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He never arrives on time and my ___ is that he feels the meetings are useless.

A) preference      B) conference           C) inference            D)reference



更多 “ Heneverarrivesontimeandmy___isthathefeelsthemeetingsareuseless.A)preferenceB)conferenceC)inferenceD)reference ” 相关考题
考题 【C17】A.impactB.incidentC.inferenceD.issue

考题 Heneverarrivesontimeandmyisthathefeelsthemeetingsareuseless.A)conferenceB)inferenceC)preferenceD)reference

考题 Though the format of conference notices may vary, but() are usually included. A、name, date and venue of the conferenceB、sponsors and/or organizers of the conferenceC、purpose of the conferenceD、contact information

考题 I must admit I have a ________ for history.A:preferenceB:referenceC:deference

考题 My ___ is for beef rather than lamb. A.most preferenceB.preferencerC.preferenceD.preferencest

考题 A) impactB) incidentC) inferenceD) issue

考题 (PhysiCian's Desk Reference)属于( )。

考题 下列正确的有()A.callby value不会改变实际参数的数值B.callby reference能改变实际参数的参考地址C.callby reference不能改变实际参数的参考地址D.callby reference能改变实际参数的内容

考题 When the BGP path selection process is being performed on a Cisco router, which BGP attribute is used first when determining the best path?() A. local preferenceB. MEDC. weightD. or iginE. next - hopF. AS - path

考题 在route-policy中,能够用于apply字句的BGP属性有哪些?() A.Local-PreferenceB.TAGC.MEDD.AS-Path

考题 ospf cost和bandwidth-reference命令同时配置的时候,接口上的cost值以bandwidth-reference配置为准 A.错误B.正确

考题 "It seems that she was there at the conference." The sentence means that __________.A.she seems to be there at the conference B.she seemed to be there at the conference C.she seems to have been there at the conference D.she seemed to being there at the conference

考题 Reference

考题 下面属于5GNR下行链路reference-signal的是()A、Demodulation-reference-signals-for-PDSCHB、Phase-tracking-reference-signals-for-PDSCHC、Demodulation-reference-signals-for-PDCCHD、Demodulation-reference-signals-for-PBCHE、CSIreference-signals

考题 会议文献通常包括会议的特征词,主要有:()A、proceedingsB、conferenceC、meetingD、workshop

考题 When the BGP path selection process is being performed on a Cisco router, which BGP attribute is used first when determining the best path?()A、local preferenceB、MEDC、weightD、or iginE、next - hopF、AS - path

考题 下面属于5GNR上行链路reference-signal的是()A、Demodulation-reference-signal-for-PUSCHB、Phase-tracking-reference-signals-for-PUSCHC、Demodulation-reference-signal-for-PUCCHD、Sounding-reference-signal

考题 Which three BGP attributes are carried by TLV?()A、local preferenceB、weightC、originD、Network Layer Reachability InformationE、multiple exit discriminator

考题 关于LTE下行导频,以下说法正确的是()A、LTE下行只有CRSB、LTE下行只有UE-specific reference signalC、LTE下行既可以有UE-specific reference signal,有可以有Cell-specific Reference SignalD、LTE 下行支持MBSFN专用导频

考题 What are two reasons why a route might be hidden?()A、route preferenceB、routing loopC、invalid next hopD、routing policy

考题 Netscape ommunicator4、6进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。A、Edit→PreferenceB、File→PreferenceC、View→CharacterD、Edit→Character

考题 用于作为真向或磁向的基准。()A、It is used as a reference to either true nor magnetic direction.B、It is used as a reference to either true or magnetic direction.C、It is used as a reference to neither true or magnetic direction.D、It is used as a reference to neither true nor magnetic direction.

考题 单选题The experience of foreign countries is worth learning from and taking for reference.A learning and referenceB our learning and our referenceC our learning from and taking for referenceD our learning and make reference to

考题 多选题Given that Thing is a class, how many objects and reference variables are created by the following code?()   Thing item, stuff;   item = new Thing();   Thing entity = new Thing();AOne object is createdBTwo objects are createdCThree objects are createdDOne reference variable is createdETwo reference variables are createdFThree reference variables are created.

考题 单选题The waterplane area is described as the intersection of the surface of the water in which a vessel floats and the().A baselineB vertical reference planeC hullD horizontal reference plane

考题 单选题The abbreviation L.W.R.P. on the navigation maps means().A low water reference planeB low winter runoff pointC least water river planeD land wall reference point

考题 判断题ospf cost和bandwidth-reference命令同时配置的时候,接口上的cost值以bandwidth-reference配置为准A 对B 错