure the /etc/.rhosts with. webserver userB、configure the root'$HOME/.rhost file with.+webserver userC、configure each user's $HOME/.rhosts file with. webserver userD、configure the root'$HOME/.rhost file with.webserver ip user

考题 单选题According to the passage, we learn ______A it’s easy to win the international science and technology competitionB Hollow Flashlight is safe, noiseless and can save energyC Ann has made a decision to be a scientist in the futureD few peop1e are interested in how Ann created the flashlight

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考题 单选题A famous singer recently won a lawsuit against an advertising firm for using another singer in a commercial to evoke the famous singer’s well-known rendition of a certain song. As a result of the lawsuit, advertising firms will stop using imitators in commercials. Therefore, advertising costs will rise, since famous singers’ services cost more than those of their imitators.  The conclusion above is based on which of the following assumptions?A Most people are unable to distinguish a famous singer’s rendition of a song from a good imitator’s rendition of the same song.B Commercials using famous singers are usually more effective than commercials using imitators of famous singers.C The original versions of some well-known songs are unavailable for use in commercials.D Advertising firms will continue to use imitators to mimic the physical mannerisms of famous singers.E The advertising industry will use well-known renditions of songs in commercials.

考题 单选题The address book()the email addresses of your friends or groups of colleagues.A makes it easy to recallB makes it easy recallC makes easy to recallD makes recall it easy

考题 单选题What is the benefit of using the Cisco Easy VPN Server feature along with the Cisco software VPN client for implementing remote-access VPNs? ()A  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature and the Cisco software VPN client use the same GUI configuration tool to simplify remote-access VPN configurations.B  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature allows the Cisco software VPN client to receive its security policies from the central site VPN device. This minimizes the configuration requirements at the remote location for large remote access VPN deployments.C  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature and the Cisco software VPN client use hardware-based encryption to reduce the CPU overhead of the central site VPN router.D  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature and the Cisco software VPN client enable scalable remote-access VPNs deployment by using a thick client/thin server model where the central site VPN router can handle thousands of incoming VPN connections.

考题 单选题The Benguela Current flows in a().A SW'ly direction along the NW coast of AfricaB S'ly direction off the East Coast of AustraliaC NW'ly direction along the SW coast of AfricaD SW'ly direction along the SE coast of Greenland

考题 单选题Ernest Rutherford, a scientist when measuring the charge and mass of alpha particles, discovered that they are virtually identical to the nuclei of helium atoms.A a scientist when measuring the charge and mass of alpha particlesB a scientist who measured the charge and mass of alpha particlesC a scientist which measured the charge and mass of alpha particlesD measuring the charge and mass of alpha particles, was a scientist when heE being the one who measured the mass and charge of alpha particles as a scientist

考题 单选题The famous scientist was easy _____ along with.A to getB for gettingC gettingD got

考题 单选题That famous scientist had a very ______ mind as a child and at the age of ten he performed his first experiment.A mechanicalB consciousC impressionableD inquisitive