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“This overuse of wrapping is not confined to luxuries.” (line 4, Paragraph 1) means ______.

more wrapping is needed for ordinary products


more wrapping is used for luxuries than for ordinary products


too much wrapping is used for both luxury and ordinary products


the wrapping used for luxury products is unnecessary


更多 “单选题“This overuse of wrapping is not confined to luxuries.” (line 4, Paragraph 1) means ______.A more wrapping is needed for ordinary productsB more wrapping is used for luxuries than for ordinary productsC too much wrapping is used for both luxury and ordinary productsD the wrapping used for luxury products is unnecessary” 相关考题
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考题 PTN所支持的业务保护类型包括( ) A.LSP1:1保护B.PW冗余保护C.WRAPPING环保护D.二纤双向复用段保护

考题 He spent the evening ()up the Christmas presents. A、wrappedB、wrapC、wrapsD、wrapping

考题 She cannot buy daily necessities, ______ luxuries. A. no less thanB. many moreC. much lessD. less than

考题 George got information about Richard from ______.A. a dictionary collector in Australia B. the latter’s rivals DylansC. a rare first edition of a dictionary D. the wrapping paper of a book

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考题 What does the writer mean by saying“it is a maxim more often repeated than observed”in Line 3 to 4,Paragraph 1?( ) A.The maxim functions well in all cases B.The maxim does not function at all C.The maxim functions more at surface value D.The maxim does not work much in reality

考题 The export sewing machines () in stout water-proof material,and () in pairs in light-weight crates.Aare wrapped;being packedBare wrapping;packingCare wrapped;packedDbeing wrapped;are packed

考题 下列哪一项不是我们公司PTN设备具备的保护功能()。A、LSP1:1B、Wrapping环保护C、复用段保护D、线性1+1保护

考题 输澳大利亚植物产品熏蒸处理,可在附加声明中注明()A、Plastic wrapping has not been used in this consignmentB、This consignment has been fumigated before application of plastic wrappingC、Plastic wrapping used in this consignment conforms to the AQIS wrapping and perforation standard as found in the AQIS Methyl Bromide FumigationStandardD、FUMIGATION COMPANY:企业名称

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考题 下列哪一项不是PTN设备具备的保护功能()A、LSP1:1;B、Wrapping环保护;C、复用段保护;D、线性1+1保护。

考题 PTN提供的环网保护包括:提供Wrapping(环回)和Steering(转向)环网保护、MESH 保护及恢复。

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考题 业务经过一个有WRAPPING保护的环时,其标签间隔必须为()。A、0;B、1;C、任意;D、以上都不对。

考题 下列是烽火公司PTN设备具备的保护功能()A、LSP1:1B、Wrapping环保护C、复用段保D、线性1+1保护

考题 CiTRANS660可以提供丰富的网络级保护,分别有(),LSP1:1,(),DL1:1和环网Wrapping环保护等。

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考题 CiTRANS660一个节点最多支持()个WRAPPING环保护。A、1;B、4;C、10;D、16。

考题 ()is the function of loading goods in pallet and wrapping it.A、packageB、ContainerizationC、palletizingD、sorting

考题 单选题“This overuse of wrapping is not confined to luxuries.” (line 4, Paragraph 1) means ______.A more wrapping is needed for ordinary productsB more wrapping is used for luxuries than for ordinary productsC too much wrapping is used for both luxury and ordinary productsD the wrapping used for luxury products is unnecessary

考题 单选题The term diesel engine scavenging means()A delivering more air into the cylinder than it would normally receive during an ordinary charging processB forcing the products of combustion out of the cylinder with the fresh air chargeC collecting the air charge at the cleanerD combustion and expansion of hot gas

考题 单选题A port()if more than ordinary prudence and skill is needed to avoid exposure to danger there.A safetyB is safeC is not safeD is not safety

考题 问答题The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of ten ordinary patients.

考题 单选题()is the function of loading goods in pallet and wrapping it.A packageB ContainerizationC palletizingD sorting

考题 单选题The export sewing machines () in stout water-proof material,and () in pairs in light-weight crates.A are wrapped;being packedB are wrapping;packingC are wrapped;packedD being wrapped;are packed

考题 单选题More attention should be given to the bicycle as a means of transport because it is _____.A a very efficient and simple deviceB much cheaper than a carC widely used in Amsterdam and CambridgeD still used by rich people

考题 单选题Which of the following would best illustrate how a discarded fragment of papyrus might give us a more accurate picture of the dally lives of ancient Egyptians than a record intended to be permanent?A A poet such as Posidippus may have composed rough drafts of his epigrams on papyrus fragments prior to writing them in their final form.B Grocery lists, which give insights into the diets of ancient people, would never be included in stone inscriptions but could be scribbled on scraps of papyrus.C The Hellenistic monarchs employed some of the finest historians of the Greek world to provide chronicles of their reigns.D Some papyrus fragments may have been used for purposes other than writing, such as binding wounds or wrapping small packages.E Stone inscriptions describing military events often embellish the truth to favor whoever is paying for the inscription.