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How would you grant the RVPC user access to specific RMAN database records in the RMAN virtual private catalog?()  

  • A、 Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the target database.
  • B、 Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the recovery-catalog database.
  • C、 Issue the grant command from the recovery catalog-owning schema user account in the recovery catalog.
  • D、 Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the recovery catalog-owning schema.
  • E、 Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the target database.


更多 “How would you grant the RVPC user access to specific RMAN database records in the RMAN virtual private catalog?()  A、 Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the target database.B、 Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the recovery-catalog database.C、 Issue the grant command from the recovery catalog-owning schema user account in the recovery catalog.D、 Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the recovery catalog-owning schema.E、 Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the target database.” 相关考题
考题 You are in the process of creating a virtual private catalog in your Oracle Database 11g database. The PROD1, PROD2, and PROD3 Oracle Database 10g databases are registered in the base recovery catalog. The database user who owns the base recovery catalog is CATOWNER. CATOWNER executes the following command to grant privileges to a new user VPC1 using Oracle Database 11g RMAN executables:What is the outcome of the above commands?()A. They execute and create a virtual catalog for pre-Oracle 11g clients.B. They produce an error because PROD1 and PROD2 databases belong to the older version.C. They produce an error because you need to connect as CATOWNER to execute this packaged procedure.D. They produce an error because you need to connect to the target database to execute this packaged procedure.

考题 The user Sue issues this SQL statement:GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO alice WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Alice issues this SQL statement:GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO reena WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Reena issues this SQL statement:GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO timber;The user Sue issues this SQL statement:REVOKE select on sue. EMP FROM alice;For which users does the revoke command revoke SELECT privileges on the SUE.EMP table?()A. Alice onlyB. Alice and ReenaC. Alice, Reena, and TimberD. Sue, Alice, Reena, and Timber

考题 You are managing the APPPROD database as a DBA. You plan to duplicate this database in the same system with the name DUPDB.You issued the following RMAN commands to create a duplicate database:Which three are the prerequisites for the successful execution of the above command?()A. The source database should be openB. The target database should be in ARCHIVELOG mode if it is openC. RMAN should be connected to both the instances as SYSDBAD. The target database backups should be copied to the source database backup directoriesE. The password file must exist for the source database and have the same SYS user password as the target

考题 Which is the correct way to connect to both the target database and the recovery catalog from the RMAN command line?() Assume that the target database is called ORCL and that the recovery catalog database is called RCAT. Also assume that the recovery-catalog owner is called RCAT_OWN. Assume the environment is configured for the ORCL database. A、 rman target=/ catalog=/@rcatB、 rman target=/ catalog=rcat_own/rcat_ownC、 rman target=/ catalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATD、 rman target=sys/robert@orcl catalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATE、 You cannot connect to the target database and the recovery catalog at the same time.

考题 The RVPC user can do which of the following?()A、 Register databases if granted the register database privilegeB、 See all databases in the recovery-catalog schemaC、 See all database-related metadata in the recovery catalog if they are granted access to that databaseD、 Unregister databases from the RVPC catalog that were not granted to the RVPC catalog owner with  the grant commandE、 Not be connected to with the RMAN command-line catalog parameter for backup or recovery purposes

考题 You would like to create an RMAN recover catalog in which to store information about your DB01 database. You want to use the database named RCDB for the storage of your recovery catalog. The six steps you will follow to create a recover catalog are not displayed in the correct order. Which displays the correct order?() 1. Grant the appropriate privileges (CONNECT and RESOURCE) and roles  (RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER) to the user responsible for performing backup and recover operations.  2. Register the target database in the catalog.  3. Create the catalog using the RMAN command line interpreter.  4. Create a user and schema which will own the recovery catalog.  5. Create tablespace to hold the catalog in the database you have dedicated for your RMAN recovery catalog.  6. Connect to the target database using SYSDBA privileges.A、4,1,5,6,3,2B、4,3,1,5,6,2C、4,5,1,3,2,6D、5,4,1,3,2,6E、5,4,1,3,6,2

考题 You are the DBA for an academic database. You need to create a role that allows a group of users to modify existing rows in the STUDENT_GRADES table.Which set of statements accomplishes this?()A、CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT MODIFY ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3B、CREATE NEW ROLE registrar; GRANT ALL ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3C、CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT UPDATE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT ROLE to user1, user2, user3D、CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT UPDATE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3;E、CREATE registrar; GRANT CHANGE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar;

考题 You are ready to implement RMAN in the backup and recover strategy for your company. Which system privilege must the RMAN user have to be able to connect and execute RMAN commands on a target database?()A、SYSDBAB、SYSOPERC、No system privileges are required for the RMAN user.D、Only SYS user can connect and execute RMAN commands on a target database.

