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According to the principles or the six key points proposed by Harvard Business School to judge the quality of an elevator pitch, it may be inferred that the example given in lesson five could be a defective one.()


更多 “ According to the principles or the six key points proposed by Harvard Business School to judge the quality of an elevator pitch, it may be inferred that the example given in lesson five could be a defective one.() ” 相关考题
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考题 If you are asked to judge the example elevator pitch provided in lesson five, which of the following statement do you think can truly point out its merits?A.The speaker clearly addresses the benefits he can bring or the values he can add to the class.B.The speaker tactfully uses his writing pieces on his personal homepage as a hook to grab the audience’s attention.C.The speaker strongly supports it with examples that he is more achieved than the other competeting students.D.The speaker firmly keeps the objective of becoming a teaching assistant throughout his pitch.

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考题 Which of the following statements about the elevator pitch are true?A.It must grab the audience’s attention.B.It is a well-structured concise speech.C.It starts with some common concerns and ends up with an interesting hook.D.It should arouse the listener’s further actions that the speaker wants.