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根据下面,回答 57 ~ 60 题: E

It's only 4 hours flying time from Sydney, but a world away. What better place to rest than a country where the only place people hurry is on the football field and things are done in "Fiji time"?

Viti Lev-Great Fiji-is the largest island.Here you'll find the capital Suva and the international airport at Nadi Vatoa, on the other hand, is a tiny island in the farthest part of Hiji. Then there are 331 other islands, many of them with places to stay.

With less than a million people living on islands, you'll never feel crowded And with a climate(气候)that changes only for five degrees between seasons, there’s never a bad time to come.

From cities to villages, from mountains to beaches, from water sports to wooden artworks, Fiji can give you more adventures and special experiences than you could find almost any where in the world.

Whenever you come , wherever you go ,you’re sure to see some unforgettable events , From war dances to religious (宗教的) songs. From market days to religious days. It's not just staged for tourists; it's still a part of everyday life in Fiji And any one of us can enjoy Fiji's spirit by being part of the traditional (传统的) sharing of yaqona—a drink made from the root of a Fiji plant

So why not join us for the experience of a lifetime?

第17题:Where is the international airport of Fiji?

A.In Suva

B.In Sydney

C.On the island of Vatoa

D.On the island of Viti Levu


更多 “ 根据下面,回答 57 ~ 60 题: EIt's only 4 hours flying time from Sydney, but a world away. What better place to rest than a country where the only place people hurry is on the football field and things are done in "Fiji time"?Viti Lev-Great Fiji-is the largest island.Here you'll find the capital Suva and the international airport at Nadi Vatoa, on the other hand, is a tiny island in the farthest part of Hiji. Then there are 331 other islands, many of them with places to stay.With less than a million people living on islands, you'll never feel crowded And with a climate(气候)that changes only for five degrees between seasons, there’s never a bad time to come.From cities to villages, from mountains to beaches, from water sports to wooden artworks, Fiji can give you more adventures and special experiences than you could find almost any where in the world.Whenever you come , wherever you go ,you’re sure to see some unforgettable events , From war dances to religious (宗教的) songs. From market days to religious days. It's not just staged for tourists; it's still a part of everyday life in Fiji And any one of us can enjoy Fiji's spirit by being part of the traditional (传统的) sharing of yaqona—a drink made from the root of a Fiji plantSo why not join us for the experience of a lifetime?第17题:Where is the international airport of Fiji?A.In SuvaB.In SydneyC.On the island of VatoaD.On the island of Viti Levu ” 相关考题
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