考题 The following databases are registered in the base recovery catalog: PROD1, PROD2, and PROD3. The database user CATOWNER owns the base recovery catalog. You want a new user VPC1 to have access to only the PROD1 database and create a virtual private catalog. Given below are some of the commands required to achieve this:   1.SQL GRANT recovery_catalog_owner TO vpc1; 2.RMAN CONNECT CATALOG vpc1/password@catdb;  3.RMAN GRANT CATALOG FOR DATABASE prod1 TO vpc1; 4.RMAN CONNECT CATALOG catowner/password@catdb;  5.RMAN CREATE VIRTUAL CATALOG;   What is the correct sequence in which the commands have to be executed?()  A、 1,4,5,2,3B、 1,4,3,2,5C、 4,5,2,3,1D、 2,3,4,5,1E、 1,4,2,3,5

考题 Your database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode. You have configured RMAN for backup and recovery operations. You execute the following command from the RMAN prompt:   RMAN CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON;   After executing this command, in which of the following cases will RMAN make an auto-backup of the control file? ()A、 when you change the name of a datafileB、 when you drop a table from the databaseC、 when you take an export of the databaseD、 when you back up the database using OS utilitiesE、 when you issue an ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statementF、 when you issue a BACKUP command from inside the RMAN run block

考题 To allocate another role to a user, which command is most appropriate?()A、ALTER USER B、ALTER DATABASE C、ALTER SYSTEM D、GRANT

考题 It is a holiday and no transactions are being performed on the database. You took a consistent backup of your database without using Recovery Manager (RMAN). How would you make use of this consistent backup in RMAN?()A、cannot be used in RMANB、by starting up the database againC、by using the CATALOG command of RMAND、by using the RECOVER CATALOG command in RMANE、by re-creating the target control file to rebuild the RMAN repository

考题 You observe that the senior database administrator always uses the following command when connecting to Recovery Manager (RMAN), and then starts executing commands to backup the database files:  $ rman target /  What would be the effect of this command?()A、RMAN would use the current operating system location to place the backup.B、RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup.C、RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup.D、RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup metadata. E、RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup metadata.

考题 You are creating a recovery catalog for use with RMAN. You have issued these commands: SQL CREATE TABLESPACE rman_ts DATAFILE  ’/DISK1/rman_ts01.dbf’ 2 SIZE 20M 3 DEFAULT STORAGE (initial 100K next 100K pctincrease 0); SQL CREATE USER rman_db01 IDENTIFIED BY rman_db01 2 DEFAULT TABLESPACE rman_ts 3 QUOTA unlimited ON rman_ts;  Which command should you issue next?()A、RESYNC CATALOG;B、REGISTER DATABASE;C、CREATE CATALOG TABLESPACE rman_ts;D、GRANT recovery_catalog_owner TO rman_db01;

考题 In what order would you execute the following steps to create a recovery catalog?() a.Issue the create catalog command.  b.Create the recovery-catalog database.  c.Create the recovery-catalog user.  d.Grant the recovery_catalog_owner privilege to the recovery-catalog user.  e.Issue the register database command from the target database.A、a,b,c,d,eB、b,a,d,c,eC、b,c,d,a,eD、b,c,d,e,aE、b,d,c,a,e

考题 You want to create a consumer group, GROUP1, and you execute the following command in the command-line interface:  SQL EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP (CONSUMER_GROUP =’group1’, COMMENT = ’New Group’);  This command errorsout displaying the following message:  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-01031: insufficient privileges  ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_RMIN", line 115  ORA-06512: at SYS.DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER", line 108 ORA-06512: at line 1  What action would you take to overcome this error?()A、 grant SYSDBA to the userB、 grant SYSOPER to the userC、 grant the RESOURCE role to the userD、 use the GRANT command to grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the useE、 grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the user by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package

考题 The user Sue issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO alice WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Alice issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO reena WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Reena issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO timber; The user Sue issues this SQL statement: REVOKE select on sue. EMP FROM alice; For which users does the revoke command revoke SELECT privileges on the SUE.EMP table?()A、Alice onlyB、Alice and ReenaC、Alice, Reena, and TimberD、Sue, Alice, Reena, and Timber

考题 You want to implement the backup and recovery strategy in your database using Recovery Manager (RMAN). You have chosen the control file of the target database for the RMAN repository.  Which command-line RMAN command would you use to establish a local connection between RMAN and the RMAN repository if your database is using password file authentication?()A、 rman TARGET / NOCATALOGB、 rman TARGET sys/passwordC、 rman TARGET sys/password AS SYSDBAD、 rman TARGET sys/password@db_name CATALOG rman_user/rman_password@rcat

考题 You have control-file autobackups enabled. When starting your database from SQL*Plus, you receive the following error message:   SQL startup ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters LRM-00109:  could not open parameter file ,  C:///ORACLE/PRODUCT/11.1.0/DB_1/DATABASE/INITORCL.ORA Using RMAN,   how would you respond to this error?()  A、 Issue the startup nomount command and then issue the restore parameter file command from the RMAN prompt.B、 Issue the startup nomount command and then issue the restore spfile command from the RMAN prompt.C、 Issue the startup nomount command and then issue the restore spfile from autobackup command from the RMAN prompt.D、 Issue the startup nomount command and then issue the restore spfile from backup command from the RMAN prompt.E、 Issue the restore spfile from autobackup command from the RMAN prompt.

