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you have recently written the code shown below:Hashtable emailAddresses = new Hashtable ();emailAddresses.Add ("Mia", "mia@ Certkiller .com");emailAddresses.Add ("Andy", "andy@ Certkiller .com");emailAddresses.Add ("Kara", "kara@ Certkiller .com");You need to ensure that these e-mail addresses are stored in the Email.dat file so that you can load them againwhen the user restarts the application.What should you do?()






更多 “ you have recently written the code shown below:Hashtable emailAddresses = new Hashtable ();emailAddresses.Add (Mia, mia@ Certkiller .com);emailAddresses.Add (Andy, andy@ Certkiller .com);emailAddresses.Add (Kara, kara@ Certkiller .com);You need to ensure that these e-mail addresses are stored in the Email.dat file so that you can load them againwhen the user restarts the application.What should you do?()A.B.C.D. ” 相关考题
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