考题 The user HR owns the EMP table. The user HR grants privileges to the user SCOTT by using this command:  SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp TO scott WITH GRANT OPTION; The user SCOTT executes this command to grant privileges to the user JIM: SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON hr.emp TO jim;  Now, the user HR decides to revoke privileges from JIM using this command: SQL REVOKE SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp FROM jim; Which statement is true after HR issues the REVOKE command()A、The command fails because SCOTT still has privileges.B、The command succeeds and privileges are revoked from JIM.C、The command fails because HR cannot revoke the privileges from JIM.D、The command succeeds and only HR has the privilege to perform the SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATEoperations on the EMP table.

考题 单选题You observe that the senior database administrator always uses the following command when connecting to Recovery Manager (RMAN), and then starts executing commands to backup the database files: % rman target / What would be the effect of this command?()A  RMAN would use the current operating system location to place the backup.B  RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup.C  RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup.D  RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup metadata.E  RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup metadata.

考题 多选题Your database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode. You have configured RMAN for backup and recovery operations. You execute the following command from the RMAN prompt:   RMAN CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON;   After executing this command, in which of the following cases will RMAN make an auto-backup of the control file? ()Awhen you change the name of a datafileBwhen you drop a table from the databaseCwhen you take an export of the databaseDwhen you back up the database using OS utilitiesEwhen you issue an ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statementFwhen you issue a BACKUP command from inside the RMAN run block

考题 单选题It is a holiday and no transactions are being performed on the database. You took a consistent backup of your database without using Recovery Manager (RMAN). How would you make use of this consistent backup in RMAN?()A cannot be used in RMANB by starting up the database againC by using the CATALOG command of RMAND by using the RECOVER CATALOG command in RMANE by re-creating the target control file to rebuild the RMAN repository

考题 单选题You want to implement the backup and recovery strategy in your database using Recovery Manager (RMAN). You have chosen the control file of the target database for the RMAN repository.  Which command-line RMAN command would you use to establish a local connection between RMAN and the RMAN repository if your database is using password file authentication?()A  rman TARGET / NOCATALOGB  rman TARGET sys/passwordC  rman TARGET sys/password AS SYSDBAD  rman TARGET sys/password@db_name CATALOG rman_user/rman_password@rcat

考题 单选题You would like to create an RMAN recover catalog in which to store information about your DB01 database. You want to use the database named RCDB for the storage of your recovery catalog. The six steps you will follow to create a recover catalog are not displayed in the correct order. Which displays the correct order?() 1. Grant the appropriate privileges (CONNECT and RESOURCE) and roles  (RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER) to the user responsible for performing backup and recover operations.  2. Register the target database in the catalog.  3. Create the catalog using the RMAN command line interpreter.  4. Create a user and schema which will own the recovery catalog.  5. Create tablespace to hold the catalog in the database you have dedicated for your RMAN recovery catalog.  6. Connect to the target database using SYSDBA privileges.A 4,1,5,6,3,2B 4,3,1,5,6,2C 4,5,1,3,2,6D 5,4,1,3,2,6E 5,4,1,3,6,2

考题 单选题You are managing the APPPROD database as a DBA which is not using the Oracle-managed files. You plan to duplicate this database in the same system with the name DUPDB.You want to create the same directory structure for duplicate database files as of the target database. You executed the following RMAN commands:   RMAN CONNECT TARGET sys/sys@APPPROD RMAN CONNECT AUXILIARY sys/sys@DUPDB RMAN DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE TO dupdb  FROM ACTIVE DATABASE PASSWORD FILE SPILE  NOFILENAMECHECK;   What are the implications of this command?()A  It creates database files for the duplicate database under the Oracle base with a different directory for the duplicate database.B  It overwrites data files of the target database because a different location for data files is not mentioned for the duplicate database.C  It creates database files for the duplicate database under the same Oracle home as that of the target database with the same directory structure.D  It creates database files for the duplicate database under the same Oracle home as that of the target but with a different directory for the duplicate database.

考题 单选题How would you grant the RVPC user access to specific RMAN database records in the RMAN virtual private catalog?()A  Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the target database.B  Issue the grant command from the SYS user (or equivalent) of the recovery-catalog database.C  Issue the grant command from the recovery catalog-owning schema user account in the recovery catalog.D  Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the recovery catalog-owning schema.E  Issue the grant command from RMAN when connected to the target database.